updated Tue. April 9, 2024
Twin Falls Times-News
December 5, 2017
It is wrong to make a segment of the American religious community fearful for their everyday safety and well-being. It violates one of the bedrock principles upon which this great nation was founded. Let's stand up and demand that our public officials recognize and support religious freedom for all AmericansÃÂ ...
Idaho State Journal
December 3, 2017
It is wrong to make a segment of the American religious community fearful for their everyday safety and well-being. It violates one of the bedrock principles upon which this great nation was founded. Let's stand up and demand that our public officials recognize and support religious freedom for all AmericansÃÂ ...
Idaho Press-Tribune
December 1, 2017
It is wrong to make a segment of the American religious community fearful for their everyday safety and well-being. It violates one of the bedrock principles upon which this great nation was founded. Let's stand up and demand that our public officials recognize and support religious freedom for all AmericansÃÂ ...
November 16, 2017
DETROIT — When Father Solanus Casey is beatified Saturday as “Blessed Solanus,” the legendary Catholic priest will become an even greater inspiration — and rarity. The Capuchin friar will be the third person born in the United States to be beatified. The other two are Miriam Teresa Demjanovich,ÃÂ ...
Chicago Defender
October 5, 2017
Initially founded in 1987 with the goal of educating the African-American religious community so it could be sensitive to the needs of people impacted by HIV/AIDS, SSHC's services have evolved to include HIV/AIDS outreach and direct care services and a comprehensive range of Youth and capacityÃÂ ...
September 21, 2017
The yawning ideological gap between Trump's faith advisers and the rest of the American religious community has been widening for some time. Pastors who publicly advised Trump's campaign told ThinkProgress they have endured near-constant calls to step down from their consulting positions forÃÂ ...
Religion News Service
August 30, 2017
One little-known fact about American religious communities is that many are mobilized for immediate disaster relief. Through denominations and other organizational networks, faith groups leverage their scale and proximity to play a key role in the aftermath of storms. The ordinary quibbles over religiousÃÂ ...
July 26, 2017
... on international religious freedom, defines which countries are “countries of particular concern” under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, meets with foreign government officials as well as religious and human rights groups, performs outreach to American religious communities and more.
The Federalist
July 13, 2017
Thank you for that introduction. And thank you for the important work that you do every day to uphold and protect the right to religious liberty in this country. This is especially needed today. While your clients vary from pastors to nuns to geologists, all of us benefit from your good work—because religiousÃÂ ...
Chicago Tribune
July 11, 2017
An estimated 100 supporters within the Chicago area's Korean-American religious communities came together to try to convince board members that the 19-year-old who pulled the trigger 23 years ago is unrecognizable in the middle-aged model inmate Suh has become. They said many other supportersÃÂ ...
Journalist's Resource
June 20, 2017
The Census Bureau's most recent data on American religious communities is here. Other research: We have reviewed academic papers on religious beliefs and same-sex marriage; how political candidates target Christian communities; on the Catholic community; on religion and immigration policy; and onÃÂ ...
April 24, 2017
In the month following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Sikh Coalition documented more than 300 cases of violence or discrimination against members of an American religious community that numbers no more than a few hundred thousand. In some cases, the assailants, plotting revenge attacks, mistook theirÃÂ ...
September 22, 2017
The yawning ideological gap between Trump's faith advisers and the rest of the American religious community has been widening for someÃÂ ...
Albany Times Union
September 1, 2017
Many American religious communities are mobilized for disaster relief. Through denominations and other networks, faith groups leverage theirÃÂ ...
August 30, 2017
One little-known fact about American religious communities is that many are mobilized for immediate disaster relief. Through denominationsÃÂ ...
Nonprofit Quarterly (registration)
August 29, 2017
How deeply this will resonate in other segments of the American Religious Community remains to be seen, as does the president's response.
Chicago Tribune
July 11, 2017
An estimated 100 supporters within the Chicago area's Korean-American religious communities came together to try to convince boardÃÂ ...
Chicago Tribune
July 10, 2017
Suh said he owes his salvation to a well-organized group of supporters within the Korean-American religious community, some of whom haveÃÂ ...
Deseret News
June 23, 2017
... Muslim over the last year said that Muslims are an important part of the American religious community, compared to 45 percent of adults whoÃÂ ...
Journalist's Resource
June 20, 2017
People in the Old Testament lived a long time, we are told. Books like Genesis describe lifespans stretching hundreds of years. Whether or notÃÂ ...
DeSoto Times-Tribune
May 5, 2017
The small but growing church has remained a dynamic part of the African-American religious community and has begun an outreach to fellowÃÂ ...
April 24, 2017
... the Sikh Coalition documented more than 300 cases of violence or discrimination against members of an American religious community thatÃÂ ...
Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun
March 19, 2017
For example, Harlem-based temples of the Nation of Islam — an African American religious community founded in Detroit in 1930 — hostedÃÂ ...
The Economist (blog)
December 9, 2016
... placed preaching and conversion above the needs of families, the Hare Krishna has evolved into an American religious community centeredÃÂ ...
Baptist Standard
December 31, 1999
One little-known fact about American religious communities is that many are mobilized for immediate disaster relief. Through denominationsÃÂ ...
