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updated Sun. September 1, 2024

The stomata on the leaves open and close when plants take in the carbon dioxide that they need for growth, as well as release water vapor. With higher amount of carbon dioxide, stomatal opening is not as wide and this can result in reduced amount of water evaporating into the atmosphere.
Smith, who was also a panelist, explained that carbon emissions from coal and gas-fired power plants are damaging to the economy, costing about $36 for every ton of carbon emissions. Every megawatt hour of electricity generated in Ohio causes 1,510 pounds of carbon emissions, according to Smith, ...

You may not remember much from high school chemistry, but you probably recall learning the fundamental lesson that carbon, the quintessential element of life, can form four bonds with other molecules. Carbon's four bonds are responsible for the structure of diamonds, methane, and alcohol, to name a ...
JIM THORPE — Carbon County commissioners welcomed about 20 area high school students and their teachers to their weekly meeting as part of the annual Government Day tour. Students visit various county offices and the courthouse to learn more about county government and courts. After the meeting ...
Most environmentally conscious individuals and industries do whatever they can to reduce their carbon footprint. Occasionally some attain carbon neutral status — achieving net zero carbon emissions by balancing a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount sequestered or offset, ...
Sales of carbon fiber composites are expected to exceed 290,000 tons in 2024, which should be worth $31 billion, according to recent report from Global Market Insights Inc. Strong demand from aerospace and defense industries based on its light weight and superior strength will drive industry growth in ...

The Productivity Commission has proposed economic policy changes over the next thirty years to reach carbon neutrality that would be as big as the deregulation seen from the mid 1980s to the mid 1990s, including a potential 1,000 percent increase in the price of carbon, massive new tree planting and a ...
Gaming has gone global, and Carbon wants to make it even more so. The Romanian company wants to help small game developers get off the ground by serving as a “micropublisher,” or one that deals with very small but talented game developers. Carbon's vision is to enrich the global game industry with ...
Almost all countries are, of course, carbon positive, meaning their total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are anything higher than zero. Plenty of countries are hoping to decarbonize and become carbon neutral nations as soon as possible, but with the exception of very small island nations, this essentially ...
McGinnis joined TIP when he formed Mattershift, a company that designs and manufactures nanotube membranes for carbon-zero fuels, optimized air and water, and precision medicine. The company seeks to convert carbon dioxide from the air into fuels, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, and construction ...
No matter how regularly you exercise, artificial muscles have long since surpassed their natural counterparts. Now, researchers from the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois have developed an artificial muscle made of carbon fiber and rubber that can lift over 12,000 times its own ...
Putting a price on carbon, in the form of a fee or tax on the use of fossil fuels, coupled with returning the generated revenue to the public in one form or another, can be an effective way to curb emissions of greenhouse gases. That's one of the conclusions of an extensive analysis of several versions of such ...
While France is pushing for the implementation of a carbon price floor at EU level and is looking for allies in the bloc, Poland sees energy storage technologies as key to a successful European climate policy. “Many European countries are planning to phase out coal, like Portugal, Denmark and Italy.
Very dense films of amorphous carbon can have properties—super hardness, chemical inertness, and optical transparency—similar to those of diamond, one of carbon's crystalline forms. Researchers have learned empirically how to grow films of this so-called diamond-like amorphous carbon (DLC) by ...
Some 80% of members said they would be willing to pay higher taxes on carbon intensive activities. The assembly also backed a recommendation that the number of bus lanes, cycling lanes, and park and ride facilities “should be greatly increased in the next five years, and much greater priority should be ...
A carbon fee initiative could be on Washington state's November's ballot if activists succeed in gathering enough signatures in coming months. A kickoff meeting was held on April 9 in south Seattle by the Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy in an effort to gather 260,000 signatures by July 6, which would ...
But since the health of the economy is dependent upon a stable climate, shouldn't we also be concerned about carbon? What if our budget also kept Canadians apprised of our progress towards meeting international climate commitments? And what if Canada's carbon budget was taken seriously enough ...

