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updated Tue. September 3, 2024

For those of us who have been living, following and writing about Israeli politics for many years, the current moment is significant. Not because there is anything new, but precisely because nothing is new. For those of us who internalized some time ago that Israel's occupation is not an unavoidable situation ...
The passage of the budget brings to an end a stormy week in Israeli politics, in which the government almost fell, Globes reports. The 2019 state budget, the Economic Arrangements Law, and accompanying ordinances, were passed by the Knesset at second and third readings in the early hours of this ...

There are very few women heads of Israeli political parties. Even fewer have founded new ones. What should make Levy-Abekasis a rising political force is her potential to draw a diverse group of supporters, including women, Mizrahim, residents of the periphery and voters with a strong social agenda.
The insulation of Jewish life from Palestinian suffering, and the hardening of the Jewish-Israeli political consensus, has made it easier for the Israeli public to either openly embrace or turn a blind eye to the worsening methods used by the state to preserve their colonial bubble. It is therefore telling that ...
The budget was passed after a stormy week in Israeli politics, during which the government almost fell because of disputes within the coalition on the Conscription Law, while Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon insisted that the budget should be passed before the Passover holiday, which begins in two ...
Found in: israeli politics, elections, benjamin netanyahu, israeli elections, coalition government, knesset. Mazal Mualem is a columnist for Al-Monitor's Israel Pulse and formerly the senior political correspondent for Maariv and Haaretz. She also presents a weekly TV show covering social issues on the ...

Some polls suggest Mr Netanyahu could remain in power after fresh elections even with the investigations hanging over him. He is not required to resign if indicted. Mr Netanyahu, a savvy campaigner with long experience in the raucous world of Israeli politics, says he wants his coalition to last its full term, ...
In recent months there has been a deterioration in the health of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who will be 83 at the end of the month. Information about his health has been submitted to Israeli political and security officials. Although the security cooperation between Israel and the PA ...
Ever since the police issued their summary report of two investigations concerning Benjamin Netanyahu, many people have been trying to solve one of the great riddles of Israeli politics: How is it that the poll numbers of the prime minister and his Likud party not only did not decline but even rose? It can't be ...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stands in front of a portrait of Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion. (Photo: Kobi Gideon/GPO).. Last week, the Israeli police recommended indicting Prime Minister Netanyahu on two separate corruption charges. The cases have been under ...

In his book 'No Room For Small Dreams', former Israeli president Shimon Peres takes us through the tumultuous birth of Israel and its growing up years. Shimon Peres, Israeli statesman who passed away little more than a year ago after a long and illustrious career, was a man of many talents, a passionate ...
In his book 'No Room For Small Dreams', former Israeli president Shimon Peres takes us through the tumultuous birth of Israel and its growing up years. Shimon Peres, Israeli statesman who passed away little more than a year ago after a long and illustrious career, was a man of many talents, a passionate ...
The red-meat, anything-goes language of Israeli politics today also springs from changes in its electoral system that took time to reveal their more damaging effects. The advent of party primaries in the 1990s, meant to replace smoke-filled rooms with a more open and democratic way of choosing leaders, ...
Benjamin Netanyahu is the dominant Israeli politician of his generation. On the domestic and international stage, no rival comes close to the veteran Likud Party leader known widely as "Bibi". Israeli police on Tuesday recommended that the 68-year-old, four-term prime minister be indicted for bribery in two ...
Former chief rabbi's daughter forms new Israeli political party. March 12, 2018. Former chief rabbi's daughter forms new Israeli political party. Adina Bar Shalom, daughter of former Shas spirtual leader, the late Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90). Yonatan Sindel/Flash90. Former chief rabbi's daughter forms ...
Tell-all Plea Deal of Netanyahu's Rasputin Shakes Israeli Politics. Nir Hefetz knows where the bodies are buried when it comes to the Netanyahus. The prime minister's Hail Mary pass may have to be thrown all the way from Washington. Chemi Shalev. Mar 05, 2018 4:32 PM. 0comments Print Zen Subscribe now.


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