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updated Fri. July 26, 2024

The attack in Toronto has brought the online anti-feminist world into the light. All of a sudden, what is always there, biting at the ankles of all of us who identify systemic injustice, is mainstream news. Alek Minassian was apparently motivated by his deep hatred of women, and journalists are scrambling to ...
As much as Victoria's Secret and various participating models have tried to rebrand the show as empowering to women, tomes have been written about how anti-feminist it is, and how it nudges women into feeling like being sexy to men is important. Even as the brand's sales decline, many underwear ...

The shirt was sold by affiliates of a controversial feminist website called “Megalia,” which, two years later, is still central to the ideological inquisition that's consuming the South Korean games industry. Since the beginning of this year, anti-feminist gamers have tracked down and outed at least six other South ...
While it may seem Trump would be the movement's anti-feminist hero, the men within it are split in their support. Paul Elam, founder of the men's rights website A Voice for Men, said in a YouTube video days after the election that “[Trump] beat the feminists like they were retarded stepchildren in the biggest ...
The show has been called a “warning to conservative women;” the female antagonist Serena Joy, called "the scariest anti-feminist on television" by Elle, is rumored to be modeled after a young Phyllis Schlafly who pioneered the modern-day female conservative resistance to liberal feminism. Serena Joy is ...
OPINION: The media landscape is currently saturated with giddy pleasure over the birth of the third child of the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William. It seems that for the next week or so at least, Kate will have found favour with the public again - for producing another heir to the crown. Let's not forget ...

The shirt was sold by affiliates of a controversial feminist website called “Megalia,” which, two years later, is still central to the ideological inquisition that's consuming the South Korean games industry. Since the beginning of this year, anti-feminist gamers have tracked down and outed at least six other South ...
The feminist group also revealed that its social media page had experienced a "huge spike" in engagements following the protest, but said that they had been forced to ban some commentators from the page for "victim-blaming", "misogynist language" and "anti-feminist slurs". They also warned users that ...
But almost all feminists will agree that most forms of militarism and militarization are fundamentally anti-feminist. That arms trade and feminist foreign policy are inherently at odds with each other is clear. Feminist governments have the power to either amplify or mitigate those tensions. One way for the ...
We see the term everywhere, yet few people ever bother to define it. In Helen Razer's view, “toxic masculinity” is not a true concept, and not truly feminist at all. Helen Razer — Writer and broadcaster. Helen Razer. Writer and broadcaster. Share. Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to LinkedIn Share ...
Lawrence herself criticized people for calling her anti-feminist when she wore a dress in the cold weather while her male co-stars were in coats. “All these people trying to be feminist, you're not — you're loud, you're annoying, you have no point — and what you also do, you make people hate a movement,” ...
In a statement to the Times, the UK branch of the organisation said: “Any institution that treats females as breeding machines is anti-feminist. Not only are dog shows such as Crufts creepy, they also encourage people to breed dogs purely for their physical appearance, commonly at the expense of their ...
Mahmood wrote that both these perspectives “ignore the fact that I was not interested in delivering judgments on what counts as a feminist versus an anti-feminist practice.” She circled back to her point in 2016 at a conference at the Lahore University of Management Sciences in Pakistan. “If I was to ...
... any more than they can dictate what you truly desire. If being submissive in bed turns your crank and you make it happen, that's empowerment, and feminism in action. But trying to force yourself into the mold of a "proper" feminist or submissive is both profoundly anti-feminist and anti-consensual. artfotoss ...
Since the protests are organized in opposition to the state supported by a variety of (anti-choice, anti-feminist) organisations, the analysis of the dynamic of counter-movements requires a similar attention. Who are the main oppositional actors and to what extent are they peculiar to the Central Eastern ...
He says not too long after the Paris episode, he started getting calls and texts from friends wondering if he was an anti-feminist. They'd seen images of him wearing a T-shirt promoting the organization Anti-Feminism Australia and wanted to know, well, what the hell was going on. “That was the first time I ...
... any more than they can dictate what you truly desire. If being submissive in bed turns your crank and you make it happen, that's empowerment, and feminism in action. But trying to force yourself into the mold of a "proper" feminist or submissive is both profoundly anti-feminist and anti-consensual. artfotoss ...

