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updated Sun. July 14, 2024

The Moldovan government is cautious, but this is an opportunity for more international engagement. ... The “five-plus-two” negotiation process—which includes Moldova and Transdniestria, plus Russia, Ukraine, the United States, and the EU, and is run by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in ...

The press service of the Government of Moldova reports this following the meeting of Prime Minister Pavel Filip with Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy Parubiy, an Ukrinform own correspondent in the Republic of Moldova reports. "The practical implementation of the Agreement on Joint ...
The Moldovan government has repeatedly called for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria. Russia, however, argues that such a move could lead to renewed tension in southeastern Europe. Dodon was dismissive of the possible unification of Moldova and Romania — an idea that has been ...
The mention of the need to meet NATO standards (whatever it means) was done on purpose. It was a policy statement as the Moldovan government is shifting from neutrality to ally itself with the West. Moldova is a member of the NATO's Partnership for Peace program. It has participated in the bloc's mission ...
Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip has repeated his call for Russia to withdraw its troops and armaments from Moldova's separatist region of Transdniester. ... Filip, in his remarks in Munich -- which were posted on the Moldovan government's website -- said the authorities will do "everything necessary to ...
Shortly after Morari returned from Russia, she helped organize protests against rigged elections in 2009 that drew thousands to the streets of the Moldovan capital, Chisinau. When the demonstrations turned violent, thanks mostly to provocateurs, Morari was prosecuted by a vengeful communist government ...
And also, if we look at the opinion polls, the majority today in Moldova are showing a preference towards the EU that has to be sustained by the efforts of the Moldovan government to better implement the reforms, to restructure the justice sector reform, to fight corruption, and this would also, in my opinion, ...
CHISINAU, March 1. /TASS/. Moldovan President Igor Dodon has condemned the government's plans of defense purchases from NATO, adding that they were a result of pressure from abroad. Dodon stressed that Moldova was a neutral country. "The task of buying unnecessary weapons for the Moldovan ...
The Alliance for European Integration, a coalition of three parties, came into power in 2009 with much fanfare. It set out to reform the Moldovan government and breathe new life into the economy. After years of negotiations, an association agreement with the European Union was eventually signed in 2014.


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Moldova government