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updated Sun. July 7, 2024

There are more than 60 laws approved by the Israeli parliament that discriminate against the non-Jewish population. The current government, the most extreme in 70 years, is pushing for the Nationality Law to be approved, which would formalise the fact that Israel is intended to be a state for Jews only.
It is a leading indicator of the rising tensions between liberal American Jewry and the increasingly right-wing Israeli government. Portman is the canary in the coal mine, warning Israel that its policies on the Palestinians and African migrants are putting it increasingly at odds with its most natural friends ...

"After decades of egregious human rights violations against Palestinians, Israel's recent massacre of peaceful protesters in Gaza has made its brand so toxic that even well-known Israeli-American cultural figures, like Natalie Portman, now refuse to blatantly whitewash, or art-wash, Israeli crimes and ...
Oscar-winning actress Natalie Portman has pulled out of a prestigious Jerusalem awards ceremony, citing "distress" at recent events in Israel and saying through a representative that she is uncomfortable with travel to Israel at this time. Portman, a dual Israeli-American citizen, was born in Jerusalem and is ...
It was the first day in over a decade in which refugees were not incarcerated in Israel for the sin of escaping here from oppression and war. ... It would have been better had it been the Israeli government coming to its senses and sticking with the humane and sensible agreement reached with the United ...
The Israeli government and hundreds of Israeli companies are scrambling to adjust, with one estimate predicting 20,000 layoffs. In the past, when the US provided Israeli with grants under the Foreign Military Funds program, Israel could convert 25 percent of the aid from dollars into shekels to buy Israeli ...

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli military aircraft on Friday dropped leaflets urging Palestinians to stay away from the Gaza-Israel border fence and warning that they endanger their lives if they follow directives of Hamas organizers of the weekly protests there. The leaflets were dropped ahead of what ...
Romania has begun efforts to move its Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea announced on Thursday. If the move goes ahead it will make Romania the first European country to shift their embassy to the disputed city, following a controversial decision by the US to do so.
The government announced a partnership with Nextcloud, which is a popular open source solutions provider. In another encouraging development for the open source enthusiasts, the Israeli government has decided to open source its software code. As a result, the released code will be available to public ...
The Israeli government will gradually shift its software code to open source, meaning that it will be available to members of the public to use and modify the software, point out vulnerabilities and propose improvements. It will also be available for use in development apps. The move follows a cabinet ...
In 2016, an account was also set up for the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), a unit of the Israeli military in the occupied West Bank. Other pages on Facebook include Israel Speaks in Arabic, which has 1.4 million followers, and pages belonging to Israeli embassies in Egypt ...
The Ministry calls upon all countries and the UN in forefront to adopt the Palestinian demands to stop the Israeli violations and crimes to protect our people, and the peaceful marches in the Gaza Strip in particular, in order for the UN to save its remaining credibility. It's illogical that the Security Council ...
Is it because of the color of our skin?” she asked, referring to Netanyahu by his nickname. “He should tell me, what did I do wrong? All we did is ask for a safe place to live. Ask the Israeli government with me now to see us as we are – human beings, like everyone, like you, who are turning to you and asking, ...
It is a movement which works to end international support for Israel. yesterday contacted AIB and asked if it was lobbied by the Israeli government. We also asked if the lobbying exerted pressure on the bank to close certain accounts. No AIB accounts connected to the IPSC have been closed ...
Over the last decade, Mr Netanyahu has attempted to portray himself as the indispensable man of Israeli politics – a father figure who keeps Israel safe from all of its many enemies. It is notable that even in this role of The Great Defender – supposedly right in his wheelhouse – he has made a mess of things.
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, announced yesterday he had reached a deal with the UN to resettle thousands of African asylum seekers only ... The deal with the UN allows Mr Netanyahu to scrap the Israeli government's original plan to give asylum seekers a choice: stay in Israel and face ...
German Officials to Haaretz: Contrary to Netanyahu's Remark, We Weren't Asked to Receive Asylum Seekers From Israel ... The German embassy in Israel told Haaretz Monday that Germany has not received any request by the UN refugee agency or by the Israeli government to absorb African asylum ...

