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updated Mon. September 16, 2024

In the early part of the 20th century, the periodic table ended with U. Prior to 1940, only the naturally occurring actinides (those following element 89) U, thorium (Th), and protactinium (Pa) were known. Remaining actinide and post-actinide elements have been produced artificially since then with the ...
In the early part of the 20th century, the periodic table ended with U. Prior to 1940, only the naturally occurring actinides (those following element 89) U, thorium (Th), and protactinium (Pa) were known. Remaining actinide and post-actinide elements have been produced artificially since then with the ...

It is used as an extraction solvent for neptunium, niobium, protactinium, and zirconium-88. It is also employed in the manufacture of hydrogen peroxide, shellac, lacquers, printing inks, and resins such as urea-melamine resins, vinyl-chloride-acetate resins, and alkyd resins. 2,6-Dimethyl-2-heptanol is used ...
Uranium decays into other elements, shedding protons to become protactinium, radium, radon, polonium, and on for a total of 14 transitions, all of them radioactive, until it finds a resting point as lead. Before Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy discovered this trait around 1901, the notion of transforming ...
Other women in science who were mentioned were Emmy Noether, mathematician, and contributor to theoretical physics and physicist Lise Meitner, who discovered the element protactinium with the chemist, Otto Hahn in 1918. Jarczewska supported the Business Entrepreneur Support Training program ...

Just before Christmas 1938, sitting on a tree trunk in the snowy Swedish woods, the Austrian physicist Lise Meitner and her favorite nephew, Otto Frisch—also a physicist—made a series of calculations on scraps of paper. They did so at the request of colleagues in Germany, who were faced with a mystery.
When it arrives, it's deposited via a dumbwaiter-like system in a shielded room called a hot cell. Some of the neptunium oxide will have already decayed into a more dangerous radioactive material called protactinium, so small quantities are moved into a separate hot cell plumbed for radioactive liquids, ...

Adding a water molecule to the positively charged protactinium dioxide ion results in hydrolysis, or water splitting. The result is a new molecule, bis-hydroxide, PaO(OH)2+. This behavior reveals that different chemistry occurs when a water molecule is added to protactinium versus the heavier actinide ...
As a metal, protactinium is dense and silvery-gray with a bright metallic luster, which it retains for some time in air. It is superconductive below 1.4 K (minus 457.2 F). It readily reacts with oxygen, water vapor, and inorganic acids to form various compounds. Some of the compounds are colored. [See Periodic ...
The authors note that, from previous experiments to separate protactinium-233, it is feasible that just 1.6 tonnes of thorium metal would be enough to produce 8kg of uranium-233 which is the minimum amount required for a nuclear weapon. Using the process identified in their paper, they add that this could ...
Protactinium's principal value is not in its commercial uses, but in providing new fundamental insights into the chemistry of the elements. Protactinium is an actinide element and sits between thorium and uranium on the periodic table. However, protactinium also closely resembles niobium and tantalum, ...


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