updated Sun. August 18, 2024
The Telegram
April 28, 2018
“Every Continental (European) under the age of 40 — make that 60, if not 75 — is all but guaranteed to end his days living in an Islamified Europe,” wrote polemicist Mark Steyn in 2006. “Native populations on the continent are aging and fading and being supplanted remorselessly by a young MuslimÃâà...
The London Free Press
April 27, 2018
The integration of new immigrants always changes the general culture to some extent, and assimilation is always partial, because new immigrants keep arriving. But there is nothing to be feared here: the national identity and values are safe. Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist based in London,Ãâà...
The London Free Press
April 26, 2018
King Kim III (as we would have called him a couple of centuries ago) declared last week that North Korea has now completed the task of building a nuclear deterrent to ward off a possible American attack. It will return to the task of building its economy and prosperity instead. Indeed, it will “stop nuclear testsÃâà...
New Zealand Herald
April 25, 2018
If the model is broken, should you try to fix it, or scrap it and get a new one? In questions of technology, increasingly the answer is: scrap it. Computer repair shops are dying out: if your laptop doesn't work, just buy a new one. What applies to consumer technology, however, does not necessarily apply to politics. The model ofÃâà...
Prince George Citizen
April 25, 2018
Best-selling Canadian journalist Gwynne Dyer will present a public lecture at UNBC on May 14, on the subject of the rise of the populist right in North America and Europe. Dyer's syndicated columns have appeared in the pages of newspapers in Canada and throughout the globe such as the JerusalemÃâà...
April 24, 2018
He doesn't want to conquer the world. It's impractical: only one out of every 300 people in the world is North Korean. He doesn't even want to conquer South Korea. It's twice as populous as North Korea and 10 times richer: eliminate the border and Kim's regime would crumble in months. And he certainlyÃâà...
The London Free Press
April 21, 2018
What they are, yet I know not: but they shall be. The terrors of the earth. — King Lear, Act 2, Scene 4. There are occasions when only William Shakespeare will do, and U.S. President Donald Trump was really, really cross. There's still no proof that Syria's Assad regime was responsible for the poison gasÃâà...
New Zealand Herald
April 20, 2018
I will do such things. What they are, yet I know not, But they shall be The terrors of the earth. (King Lear, Act II, Scene 4). THERE are occasions when only Shakespeare will do, and Donald Trump was really, really cross. There's still no proof the Assad regime was responsible for the poison gas attack that killed, according toÃâà...
New Zealand Herald
April 18, 2018
Lots of countries have two or more official languages: Canada (two), Belgium (three), Switzerland (four), South Africa (11), India (23), and so on. They all have trouble balancing the competing demands of the various language groups. But Latvia has only one official language, and it has a bigger problem than any of them.
The London Free Press
April 18, 2018
The political model of Western-style democracy, which grew up alongside and then within a capitalist economic model, is now broken. Exhibit No. 1 is Donald Trump, but there's lots of other evidence too. One-third of French voters backed Marine Le Pen, a cleaned-up, user-friendly neo-fascist, in last year'sÃâà...
Bangor Daily News
April 16, 2018
This photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows Syrian President Bashar Assad, center right, meets with Russian politicians, in Damascus, Syria, Sunday, April 15, 208. By Gwynne Dyer, Special to the BDN • April 16, 2018 6:20 am. Updated: April 16, 2018 6:49 am. I will do such things,—. What they areÃâà...
The Telegram
April 14, 2018
The FBI raid on the office, home and hotel room of President Donald Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, may persuade the president that a larger, longer-lasting distraction is needed, but it's still likely that his response to the alleged poison gas attack by the Syrian government in Douma on Saturday will beÃâà...
New Zealand Herald
April 13, 2018
PRESIDENTS and prime ministers who start wars still don't go to jail, but in democratic countries it is getting common to see presidents facing jail for corruption. In fact, we have had three since last Friday. In South Korea, former president Park Geun-hye was sentenced to 24 years in prison and fined $17Ãâà...
