updated Fri. August 30, 2024
Washington Examiner
April 28, 2018
Last month, in solidarity with the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the Young Democratic Socialists of America participated in National Walkout Day to protest a lack of gun control, but seized on the opportunity to also promote an agenda that was both anti-police and anti-military.
Voice of America
April 27, 2018
On Tuesday, the Twitter account of a young activist Manzoor Pashteen, who seems to be facing a blackout on mainstream TV channels due to his anti-military rhetoric, was temporarily blocked. While the published guidelines by most social media sites are seemingly clear as to what is consideredÃâà...
April 25, 2018
CAIRO, April 24 (Xinhua) -- An Egyptian court on Tuesday sentenced former anti-graft chief Hisham Genena to five years in prison over anti-military remarks, official news agency MENA reported. The Military Court said that Genena's statements that some state documents have been deported abroad haveÃâà...
NBC Southern California
April 18, 2018
A former Pico Rivera teacher who was under fire after he made anti-military comments to his students allegedly held inappropriate content in his work computer, according to a report on the investigation that led to his firing. The report released Tuedsay holds testimonies from students, parents, schoolÃâà...
The Whittier Daily News
April 17, 2018
The workplace investigation into a fired El Rancho High history and government teacher uncovered nude images of women on his school computer, one of many inflammatory allegations made against Gregory Salcido. Following Salcido's now-infamous anti-military rant, the El Rancho Unified SchoolÃâà...
April 17, 2018
Anti-militarism was controversial back then — King's opposition to Vietnam lost him many friends — and certainly isn't fashionable now. ... and citizens working across race and class lines is launching a new version of the late leader's anti-racism, anti-poverty and anti-militarist Poor People's Campaign.
BBC News
March 21, 2018
A California teacher has been fired for making negative comments about members of the military, US media report. Gregory Salcido, 49, was caught on video in January saying members of the military are "not intellectual people" and "the freaking lowest of our low". The high school teacher was fired after anÃâà...
February 26, 2018
Let's start impeaching each member in the House. If you have any kind of dirt or skeletons in the closet on any member of the House, send the information to me and I will build a list and share it with the entire state. Then we can start a petition drive to fire each and every one of them for being anti-military.
February 22, 2018
Student Emma Gonzalez gives a rousing speech about the need for gun control in the aftermath of last week's deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. (Screen shot / DemocracyNow!) Nikolas Cruz knew how to handle a gun, thanks to the National Rifle Association andÃâà...
February 21, 2018
I would like to offer some insight into why Donald Trump's Chief of Staff John Kelly has been supporting the president's anti-military positions. John Kelly is a dedicated general and supporter of the military. Why has he embarrassed himself numerous times by supporting President Trump? When NaziÃâà...
Los Angeles Times
February 16, 2018
Pico Rivera City Councilman and El Rancho High School teacher Gregory Salcido was recorded making anti-military remarks to his students in January. (Chris Pizzello / Associated Press). To the editor: I am a veteran of the United States Navy who served during the Vietnam War but saw no combat.
The College Fix
February 15, 2018
Salcido was caught on video last month berating the US military in his student-filled classroom seemingly as a reaction to one of his charges wearing a US Marines shirt. They're “the frickin' lowest of our low” and a “bunch of dumbshits,” Salcido said of our troops. “They're not high-level thinkers.” He alsoÃâà...
CBS News
February 14, 2018
PICO RIVERA, Calif. -- City Council members in a Los Angeles suburb passed a resolution Tuesday night condemning and asking for the resignation of one of their colleagues who in his work as a school teacher called members of the U.S. military "the lowest of our low." "God bless America!" one PicoÃâà...
FOX 11 Los Angeles
February 14, 2018
PICO RIVERA, Calif. (FOX 11/ CNS) - The Pico Rivera teacher and city councilman who's anti-military rant was caught on video is refusing calls to step down. The Pico Rivera City Council met Tuesday night to consider a resolution calling on Councilman Gregory Salcido to resign in response to a classroomÃâà...
89.3 KPCC
February 13, 2018
A Los Angeles-area city council will consider a resolution Tuesday asking for the resignation of a councilman who bashed U.S. military service members while teaching at a high school. Gregory Salcido is expected to make his first public appearance at the Pico Rivera city council meeting since making theÃâà...
February 13, 2018
The Pico Rivera City Council is demanding the resignation of one of its own members after he was recorded delivering an anti-military rant in a classroom. (KABC) ... Pico Rivera City Councilman Gregory Salcido (far left) speaks after fellow council members and the public blast him for anti-military comments.
February 10, 2018
American Legion members honored Victor Quinonez for recording his teacher's anti-military rant in a classroom at El Rancho High School. ... A student who secretly recorded his teacher going on an anti-military rant in the classroom was honored aboard the U.S.S. Iowa by a veterans group in San Pedro onÃâà...
February 9, 2018
A special invitation has been given to the local student who shot the video of a high school teacher going on an anti-military rant. (KABC). KABC. By ABC7.com staff. Friday, February 09, 2018. PICO RIVERA, Calif. (KABC) --. A special invitation has been given to the local student who shot the video of a high school teacherÃâà...
February 7, 2018
Parents, veterans and community members voiced their outrage to a Pico Rivera school board Tuesday over an anti-military rant made by a teacher and city councilman. (KABC). KABC. By Leanne Suter. Wednesday, February 07, 2018. PICO RIVERA, California --. Parents, veterans and community members voiced theirÃâà...
ABC News
February 7, 2018
Victor Quinonez, a senior at El Rancho High School, secretly recorded the 49-year-old Salcido's anti-military rant in January that he says started when the teacher confronted him in front of his classmates about a Marine shirt he was wearing. "Why are you wearing that Marine shirt. I thought you were goingÃâà...
CBS Los Angeles
February 6, 2018
PICO RIVERA (CBSLA) — Parents and veterans packed Tuesday night's El Rancho School Board meeting in Pico Rivera to speak out against the history teacher who ranted against the U.S. military. 12th grader Victor Quinonez and his parents were there. Quinonez became world famous after making aÃâà...
The Whittier Daily News
December 31, 1999
While the former El Rancho High history and government teacher made national headlines after recordings of his in-class, anti-military rant went viral, the report laid out a litany of other on-the-job allegations. Among them were charges Salcido had deleted photos of nude women from his work computer,Ãâà...
December 31, 1999
Former students and parents showed support Tuesday for embattled Pico Rivera City Councilman and El Rancho High School teacher Gregory Salcido. (KABC). KABC. By Leanne Suter. Wednesday, February 28, 2018 08:50PM. PICO RIVERA, Calif. (KABC) --. Former students and parents showed support Tuesday forÃâà...