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updated Mon. July 1, 2024

“Puer is an antique you can drink,” Larry Chin likes to say. The small new leaves of the trees, many of them hundreds and even thousands of years old, are picked by hand. They are then rolled in a machine that loosens the leaf's thin outer layer. Next, the leaves are allowed to breath for a time and then go ...

In February, March and April of 2017, political violence pitting Left anarchist Antifa and Trump supporters exploded in the Battles of Berkeley. On August 27, 2017, chaos once again turned the streets of Berkeley into a war zone, as another relatively small rally of Alt-Right and Trump supporters quickly ...
This article by Larry Chin analyzes how the elite opponents of Donald Trump are manipulating public opinion with the support of the mainstream corporate media. Through staged protest events funded by corporate foundations, the unspoken objective is to create profound divisions within American society.
In bowing and groveling before Saudi royalty and the all-powerful Israeli regime and Washington-controlling Israeli lobby, President Donald Trump continues to demonstrate that he is a puppet of globalist masters, the Deep State, and the existing international criminal political establishment. In signing over ...
Larry Chin, April 8, 2017. Segments of the anti-war movement which opposed the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq are tacitly supportive of Trump's punitive airstrikes directed against the “Assad regime” allegedly involved in “killing their own people”, gassing them to death in a premeditated chemical ...
The CIA's “Deep State”, Donald Trump and His “War on Terrorism”. By Larry Chin. Global Research, January 30, 2017. Region: Middle East & North Africa, USA. Theme: Intelligence, Terrorism ...
For the second time, an FBI investigation has been squashed; an avalanche of new evidence swept under the rug by FBI Director James Comey. In his November 6, 2016 statement, Comey wrote: “I write to supplement my October 28, 2016 letter that notified you [the Justice Department] the FBI would be ...
The Clintons will break all rules and laws to seize White House power. This is amply proven by the manner in which they rigged and stole the first presidential debate. The operation appears to have been planned in advance of the September 26, 2016 event, involving the Clintons and their operatives, the ...
At a spring 2016 Republican debate attended by the Bushes, George H.W. “Poppy” Bush, looked directly at Donald Trump and gave him the “throat slit” gesture. The Bushes want the Clintons back in the White House. “Poppy” trusted them with Arkansas in the 1980s, and with the White House in the 1990s, ...
Larry Chin "claimed that he was basically serving both countries. He used the metaphor 'mother and father' ... really, he was torn by the two countries," Ha Jin tells NPR's Arun Rath. In 1989, the Tiananmen Square massacre took place. Ha Jin soon decided to settle permanently in America. In the decades ...


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