The London Free Press
April 11, 2018
This image released early Sunday, April 8, by the Syrian Civil Defence White Helmets, shows a child receiving oxygen through respirators following an alleged poison gas attack in the rebel-held town of Douma, near Damascus, Syria. Syrian rescuers and medics said the attack on Douma killed at least 40Ãâà...
New Zealand Herald
April 10, 2018
Gwynne Dyer: No Hell below us; above us only sky. 10 Apr, 2018 1:00pm. 4 minutes to read. Hell no, we won't go! Pope Francis suggests bad souls simply disappear. Photo/AP. By: Gwynne Dyer. Share via email Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Show more Bookmark this article. Share on Facebook facebook. Share onÃâà...
Merritt Herald
April 5, 2018
The Pope did not say there is no Heaven. There is nothing intellectually embarrassing about the notion that good people go to Heaven when they die. It sounds a bit like a wish-fulfilment fantasy to outsiders, but it's the sort of thing a loving and all-powerful god might provide for his creatures. However, theÃâà...
The Telegram
April 2, 2018
“We must speak with one voice in exposing the regime for what it is — a threat to the peace and security of the whole world,” said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley last December, trying to drum up support for stronger international sanctions against Iran, and maybe even an actual attackÃâà...
New Zealand Herald
April 2, 2018
Gwynne Dyer: Creating the illusion of democracy. 3 Apr, 2018 3:00pm. 4 minutes to read. Authoritarian rulers: Recently "re-elected" presidents Vladimir Putin (left) of Russia and Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt. Photo/AP. By: Gwynne Dyer. Share via email Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Show more Bookmark this article.
The Telegram
April 1, 2018
In this Jan. 3, 2017, file photo, newly recruited Shiite fighters, known as Houthis, mobilize to fight pro-government forces, in Sanaa, Yemen. - Associated Press. “We must speak with one voice in exposing the regime for what it is — a threat to the peace and security of the whole world,” said U.S. AmbassadorÃâà...
Jamaica Gleaner
March 30, 2018
Last week, Vladimir Putin, the Russian dictator, got 're-elected' to his fourth six-year term by a 76 per cent majority on a 76 per cent turn-out. This week (March 26-28), the Egytian dictator, former general Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, will be 're-elected' with close to 100 per cent support, although probably on a veryÃâà...
Merritt Herald
March 29, 2018
Last week, Vladimir Putin, the Russian dictator, got himself 're-elected' to his fourth six-year term by a 76 percent majority on a 76 percent turn-out. This week (26-28 March) the Egytian dictator, former general Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, will be 're-elected' with close to 100 percent support, although probably on aÃâà...
The Telegram
March 24, 2018
This March 19, 2018 still image taken from video provided by ABC-15, shows investigators at the scene of a fatal accident involving a self-driving Uber car on the street in Tempe, Ariz. Police in the city of Tempe said the vehicle was in autonomous mode with an operator behind the wheel when the womanÃâà...
The London Free Press
March 24, 2018
Self-driving vehicles will no doubt occasionally make mistakes that hurt human beings, but computer programs are bound to be less erratic on the roads than human beings. It's a pity about the jobs, but on balance this is change for the better. Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles areÃâà...
Bangkok Post
March 24, 2018
There are always some casualties when a new form of transportation comes along. In 1830, at the official opening of the world's first railway, the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, a well-known British politician, William Huskisson, was struck and killed by a locomotive. He was known to be clumsy andÃâà...
The Telegram
March 24, 2018
This March 19, 2018 still image taken from video provided by ABC-15, shows investigators at the scene of a fatal accident involving a self-driving Uber car on the street in Tempe, Ariz. Police in the city of Tempe said the vehicle was in autonomous mode with an operator behind the wheel when the womanÃâà...
