

  cross-referenced news and research resources about

 Lord Black of Crossharbour

Conrad M. Black [was] Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Operating Officer of

Hollinger International Inc.
. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Nixon Center.

He is known politically for his staunch criticism of the Liberal Party of Canada.

The issue of whether Black could accept a title in Britain was the most notable battle between Black and Canadian Prime Minister

Jean Chretien
- Canadian citizens cannot accept such titles without giving up citizenship and Chretien would not make exceptions. The National which had been launched by Black was not financially successful, and was sold to the CanWest chain then owned by Israel Asper.

Maude Barlow, the chair of the Council of Canadians [QUERY: still current?]is cited by Leiterman stating Black is known to "routinely intervene in editorial policy-making". [1]

Leiterman also cites Radler, Hollinger's president, as telling Maclean's (2/3/92): "If editors disagree with us they should disagree with us when they're no longer in our employ. The buck stops with ownership. I am responsible for meeting the payroll; therefore I will ultimately determine what the papers say and how they're going to be run." [2]

Hollinger also owns the Jerusalem Post. In September 2003 that newspaper advocated killing

Yasser Arafat
. This was quickly raised by the Israeli Cabinet, but described by

Colin L. Powell

Condoleeza Rice
as "unhelpful" and by The Economist as "wrong".

Israel has no law against foreign press ownership.


Conrad Black
Lord Black of Crossharbour

Picture: Andrew Meares
images:  google   yahoo YouTube

updated Sun. June 9, 2024

“In an industry where the pace of change is so remarkable, I hope his name doesn't disappear into the dust like his most important recent predecessors — like Sam Zell, Doug Manchester, Aaron Kushner, or those of an earlier age like Canada's Conrad Black, Australia's Kerry Packer, and the U.K.'s Robert ...
The National Post has launched a new database tracking political donations across Canada – and one of the first people exposed by this new era of transparency may well be the founder of the National Post itself. Described as a new “data journalism project,” the National Post's Follow the Money database helpfully ...

The National Post has launched a new database tracking political donations across Canada – and one of the first people exposed by this new era of transparency may well be the founder of the National Post itself. Described as a new “data journalism project,” the National Post's Follow the Money database ...
Lord Conrad Black discussed his compelling essay in “Vox Populi” with Federalist Senior Contributor and Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research Ben Weingarten. What follows is a full transcript of their discussion, slightly modified for clarity. You can also listen to their interview in its entirety ...
I know Tom Bower slightly, and was interviewed at length by him for the hatchet job he did on Conrad Black. (I was delighted by the hatchet job he did on the phoney Mohammed Fayed.) The reason I brought up the lunch was that it's mentioned in his new book. According to Bower, the Queen simply would ...

Conrad Black is going stateside with his new book, Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other, coming out in May with Regnery Publishing. The Washington-based publisher, which specializes in conservative titles and authors, describes the book as “ambitious in intellectual scope, contrarian in many of ...
Corbella: Conrad Black wonders if Trudeau's trip to India will sweep away his popularity like a hurricane. Licia Corbella More from Licia Corbella. Published on: March 6, 2018 | Last Updated: March 6, 2018 7:58 PM MST. Lord Conrad Black during the Canadian Global Affairs Institute media roundtable in Calgary on ...

President Donald Trump may have a reputation for demanding loyalty, but his latest nominee for the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has the rare distinction of winning Trump's approval after very publicly telling him to shut up. U.S. District Court Judge Amy St. Eve memorably rebuked Trump several times ...
WATCH ABOVE: Jonathan Black was charged with domestic assault, spent six months in prison and then cleared of wrongdoing. He opens up to Catherine McDonald about his time in jail and how he feels the justice system failed him.
Thomson ran for mayor against Rob Ford in 2010 and later accused him of grabbing her from behind. Thomson alleged the incident, which Ford denied, occurred at an event in 2013. In 2002, she offered to sleep with former media baron Conrad Black in exchange for an interview. In 2013, she told the Star ...
Conrad Black, characteristically, made this point very well while focusing on what he clearly hopes is the coming end-game of the vain political furies of the past two years, by moving sideways from his scathing review of the latest chapters in the Mueller investigation and the Comey vanity into the furious ...
... of National Post's newly launched “Follow the Money” donation database turned up one particularly curious — and potentially legally contentious — contribution: A $1,397.64 pre-2015 election gift to the federal Liberals from, of all people, National Post founder and one-time convicted felon Conrad Black.


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