Don't miss the 3rd annual Carbon Forward conference and training day. Spend two days with top experts, players, and decision-makers from the global carbon markets as they address today's most attractive opportunities and pressing challenges. And join us for the EU ETS pre-conference training day ...
The U.K.'s ELG Carbon Fibre, a supplier of recycled carbon fiber materials, has plans to increase the capacity of its facility to meet increasing demand for large-volume, commercial applications that require product supply on a significant scale. This growth has been driven predominately by development ...
(Photo by Brandt Meixell, USGS). Reduced fossil fuel burning can limit the thaw of permafrost, and the release of large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. That's the take away from a modeling project led by U.S. Geological Survey and University of Alaska Fairbanks senior scientist Dave McGuire.
China met its 2020 carbon intensity target — the amount of carbon dioxide it produces per unit of economic growth — three years ahead of schedule, according to the country's top climate official, Xie Zhenhua. In 2017, China cut its carbon intensity by 46 percent from 2005 levels, a drop of 5.1 percent from ...
All of these production boats use carbon fiber and resin infusion. The Scout and Hinckley models also use epoxy resin. Carbon fiber has made its way into production boats in the past, for example in Baja's 30-ft Outlaw. But then the recession hit, and the marine market dropped by 80%. As the marine ...
Hazardous materials crews found elevated levels of carbon monoxide in a Koreatown building. (Los Angeles Times). One person was found dead and three others fell ill at a Koreatown apartment complex Thursday evening in what authorities believe to be a case of carbon monoxide poisoning, officials ...
A new study published recently in Nature Communications finds rubber profitability far exceeds carbon credit prices designed to discourage deforestation, and urges credit price hikes are needed to protect forests from industry expansion. When it comes to forest conversion for commodity crops in Southeast ...
Ever tried to lose weight? Old habits of behavior are hard to break, even when doing so is in our best interest. We need a powerful motivation to move us toward even a positive goal. This is the idea behind “Carbon Fee and Dividend.” We all know we need to transition away from our high-carbon lifestyle for ...
Rather than focusing on other metals like magnesium, a team of scientists from RMIT University in Melbourne have figured it out to build rechargeable "proton" batteries from abundant carbon and water. If commercialized, the technology could allow for cheaper Powerwall-type home or grid storage to back ...
JIM THORPE — Carbon County commissioners ratified two disaster emergency declarations allowing for money to flow to the area — if state and federal funding is made available. The declarations for the snowstorm with high winds on March 2 and Wednesday's storm that clipped the area also allow for the ...
Cities may have been overlooking the true extend of urban pollution, according to a new research paper that shows metro areas are responsible for 60 percent more carbon emissions than previously expected. But while that's not great news for those working to limit the impact of climate change, the new ...
This year, China may unveil its own emissions trading system, which could be the largest carbon pricing initiative in the world. But how it may develop and how it might be verified remain to be seen. Under California's carbon system, a company is assigned a “cap” or a limit to its greenhouse gas emissions.
"If there's a small change in soil carbon, it can affect the carbon in the atmosphere dramatically," Mishra said. "We tried to find lands that are undergoing reforestation in the United States to determine at what rate they're sequestering carbon. Using our analyses, we found there's about a half million square ...
OLYMPIA — Labor, environmental and social justice groups are picking up the campaign to tax carbon emissions in Washington. The coalition, operating under the banner Clean Air Clean Energy Washington, filed an initiative March 2, the same day the Senate formally shelved a carbon tax bill.
According to a new study, permafrost in the coldest northern Arctic – formerly thought to be at least temporarily shielded from global warming by its extreme environment – will thaw enough to become a permanent source of carbon to the atmosphere in this century, with the peak transition occurring in 40 to ...
As the Republican Party struggles to find its footing with the next generation of voters, several conservative college groups have banded together to champion something anathema to the party: a carbon tax. The group is led by the Yale College Republicans, the main campus student organization for young ...