Jamaica Gleaner
March 23, 2018
There are always some casualties when a new form of transportation comes along. In 1830, at the official opening of the world's first railway, the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, a well-known British politician, William Huskisson, was struck and killed by a locomotive. He was known to be clumsy andÃâà...
New Zealand Herald
March 23, 2018
Gwynne Dyer: Future robo-cars will kill jobs. 23 Mar, 2018 3:00pm. 5 minutes to read. Pilot models of Uber's self-driving car fleet, similar to the vehicle involved in the first known fatal collision between an autonomous car and a pedestrian. By: Gwynne Dyer. Share via email Share on Facebook Share onÃâà...
The London Free Press
March 21, 2018
... abolishing the Congress and leading a self-appointed “revolutionary government,” he is unlikely to be able to carry it off because by then he won't be popular any more. The Philippines will not prosper under his rule. Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.
March 21, 2018
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is a mas murderer but loved for his tough-guy persona, writes Gwynne Dyer. - Bullit Marquez , The Associated Press. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte once said that Ferdinand Marcos, who was overthrown by the first non-violent revolution ("People Power") in 1986Ãâà...
Timmins Press
March 19, 2018
Dr. Gwynne Dyer talks Donald Trump, North Korea, war, poverty and climate change at a talk held at the Timmins Museum on Saturday evening. The journalist and historian presented “The State of the World in 2018” to a sold-out crowd.
New Zealand Herald
March 19, 2018
Gwynne Dyer: Both leaders seek a 'win' from talks. 19 Mar, 2018 2:00pm. 4 minutes to read. Kim Jong-un will do his best to keep his meeting with Donald Trump civil, and under no circumstances will he break off the talks first. Photo/AP. By: Gwynne Dyer. Share via email Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Show moreÃâà...
Jamaica Gleaner
March 18, 2018
Rex Tillerson did not suffer fools gladly. He called Donald Trump a "moron" in a private conversation after one meeting at the Pentagon, and did not take the opportunity to deny it when a journalist asked him in public. In meetings with the president, he would "roll his eyes and slouch" whenever Trump saidÃâà...
Merritt Herald
March 17, 2018
Rex Tillerson did not suffer fools gladly. He called Donald Trump a “moron” in a private conversation after one meeting at the Pentagon, and did not take the opportunity to deny it when a journalist asked him in public. In meetings with the president, he would “roll his eyes and slouch” whenever Trump saidÃâà...
The London Free Press
March 16, 2018
So Trump gets an early “win,” and Kim gets to nudge the United States a little closer to an understanding that its future relationship with North Korea will be one of mutual deterrence. Or maybe locking two narcissists in a room is bound to end in tears, but it's well worth a try. Gwynne Dyer is an independentÃâà...
Hurriyet Daily News
March 16, 2018
Rex Tillerson did not suffer fools gladly. He called Donald Trump a “moron” in a private conversation after one meeting at the Pentagon, and did not take the opportunity to deny it when a journalist asked him in public. In meetings with the president, he would “roll his eyes and slouch” whenever Trump saidÃâà...
New Zealand Herald
March 15, 2018
Gwynne Dyer: Putin keeping Russia stable. 15 Mar, 2018 4:00pm. 5 minutes to read. Surrounded by aides and bodyguards, Russian President Vladimir Putin (front) arrives in Yekaterinburg, Russia's fourth-largest city for a pre-election visit on March 6. Putin has sought to reach out to voters across Russia ahead of theÃâà...
Merritt Herald
March 14, 2018
I think I know why President Donald Trump suddenly agreed to hold talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un after a year of mutual threats and verbal abuse. Anything short of a complete breakdown at the talks would virtually guarantee Trump next year's Nobel Peace Prize. Moreover, it would seemÃâà...
New Zealand Herald
March 14, 2018
Gwynne Dyer: Climate change politics will get ugly. 14 Mar, 2018 2:00pm. 5 minutes to read. No more 'sea taxis': Five-Star Movement leader Luigi di Maio promises. No more 'sea taxis': Five-Star Movement leader Luigi di Maio promises to end sea rescues of would-be illegal immigrants whose boats sink in theÃâà...
