updated Sun. September 15, 2024
OC Media (blog)
April 25, 2018
At the end of the hearing, committee head Sopio Kiladze decided not to put the bill up to a vote, but to create a group to continue working on it, which would include MPs, religious figures, and rights activists. The bill is not the first attempt to criminalise 'insulting religious feelings'. In 2016, Georgian DreamÃâà...
Focus Taiwan News Channel
April 25, 2018
Brussels, April 25 (CNA) The wife of Taiwanese democracy activist Lee Ming-che (李明哲), who is serving a five-year jail sentence in China for promoting ... The activist's wife, Lee Ching-yu (李凈瑜), issued her appeal at a seminar on religious freedom and human rights in China hosted by Bas Belder,Ãâà...
National Catholic Reporter
April 25, 2018
Similarly, the Christian Crusade, a 1960s religious right activist organization, charged teachers' unions "with degrading American youth by promoting Communism, popular music, African American literature and sex education." The mid- and late-20th-century conservative religious arguments often seemÃâà...
World Religion News
April 24, 2018
The ADF urged through its website to pastors to sign in their names to protect their tax-exempt status from the continuous assault of “anti-religion activists.” They reminded everyone the more signatures the brief has, the more weight this legal instrument will have. The ADF website warns that the removal ofÃâà...
The Atlantic
April 24, 2018
In the ongoing culture war between gay rights and religious liberty, conservatives see her as a fierce fighter for the other team, who has no place in this administration. Indeed, when Trump renominated Feldblum, Tony Perkins, the head of the conservative Family Research Council, penned a statementÃâà...
April 24, 2018
Crystal Cheatham, a queer Christian activist, told HuffPost she “absolutely” identified with DeeDee's storyline. Cheatham is the creator of Our Bible, a Bible app for progressive Christians. The app provides users with devotionals highlighting interfaith inclusivity and LGBTQ acceptance, and hopes to helpÃâà...
April 24, 2018
Defiant activists walk without veils in Iran to support woman branded "animal" and manhandled by 'morality police' ... In one video, shared on Twitter by Iranian activist Masih Alineiad, under the hashtag #mycameraismyweapon, two women without headscarves are strolling in Shiraz where bystandersÃâà...
The State
April 24, 2018
The pledges of more training in crisis intervention — by Richland Sheriff Leon Lott and Columbia police Chief Skip Holbrook — came Monday night during a gathering of some 1,200-plus interfaith religious activists, who call themselves More Justice. The activists, who gathered Monday at Brookland BaptistÃâà...
NBC Bay Area
April 24, 2018
A human rights activist who was attempting to visit the U.S. from the Philippines last week claims he was supplied with weapons and tortured by federal ... Duterte's controversial drug war, which has been condemned by human rights activists who say that thousands have died in the ensuing civil unrest.
April 23, 2018
Two new books, both by respected historians of religion, map the resulting fissures and document their profound impact on American culture and public policy. R. Marie Griffith's Moral Combat: How Sex Divided American Christians and Fractured American Politics examines the work of religious activists onÃâà...
April 4, 2018
Activist Hoang Duc Binh (centre left) attends court with co-accused Nguyen Nam Phong in Nghe An on Feb. 6. Binh was jailed for ... An international rights group has condemned the Vietnamese government for targeting rights defenders and religious activists over basic human rights. "In 2017, VietnameseÃâà...
March 10, 2018
Despite the change, activist groups still argue the bill could lead to unfair treatment. "Any changes made to this bill can't hide its true animus: to legalize discrimination against LGBTQ people," said Masen Davis, CEO of Freedom for All Americans, a campaign that fights for LGBTQ nondiscriminationÃâà...
Dallas News
March 10, 2018
Instead, rising in the heart of deep-blue America are the zealots of a new religious faith. They're ... But according to gun-control activist Shannon Watts, the real issue is white privilege. ... Interestingly, however, the emphasis on experiential authority applies mainly to the experience of leaders and activists.
Middle East Media Research Institute
March 10, 2018
Following the Al-Rawdeh mosque attack, Dr. Abd Al-Halim Mansour, dean of the Islamic Religious Law faculty at Al-Azhar University in Al-Mansoura, explained why Al-Azhar would not declare terrorist organization activists as heretical. He said: "The issue of accusations of heresy... concerns the faith, or theÃâà...
March 10, 2018
President Donald Trump's nominee for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is an open advocate for “sexual liberty” over religious freedom.. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) has called on Trump to withdraw her nomination, saying that her “radical views on marriage and the appropriate use ofÃâà...
Voice of America
March 9, 2018
The liberal social media activists apparently had raised their respective voices about political awareness, human and religious rights violations, religious intolerance and extremist ideologies. They also had openly criticized and challenged the actions and role of the country's establishment and military.
March 9, 2018
The Vatican did not approve of a lesbian activist and her allies speaking during a women's conference in Rome. By Carol ... Ssenfuka Joanita Warry is a lesbian Catholic activist from Uganda. ... She condemned the silence of religious leaders in the face of this discrimination against queer Ugandans.
Vanderbilt University News
March 8, 2018
TeSelle taught in the Yale Department of Religious Studies before joining the Vanderbilt Divinity School faculty in 1969. He was a specialist in the history of Christian thought, church and state, science and religion, the churches and controversial public issues, and Central America and U.S. public opinion.
The Australian
February 26, 2018
Australian students should be required to study the Bible as part of a well-rounded education, regardless of their religious background, according to ... Mr Stetson, a founder of the Bible Literacy Project that promotes the academic study of the religious text, said the Bible was the origin of many modernÃâà...
Patheos (blog)
February 15, 2018
“I am sick and tired of allowing black people to call themselves Christians and they're just black!” Daubenmire screamed. “I'm tired of it! I'm tired of it!” “You go to a black Christian and ask them how they could vote for Barack Obama, the most pro-abortion president in the history of America, the guy who putÃâà...
The Calvert Journal
December 31, 1999
When documentary maker and activist Nik Jovčić-Sas agreed to undergo an exorcism to purge the “demons” that made him gay, he took a step into the unknown. All he knew about the ritual, carried out in a remote monastery in the mountains of Moldova, was that it involved a knife. Paraded in front of aÃâà...
December 31, 1999
MIRPURKHAS: A group of unruly men, said to be religious extremists, stormed the press club and ransacked furniture and fixture during a protest in the city on Saturday against alleged desecration of holy names. The intruders subjected the media people to threats until the police arrived. Groups ofÃâà...