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 Finley Peter Dunne

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updated Fri. July 26, 2024

Perhaps you know the phrase “politics ain't beanbag,” attributed to Chicago newspaper columnist Finley Peter Dunne, 1895. Well, another thing politics ain't is forgiving. And Pennsylvania politics is headed for a period, absent forgiveness and forbearance, to prove it. I speak (OK, write) of the aftershock ...

As a columnist who frequently utilized humor and satire to make her point, she is was on a par with Gail Collins of The New York Times. She was both courageous and correct in following Finley Peter Dunne's dictum that the journalist's role is to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Well done ...
As Mr. Dooley, the turn-of-the-century fictional bartender created by columnist Finley Peter Dunne, is often paraphrased: "The newspaper's job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." Yet, from the interplay between the media and the Trump administration, one would think reporters were ...
The press, by definition, is oppositional. As Mr. Dooley, the turn-of-the-century fictional bartender created by columnist Finley Peter Dunne is often paraphrased: “The newspaper's job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Yet, from the interplay between the media and the Trump administration ...
That was the saying from the fictional Mr. Dooley, an Irish-accented character created by newspaper columnist Finley Peter Dunne in the late 19th century. In other words, politics is a rough-and-tumble process. Those who play that game better be tougher than those who play children's games. But even ...
One of the most famous quotes about the press comes from a fictional 19th century Irish bartender named Mr. Dooley. On October 7, 1893, Chicago Evening Post journalist and humorist Finley Peter Dunne introduced his readers to the character of Mr. Dooley in a newspaper column. Dunne's weekly ...
Chief Justice Thomas Saylor of the Pa. Supreme Court, a Republican, is concerned about a move to impeach four Democratic justices who imposed a new congressional district map. by John Baer, STAFF COLUMNIST · Email ...
The 20th-century Chicago columnist Finley Peter Dunne once said the role of a journalist is to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." That's a mighty fine description, and I've encountered many comfortable people over the years, including Holden town officials, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, ...


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     finley peter dunne

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     finley peter dunne
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