Jamaica Gleaner
March 14, 2018
The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Central Committee recently approved a proposal that the country's president no longer be limited to two five-year terms of office and the National People's Congress rubber-stamped the change. That will be the end of three decades of consensus-seeking collectiveÃâà...
London Free Press (Blogs) (blog)
March 13, 2018
... in which nationalist, anti-immigrant parties that are hostile to the European Union, or at least to the euro common currency, have done better than ever before, but have not won power. In Italy, they may actually win. Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.
London Free Press (Blogs) (blog)
March 12, 2018
... time, until all of Syria that is not occupied by American or Turkish forces is back under Damascus's rule. And then, unless they decide to partition Syria, the Americans and the Turks will have to be persuaded to leave. Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.
Korea Times
March 10, 2018
Lucky old Italy just got two Donald Trumps for the price of one. One of the big winners in last Sunday's Italian election was the Five-Star Movement, whose 31-year-old leader Luigi di Maio has promised to stop sending out rescue boats to save migrants from drowning when their flimsy craft sink halfwayÃâà...
The Telegram
March 10, 2018
Gwynne Dyer: Italy: The migrant 'flood'. Gwynne Dyer (comments@cbpost.com). Published: 12 hours ago. Attilio Fontana, candidate for the Presidency of the Lombardia Region, makes the victory sign in his electoral campaign headquarters in Milan, Italy. Fontana is one of the recently elected right-wing politicians who isÃâà...
The Telegram
March 10, 2018
Attilio Fontana, candidate for the Presidency of the Lombardia Region, makes the victory sign in his electoral campaign headquarters in Milan, Italy. Fontana is one of the recently elected right-wing politicians who is pushing a hardline, anti-migrant agenda. - Associated Press. Lucky old Italy just got twoÃâà...
The Telegram
March 10, 2018
Attilio Fontana, candidate for the Presidency of the Lombardia Region, makes the victory sign in his electoral campaign headquarters in Milan, Italy. Fontana is one of the recently elected right-wing politicians who is pushing a hardline, anti-migrant agenda. - Associated Press. Lucky old Italy just got twoÃâà...
Korea Times
March 9, 2018
Lucky old Italy just got two Donald Trumps for the price of one. One of the big winners in last Sunday's Italian election was the Five-Star Movement, whose 31-year-old leader Luigi di Maio has promised to stop sending out rescue boats to save migrants from drowning when their flimsy craft sink halfwayÃâà...
New Zealand Herald
March 9, 2018
Gwynne Dyer: Eastern Ghouta is Aleppo all over again. 9 Mar, 2018 2:00pm. 5 minutes to read. Heavy fighting between Syrian Government and rebels holding the eastern Ghouta enclave, bears many similarities to the siege of Aleppo (pictured in January, after the event). Photos/AP. By: Gwynne Dyer.
New Zealand Herald
March 6, 2018
Gwynne Dyer: The forever president (or not). 6 Mar, 2018 10:47am. 4 minutes to read. Xi Jinping no doubt believes he is the indispensable man for China's modernisation, but the cemeteris are full of indispensable men. By: Gwynne Dyer. Share via email Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Show more Bookmark thisÃâà...
The Telegram
March 3, 2018
Former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi addresses a rally in Milan, Italy, Feb. 25. Berlusconi promised higher pensions, less taxes and the repatriation of 600,000 irregular migrants, one week ahead of the Italian general elections scheduled for Sunday. — Flavio Lo Scalzo/ANSA via AP. Just one monthÃâà...
The Telegram
March 3, 2018
Gwynne Dyer: Anti-immigration coalition could win in Italy. The Telegram. Published: 6 hours ago. Former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi addresses a rally in Milan, Italy, Feb. 25. Berlusconi promised higher pensions, less taxes and the repatriation of 600,000 irregular migrants, one week ahead of the Italian generalÃâà...
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