Police stands outside the Mayflower Hotel in Kensington, London, Britain, 06 March 2018. A Spanish national has died from carbon monoxide poisoning while another is in critical condition after staying at Mayflower hotel in Kensington. ANDY RAIN/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock. A tourist has died while ...
Based on soil temperatures in Alaska and Serbia, researchers developed a numerical model and determined the extent to which carbon will release in response to climate change. To better understand the process, researchers divided the Arctic into two regions of equal size, a colder northern region, and a ...
It includes a carbon fee and dividend that will help significantly reduce carbon emissions. The fee charged when carbon enters the production cycle is then returned to each household to offset increased prices. Low energy users should benefit to the plus; high energy users will be encouraged to use less.
If you've heard of CCS before, you've probably heard that it's expensive, risky, and unnecessary in light of the recent progress of wind and solar energy. Compared with renewable energy, CCS—a technology that captures carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel sources and injects them deep into the ...
Each sample was then analyzed for three ecosystem services: carbon storage, water quality regulation and flood mitigation. The results indicate that urban green spaces play a significant role in providing some ecosystem services. For example, Ziter found that more developed areas like public parks and ...
While Y Combinator has funded startups that generate clean energy and build electric vehicles, the Valley group has recently expressed interest in founders that want to create devices and business models around intentionally removing, recycling and sequestering carbon. Such startups could remove ...
In 2015, John Deere first outfitted its sprayers with carbon fiber booms via a partnership with King Agro, a carbon fiber material manufacturer. On March 2, 2018 Deere announced it will acquire King Agro, a family-owned company with 180 employees and production facility in Argentina and headquarters in ...
The program requires polluters to obtain permits for each ton of carbon they release. Permits sold for $14.61 for current emission and $14.53 for the future. Sixty percent of the revenue is earmarked for specific projects including a high-speed train between San Francisco and Los Angeles. The remaining 40 ...
Two years after unveiling the Fiat 124 Spider-based Abarth 124 Rally at the 2016 Geneva auto show, the Italian brand is pulling the wraps off of the Rally-inspired Abarth 124 GT at this year's event. And like the race car that preceded it, the 124 GT adopts an available removable hardtop that promises to ...
A new study estimates the total amount of carbon currently accumulating in the topsoil of US forests undergoing two types of reforestation: actively replanting trees after distances like wildfires, or allowing forests to retake marginal croplands. Forests across the United States—and especially forest ...
The Carbon Theme, which debuts next week in Geneva, doesn't exactly turn the Senna into a conventionally attractive supercar, but this version is definitely better looking. With its carbon-fiber bodywork completely exposed, the Senna looks too exotic to be a regular car. And while yellow and green paint ...
What makes the FW-EVX particularly interesting is that it's extremely lightweight, thanks to extensive use of carbon fiber, not just structurally but also in the suspension. "An electric vehicle constructed on the FW-EVX platform can be lighter, safer, greener and much more cost-effective... than a design ...
McLaren Strips Down Their Senna Supercar With a $414,000 Carbon-Fiber Option ... Today's choice is whether to request McLaren Special Operations to outfit the new Senna in carbon fiber trim. ... That compares to 300 hours of labor to build the car and it explains the carbon option's $414,000 price tag.
Jay Inslee is battling to bring a vote on a historic climate change policy that he has pursued for years: instituting the nation's first tax on planet-warming carbon dioxide pollution. It's a tough sell, even in his traditionally Democratic, West Coast state. But the State Senate vote, expected in the next few days, ...
The researchers have shown they can greatly strengthen permeable pavements by adding waste carbon fiber composite material. Their recycling method, described in the March issue of the Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, doesn't require using much energy or chemicals -- a critical factor for ...
Removing carbon dioxide that is already in the air is seen as a potential way to combat global warming. There are various approaches, lumped together as “negative emissions technologies” to distinguish them from technologies that reduce or eliminate emissions from power plants and other sources.


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