Early on Monday, the Israeli government and the U.N. agency, formally known as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, revealed the outlines of a deal they'd signed concerning the status of more than 34,000 undocumented Eritreans and Sudanese living in Israel. Under the agreement ...
"Anyone who manages to infiltrate into Israel illegally earns the reward of residency here or in a Western country." Referring to south Tel Aviv, where many of the asylum seekers have settled, Bennett warned: "The credibility of the Israeli government is in the balance here, in addition to our obligation to ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the army for successfully "guarding the country's borders" and allowing "Israeli citizens to celebrate the [Passover] holiday peacefully," but HRW said Israel's government has failed to provide any evidence that demonstrators posed any serious threat to ...
The deal called for sending about half of the 35,000 African migrants to Western nations and allowing the rest to remain in Israel. Dozens of migrants and their Israeli supporters protested the suspension outside the prime minister's office in Jerusalem and government offices in Tel Aviv as Netanyahu met ...
In response, the Israeli government issued talking points calling the march a “hostile provocation” by Hamas. Rather than peacefully protest the inhumanity to which they are subjected, Palestinians are expected to maintain “calm” on Israel's southern front. In response to news of the march, Israel positioned ...
The German embassy in Israel told Haaretz that Germany had not received any request from the UN refugee agency or from the Israeli government to absorb African asylum seekers deported by Israel. The Italian Foreign ministry, in a statement to the Italian newspaper La Republica, denied any agreement ...
He claimed that Blaff, a former Hasbara fellow, was sent to the U of T campus by the new Israeli ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy to indoctrinate students, professors and administrators into thinking anti-Israel activities are a bad thing. “It was a little out there,” Blaff said of Hanssen's response ...
Bernie Sanders On Gaza Clashes: I Do Not Accept Israeli Government's Explanation, Palestinians Engaged In "Nonviolent Protest" ... Bernie Sanders commented on the clashes this weekend at the Gaza border fence, where Israel troops shot and killed at least a dozen protesters, allegedly wounding nearly ...
The expulsion of African migrants from Israel has been delayed yet again—this time until the end of the Jewish Passover festival. The Israeli government, pressed to justify the deportations, asked the Supreme Court for an extension to submit classified documents as part of its filings, which are expected to ...
The deportations were due to begin in a week's time, but Israel's supreme court earlier this month temporarily blocked the controversial plan after a legal challenge from groups opposed to the deportations. The Israeli government has been given until Monday to file its response. Several migrant aid ...
There were several diplomatic spats last year, indicating the degree of frustration that has accumulated in the relationship between Israel and Germany. In May 2017, Chancellor Angela Merkel canceled pending German-Israeli government consultations. The official reason was scheduling problems.
The settlement project is a revolutionary project working within Israeli society, eating away at it from the inside, and like every successful revolution, it has managed to change reality. Because of the settlers, two states for two peoples will not be established between the Jordan and the Mediterranean. Israel ...
The historic Air India flight on Thursday ended a 70-year flyover ban for jetliners en route to or from Israel, in what many have taken to be a sign of thawing ties between Israel and Saudi. Granting an Israeli airline access to its air space would, however, mark a dramatic diplomatic shift. Saudi Arabia does not ...
Now it's Twitter's turn. The Israeli government said today that it would take “legal action” against Twitter for “ignoring repeated requests to remove online content that was inciting or supportive of terrorism,” according to Bloomberg. Justice minister Ayelet Shaked was referencing accounts and content created ...
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israel says it struck four militant positions in the Gaza Strip after fighters there detonated two explosive devices near the border. Military spokesman Lt. Col. ... Last month, four Israeli soldiers were wounded by explosives planted on the fence. Palestinians have held regular ...
The Israeli Knesset last night approved the 2019 national budget, with 62 members voting in favour and 54 members voting against the move. The overall budget amounts to 479 billion shekels ($139 billion), with the state budget being 397.3 billion shekels ($115.3 billion), the education budget 60 billion ...
The Israeli government shut down the Holot detention facility, the open-air, desert detention facility built for African asylum seekers, on Wednesday after four years of operation. More than 13,000 asylum seekers were imprisoned in Holot without trial over the course of its operation, as part of the Israeli ...
