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updated Sat. May 11, 2024

This is the men's room. Listening to. He's thrilled. Crowds are friends and beautiful sunny San Diego nice symmetry the machine San Diego outside the rocks also we've got some listeners that jumping on now at ninety Iraq in Sacramento California. At that California's rock station and all the way up and ...
Jeremy Thompson is a former Sky News presenter who became known for broadcasting on location - including in conflicts in Kosovo, Iraq and Somalia. He's given Forces Network ... "Then came the awful news that my old ITN buddy Terry Lloyd and his team had been killed in crossfire a few miles to the east of us. His death ...

Terry Lloyd from ITN did the same, but whereas Thompson was able to present nightly broadcasts from the frontline for a month and follow the action all the way into Baghdad – Lloyd was killed just days into the invasion. “It shows the strange nature of journalism and the luck and the bad luck. Terry, an old ...
“I married a Yorkshire woman so Yorkshire's in my soul and very much part of the journalist I ended up becoming. ... a gap in the fence with my team and a few miles down the road my old mate from ITN Terry Lloyd went over the border – he turned right and I turned left and he got killed later that same day.
Anniversary of Terry Lloyd death. Today is the tenth anniversary of the death of ITV News reporter Terry Lloyd, who was killed in Iraq. ... Cameraman Daniel Demoustier, who was driving the ITN vehicle carrying Terry Lloyd when it came under attack, miraculously survived. He still works for ITV News today.

Terry Lloyd's daughter and ITN's Mark Austin return to scene of war reporter's unlawful killing 10 years on ... Our news editor in London told us our colleague and friend, war correspondent Terry Lloyd, and his team had been involved in an “incident” near the .... No knowledge of the bullet that killed him.
Marking the tenth anniversary of the incident in the opening days of the Allied invasion of Iraq that resulted in the Terry's death, Who Killed My Dad? - The Death of Terry Lloyd uses extensive archive footage together with testimony from his ITN colleagues, including Sir Trevor McDonald, to help Chelsey to ...

Who Killed My Dad? - The Death of Terry Lloyd follows Terry's daughter Chelsey as she retraces his steps to seek answers that have eluded her family for a decade. Accompanied by ITV News presenter Mark Austin, who in 2003 was also a reporter covering the start of the Iraq War, Chelsey returns to the ...
ITN accused the US authorities of failing to co-operate with the investigation, launched after Mr Lloyd's inquest found he was unlawfully killed by American ... The reporter was working as part of a four-man ITN team operating independently near Basra in March 2003 when he became caught between US ...
ITN accused the US authorities of failing to co-operate with the investigation, launched after Mr Lloyd's inquest found he was unlawfully killed by American ... The reporter was working as part of a four-man ITN team operating independently near Basra in March 2003 when he became caught between US ...
OXFORD, England (CNN) -- A coroner ruled on Friday that a British journalist who died in Iraq at the start of the war was unlawfully killed by American forces. Terry Lloyd, a correspondent with the British TV network ITN , was killed outside Basra in southern Iraq in March 2003. Oxfordshire Assistant Deputy ...
An ITN journalist was unlawfully killed by American soldiers in southern Iraq, an inquest has found. The troops shot 50-year-old Terry Lloyd in the head while he was in a makeshift ambulance, having already been hurt in crossfire, the coroner said. Mr Lloyd's interpreter was also killed and his cameraman is ...


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