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 Lila Rajiva

[Customary law] is a more sensitive and complex measure of a society that tells the stories, not of just those who happen to breathe now, but of the unborn...and the long dead. It reflects the fractal fellowship of generations and time. Not the unwieldy geometry of states and boundaries.
In his heart and soul, man is a social animal and solidarity with his group - however wrong - is more important to him than being right alone.

In that moment, he catches the contagion of the crowd.

In that moment, democracy becomes demagoguery.

Lila Rajiva
Lila Rajiva
images:  google   yahoo YouTube

updated Thu. June 13, 2024

The big news last week was Trump's hasty decision to impose tariffs on aluminium and steel. We were happy to see it. We were looking for an example — undeniable, indisputable, and in-your-face, jackass — to illustrate how government actually works. 'The Donald' has just provided it.
It was already crowded when we arrived after 9:00pm., with a warm buzz of conversation. But scarcely had we been there 10 minutes when the diners fell silent. A woman at the table next to us was choking. She stood up, bent over…pointing to her throat and gagging. Her companions stood up. The waiter ...

'“Beyond full employment” is a phrase that needs explanation. We take it to mean the Fed has gone bonkers. But we'll elaborate on that another day.' The US labour market is near or beyond full employment, while some pockets of finance are showing signs of rising leverage and high valuations, according ...
And it is largely thanks to 'My Girl', as former chief White House strategist Steve Bannon called Janet Louise Yellen. Ms Yellen left her post as Fed chief earlier this month, sent on her way with wide smiles and enthusiastic felicitations.
Paris is at its best in the snow. It is hushed and enchanting…like a beautiful woman who is about to tell a secret. Paris in the Snow, Bill Bonner. Bill shares a picture of Paris in the snow [Click to enlarge]. 16 million dead. Last Sunday, we went to mass in a little church in a small town out in the French ...

When the pros are worried, they sell on Friday so they can spend the weekend without sweating. When they are confident, they buy on Friday so they don't miss out on weekend gains (when traders engage in electronic 'after-hours' trading).
We would be there, too. But yet again, the invitation committee seems to have lost our address. Instead, Donald J Trump will have to represent us. Maybe he'll break the evil spell. Maybe not. Citadel of globalism. In the Financial Times is a photo of a smiling Christine Lagarde. The former French finance ...

Marshal Michel Ney, one of France's greatest soldiers, was executed by his own people…who later put up a statue of him in Paris. General Robert E Lee was revered by both sides in the War Between the States; statues were later erected on both banks, north and south, of the Potomac. Now they are ...
The big news today is that the Dow has hit a new record of over 25,000. We'll get to that in a minute…we're still looking over our shoulders at last year's performance. Let's see, the top-performing US stock market sector last year was technology. An investment in the top 100 NASDAQ stocks went up 34%.
Not only did he save us a lot of money…but he also helped us better understand how government actually works. What 'The Donald' understood better than the professional politicians was that democratic politics is basically a form of entertainment. It's a sordid part of show biz — all hocus ...
How 'bout that bitcoin! It went up another $2,000 last night. Does it go down, too? We think we know the answer. But let's look at more familiar ESPs. This week, we've been focusing on Extremely Simple Patterns, or ESPs. What's an ESP? When you ask your wife if she's gained weight, for example, she may ...
In one of the funniest shows in modern capitalism, bondholders were invited to a special meeting in the Venezuelan capital. A few turned up. They wanted to know what to expect. The country is going broke — fast. Oil output is at a 28-year low…cash is disappearing…chaos is spreading. When would ...
Along with Addison Wiggin, his friend and colleague, Bill has written two New York Times best-selling books, Financial Reckoning Day and Empire of Debt. Both works have been critically acclaimed internationally. With political journalist Lila Rajiva, he wrote his third New York Times best-selling book, Mobs, Messiahs and ...
The Dow was flat yesterday. Gold rose $2. And Greece said it was making progress towards cutting its deficit. Yesterday we looked at America's most miserable cities. Today, let's take a gander at its new “ghost towns.” There are many towns and cities that are losing population…losing key industries…and ...




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