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 Michael Gross (Magnetar Capital)

Michael Gross
Michael Gross
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updated Tue. August 27, 2024

Magnetar Ltd has 0.01% invested in Masco Corporation (NYSE:MAS) for 6,468 shares. Karp Capital Corporation holds 0.46% or ... $234,989 worth of Masco Corporation (NYSE:MAS) was sold by LOSH J MICHAEL. Gross Joseph B. sold $438,219 worth of stock. Shares for $682,254 were sold by Lindow ...

Magnetar Limited Com owns 22,113 shares. Utd Svcs Automobile Association owns 252,871 shares ... on March 07, 2018, also published article titled: “Solar Capital's (SLRC) CEO Michael Gross on Q4 2017 Results – Earnings Call …”, published: “Solar Capital Ltd.
22,113 were reported by Magnetar Limited Liability Company. Wellington ... More interesting news about Solar Capital Ltd. (NASDAQ:SLRC) was released by: and their article: “Solar Capital's (SLRC) CEO Michael Gross on Q4 2017 Results – Earnings Call …” with publication date: ...
Magnetar Financial Ltd Liability Corp invested in 0.01% or 22,113 shares. Wells Fargo ... More news for Solar Capital Ltd. (NASDAQ:SLRC) were recently published by:, which released: “Solar Capital's (SLRC) CEO Michael Gross on Q4 2017 Results – Earnings Call …” on February 23 ...
21,853 are held by Pinebridge Investments Lp. Magnetar Ltd Llc has invested 0.01% in Solar Capital Ltd. (NASDAQ:SLRC). ... More news for Solar Capital Ltd. (NASDAQ:SLRC) were recently published by:, which released: “Solar Capital's (SLRC) CEO Michael Gross on Q4 2017 Results ...
Magnetar Financial Llc stated it has 22,113 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. Green Square Lc has invested 0.07% in Solar ...'s news article titled: “Solar Capital's (SLRC) CEO Michael Gross on Q4 2017 Results – Earnings Call …” with publication date: February 23, 2018 was also an ...
Mr. Franklin says he was inspired to start a SPAC after his friend Michael Gross, a founding executive at private-equity firm Apollo Management LP, last year raised $300 million for Marathon Acquisition Corp., a SPAC. Mr. Gross, who is now at hedge-fund manager Magnetar Capital LLC, which manages $4 ...


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