Jewish organisations have expressed “deep concern” for the community in France following the murder of a Holocaust survivor in her Paris apartment. A court investigation is underway after the body of 85-year old Mireille Knoll was discovered over the weekend. Police found she had been stabbed at least ...
A free speech advocacy group says it will reschedule a lecture by a self-described “contrarian, anti-feminist, defender of free speech and the right to dissent” whose talk at the Ottawa Public Library was disrupted by protesters on Saturday. A group of about 20 demonstrators showed up for the planned ...
However, anti-feminist fans angered by Irene's actions have since begun to blame Sooyoung, her former labelmate, for being a corrupter of sorts, since the older star named her recent reality series Choi Sooyoung Born 1990 after being inspired by Cho's novel. The increasing vehemence towards female ...
In part, the third-wave embrace of girliness was a response to the anti-feminist backlash of the 1980s, the one that said the second-wavers were shrill, hairy, and unfeminine and that no man would ever want them. And in part, it was born out of a belief that the rejection of girliness was in itself misogynistic: ...
A pro-life group at the University of Minnesota-Duluth is outraged after fake flyers bearing the group's logo appeared on campus framing the pro-life movement as misogynistic. The flyers address alleged "myths" about the pro-life movement, saying for instance that "77% of anti-abortion leaders are men, ...
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines feminism as “The theory of political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” By this description, I should identify myself as a feminist, but modern-day feminism has taken a different path that I cannot relate to. Should women have the right to vote? Absolutely!
For most of the first decade of her existence, Lara was lauded as a strong female character — no quotes. But as conversations about depictions of women in media began to evolve, and notions about pop culture tropes began to expand, the early critiques of her character as anti-feminist began to return.
But it's absurd to reject feminism as because of the actions of anti-feminist white women. That would be like walking away from the fight for racial equity because figures like Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson and Stacey Dash have used their Fox News-amplified voices to stand against black progress.
He's been making anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ, and anti-feminist statements for his entire career, and his most recent proclamations are unremarkable for a notorious hate group leader. To some of his fans, Farrakhan's violent rhetoric—“Hitler was a very great man”; “the wicked Jews…are promoting lesbianism ...
McCain also noted that 54% of Americans, men and women, don't consider themselves feminists or anti-feminist. Ironically, moderator Whoopi Goldberg said she doesn't consider herself a feminist because she never felt there was room for black women in the feminist movement. "For me, you know, I have ...
And that's where my problem [is]." McCain also noted that 54% of Americans, men and women, don't consider themselves feminists or anti-feminist. Moderator Whoopi Goldberg said she doesn't consider herself a feminist because she never felt there was room for black women in the feminist movement.
... professional wrestler, actress and former UFC champion. In an appearance on Good Morning America, she said: “There are so many ridiculous arguments that MMA is somehow anti-woman… Fighting is not a man's thing: it is a human thing. To say that it is anti-woman is an anti-feminist statement.” ...
When the spectacularly anti-feminist When Harry Met Sally won a vote last week, I realised how out of touch I am with most women. For me it was like trying to find a feminist bone in a giant candyfloss, yet apparently this film spoke more to the women of today than Tracey Emin's searing comment on the ...
Roy Moore, who lost his Alabama senate bid after allegations from women of stalking and molestation when they were underage, is endorsing fellow Republican Courtland Sykes, the Missouri U.S. Senate candidate who gained national notoriety for calling feminists “career-obsessed banshees” with ...
Is wearing a corset anti-feminist? 26 Feb, 2018 9:00am. 7 minutes to read. The whole trend certainly sends out some very mixed messages in these post-Harvey Weinstein scandal days, writes Jeanette Kupfermann. Photo / Getty Images. Daily Mail. By: Jeanette Kupfermann and Rowan Pelling. Share via email Share on ...
Jennifer Lawrence angry at tabloids calling her anti-feminist for wearing a revealing dress. Jennifer Lawrence says she is offended at journalists calling her choice of outfit for a recent Red Sparrow photocall an example of sexism in Hollywood. hollywood Updated: Feb 22, 2018 09:28 IST. Reuters. Actor Jennifer Lawrence ...
As of Feb. 7, only 40 percent of the population approve of Trump as president. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. In a recent interview with Piers Morgan, Trump came out stating that he was not a feminist. Instead, he said was for all people. Although to some this statement seemed obvious, some were ...
Pay secrecy as an institutional weapon may be weakening but we still have a lot further to go. By Aditi Natasha Kini. I recently asked my social media followers: Has any white male coworker divulged his salary to you? On Twitter—where the poll was open to men—64% of people said no white man had ...
There are few acceptable prejudices left in America. Attack someone on the basis of their religion, ethnic background or sexual orientation, and you'll quickly get castigated for your intolerance — rightly so. Our professed culture of respect and acceptance extends far wider than these blatant offenses. We're ...
Even more frustrating is those women who claim to be anti-feminist, yet directly benefit from progress made by feminists before their time. When founded in 1848, the University of Wisconsin was as an all-male school taught by all-male staff. Women were not allowed access to all courses until 1868.
“We have a generation of kids who were homeschooled in very specific pro-America, anti-feminist rhetoric, who were able to get a law school education through Liberty University run by Jerry Falwell and Regents University founded by Pat Robertson. Those are schools that specifically train young ...
Has Lewis and Clark Surpassed Reed as Portland's King of Political Correctness? When I heard that a famous anti-feminist got shouted down at a Portland liberal arts college, I assumed it would be commie-hotbed Reed. Lewis & Clark College students occupy the office of President Barry Glassner on Nov.
As a social psychologist, I am particularly interested in exploring how we can understand adverse reactions to feminist debate online, using social psychology to shed some light on the perspectives and motivations of those with anti-feminist views. Women who receive harassment online are often told to ...
Asked whether it was attacking dog shows as anti-feminist, a spokeswoman for Peta UK said: “Any institution that treats females as breeding machines is anti-feminist. Not only are dog shows such as Crufts creepy, they also encourage people to breed dogs purely for their physical appearance, commonly ...


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