JERUSALEM (JTA) –The Supreme Court of Israel has issued a temporary restraining order on a government plan to deport African asylum seekers from Eritrea ... Human rights activists in Israel and major U.S. Jewish organizations have urged the Israeli government not to go ahead with the plan to force the ...
Wednesday's report was the latest in a series on the summer 2014 conflict. The series has addressed the performance of the security cabinet before and during the war, Israel's response to offensive tunnels dug from Gaza into Israeli territory and home front preparedness. The reports on the tunnels and the ...
"Numsa condemns the apartheid state of Israel and its illegal detention of Ahed Tamimi. We call on all progressive working class formations locally and internationally to condemn and expose the ruthless Israeli government for its brutality," the union said on Wednesday. Tamimi is an activist and together ...
The issue gained renewed attention last weekend after news surfaced that Jordan is expected in the near future to approve the appointment of Amir Weissbrod as Israel's new Ambassador to the kingdom. The post has been vacant since a fatal confrontation at the Israeli Embassy in Amman last July 23, ...
The Israeli ministerial committee on legislation approved yesterday a controversial bill that exempts ultra-Orthodox Jews from recruitment into the Israeli army, Quds Press reported. As there were still some objections inside the government, the Times of Israel said it was not clear whether this approval ...
Israel's Marijuana Industry Forges Ahead Despite Government Stalemate on Export Plan ... As the Israeli government drags its feet on whether to allow the export of locally grown marijuana, some entrepreneurs are taking a leap of faith and making substantial investments in cannabis operations.
The issue gained renewed attention over the weekend after news surfaced that Jordan is expected in the near future to approve the appointment of Amir Weissbrod as Israel's new Ambassador to the kingdom. The post has been vacant since a fatal confrontation at the Israeli Embassy in Amman last July 23, ...
Israel's Elbit Systems has agreed to buy IMI Systems, a weapons maker known for Uzi submachine guns, for around $523 million from the Israeli government (which announced plans to privatize IMI back in 2013). Why it matters: Because it likely would create Israel's largest defense contracting company. Show less.
It operates in Africa and its management and control aren't in Israel. ... If the suspicions turn out to be true, the damage caused to the State of Israel's image will be hard to estimate.” ... Many Israeli companies operate in the third world and traditionally the government ignored the culture of corruption there.
The government has said in principle that “every community located on state land, and this is true for these places such as Kida, Adi Ad, Esh Kodesh, etc., we intend on legalizing them. It is taking its time and in the meantime there are children and families there,” said Roeh. The State Comptroller's Office ...
An Israeli local authority spent “millions of shekels” building infrastructure for unauthorised settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank, reported Haaretz today. According to the paper, official documents show that the Mateh Binyamin Regional Council spent 6.46 million shekels ($1.9 million) over a ...
But it isn't clear he can leave Israel. Amira, from East Jerusalem, waited with dozens of others crowding the entrance, armed with his and his wife's ID cards and his phone, containing the precious summons to the office. The security guards were unimpressed. “If you don't have an appointment, go home,” ...
After ruling against the practice, Israel's high court gave the government six months to write a law that made revoking residency legal. ... Israel's parliament just passed a law allowing the nation's interior minister to revoke residency status of Palestinians living in East Jerusalem. Palestinians aren't ...
ASHDOD, Israel — A open-air market has become an unlikely battleground in a wider struggle that could potentially bring down Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government. For weeks, shop owners in the Big Fashion mall have received warnings and fines for illegally opening on Saturday ...
AMMAN, March 5 (Xinhua) -- Jordan said on Monday it received a letter from Israel nominating a new Israeli ambassador to the Kingdom, a government official said Monday. "We received a request from Israel nominating an Israeli ambassador to Amman. The request was sent to the concerned authorities ...
A woman walks across Israel square in Guatemala City on December 27, 2017. Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales announced on Christmas Eve that the Central American country would move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Orlando Estrada/AFP/Getty. The Israeli government considers the entire ...



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