December 31, 1999
... foreign government officials as well as religious and human rights groups, performs outreach to American religious communities and more.
Eurasia Review
March 27, 2017
Instead, as the opening story of gender-segregated swimming in Brooklyn suggests, varied American religious communities seek accommodation within the bounds of the legal system and in their own neighborhoods to live life according to divine dictates.
Council on Foreign Relations
March 20, 2017
And as you know, the American religious community and its advocacy has played a big part in the creation of South Sudan. And I'm wondering if you think, or what you think the role of an aroused American religious constituency might be in helping to ...
Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun
March 20, 2017
For example, Harlem-based temples of the Nation of Islam - an African American religious community founded in Detroit in 1930 - hosted "African-Asian Bazaars," which featured guest speakers, African and African American performers, local merchants,ÃÂ ...
Deseret News
January 18, 2017
Indeed, several prominent leaders of American religious communities, including Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention, declared that Trump's actions and harsh rhetoric against women and minority groups set him up as the antithesis of ...
The Economist (blog)
December 9, 2016
... devoted 40 years to a sympathetic study of the Krishna phenomenon: "From radical beginnings that placed preaching and conversion above the needs of families, the Hare Krishna has evolved into an American religious community centered on family life.".
Louisiana Weekly
October 17, 2016
His journey began in the House of God Church, one of many places of worship in the African-American religious community, particularly in the Pentecostal faith, where the pedal steel replaces the organ in instrumentation.
Windy City Times
September 19, 2016
Initially founded in 1987 with the goal of educating the African-American religious community so it could be sensitive to the needs of people dying from HIV/AIDS, SSHC's services have evolved beyond HIV prevention to include direct care services and aÃÂ ...
August 28, 2016
But on the other hand how do you avoid creating the israeli version the almost completely skin color segregated American religious community? Another mechanism that perpetuates skin color based divides. How do you keep Judaism from dividing againÃÂ ...
Salt Lake Tribune
August 23, 2016
And the vast majority of America's secularists; minorities in many other American religious communities; and majorities in some of these religious communities.
Religion News Service
August 22, 2016
And the vast majority of America's secularists; minorities in many other American religious communities; and majorities in some of these religious communities.
Baxter Bulletin
August 17, 2016
Reflections on the issue of guns. Bruce Ferguson,. Mountain Home. The American religious community, might soon be in evangelical outrage and attending emergency tent meetings.
Americans United (blog)
August 8, 2016
I created a project that will help faith-based student organizations host discussion series on the importance of church-state separation to members of American religious communities. I volunteered with a coalition of non-profits to educate the offices ...
Deseret News
July 26, 2016
"Because human enhancement is still largely an issue for the future, it has not yet attracted a lot of attention in American religious communities. There is, for instance, no official teaching or statement on human enhancement or transhumanism that has ...
Religion Dispatches
July 19, 2016
Finally, Trump's near-lone connection to the African American religious community, Pastor Mark Burns of South Carolina, was wedged into the program to lead the opening prayer.
Religion Dispatches
July 19, 2016
Finally, Trump's near-lone connection to the African American religious community, Pastor Mark Burns of South Carolina, was wedged into the program to lead the opening prayer.
July 13, 2016
These differences, he says, could help scientists to understand why certain populations are more susceptible to certain diseases - such as the high prevalence of asthma and food allergies among the Hutterites, a North American religious community ...
July 13, 2016
In some research, that's exactly what happens. In a 2002 study published in Nature Genetics, researchers focused on the Hutterites, an isolated American religious community descended from a relatively small number of ancestors. The group therefore all ...
Daily Californian
July 8, 2016
Multiple leaders of the African American religious communities spoke to a crowd of roughly 2,000 people that gathered at Frank Ogawa Plaza, nicknamed "Oscar Grant Plaza," to address the issue of police violence and denounce the recent police shootings ...
The State
June 21, 2016
Many Caucasian and African American religious communities are conflicted over this issue and failure to agree has resulted in the forming of new denominations within denominations and church splits.
Patheos (blog)
June 8, 2016
Since Congress enacted its first refugee legislation in 1948 and admitted thousands of Europeans displaced from World War II, American religious communities, among others, have boldly been at the forefront of efforts to welcome refugees to the UnitedÃÂ ...
Americans United (blog)
June 1, 2016
We purchase a list from a commercial firm, and we make sure it represents a broad cross section of the American religious community - left, right and in the middle as well as Christian and non-Christian. (By the way, every year when we send this letter ...
Huffington Post
May 20, 2016
Though ten open-minded (and wide-eyed) Jewish professionals and a rabbi going to Kosovo cannot possibly change the dynamics between two great American religious communities, they can help us begin to reframe, reshape, and redirect the story towardsÃÂ ...
Patheos (blog)
March 24, 2016
After all, if there was really some benefit to targeting American religious communities whose members share a God with terrorists overseas, you'd think we'd see it when applied to Christians as well as Muslims.
Huffington Post
March 17, 2016
Although messing with ghosts" is taboo in the African-American religious community, Dalen Spratt, Juwan Mass and Marcus Harvey's curiosity overpowers their skepticism.