updated Sun. July 14, 2024
Facts of Week
March 31, 2018
For instance, ionization smoke detectors use a small amount of radioactive material and americium-241 to detect smoke. Moreover, almost all smoke detectors from photoelectric to ionization models, contain circuit boards. These need to be disposed off carefully as they contain toxic materials like lead.
Yakima Herald-Republic
March 30, 2018
Analysis of air samples collected over months by the Washington Department of Health during 2017 found very small amounts of plutonium or americium near Highway 240 and the K Reactors near the Columbia River. The samples were collected on Hanford land closed to the public, but not far from areasÃâà...
March 29, 2018
"Separating americium is very challenging since actinides and fission products, specifically lanthanides, have very similar properties," said ORNL organic chemist Santa Jansone-Popova, lead author of the study, which was published in the American Chemical Society journal Inorganic Chemistry. "We'veÃâà...
The Seattle Times
March 24, 2018
State monitoring has found that plutonium and americium particles traveled as far as 10 miles from the demolition site, near Richland. Vehicles, office buildings and workers have been tested for traces of radioactive contamination. A plan for safer demolition has yet to be released. The project has beenÃâà...
Longview Daily News
March 11, 2018
State monitoring has found that plutonium and americium particles traveled as far as 10 miles from the demolition site, near Richland. ... Washington State Department of Health officials also have been concerned as air monitoring found traces of plutonium and americium contamination spread to otherÃâà...
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
March 3, 2018
One of the driving concepts behind the research is that pyroprocessing would not completely isolate the plutonium but would instead result in a mixture of plutonium and other fissionable actinides such as neptunium, americium, and curium. In theory, this would reduce both the volume of waste from theÃâà...
Sputnik International
March 2, 2018
A group of specialists, who inspected the site, concluded that it was Americium–Beryllium neutron source used for geophysical studies. The commission declared that the substance had no life-threatening effects. The cylinder bore the inscription "USA. 7A Type a radioactive material." It was contained in aÃâà...
February 28, 2018
5—, Sonic Run, m, 5, Song of the Sword–Millenium Beauty, by New Way. ($6,000 2015 HERDEC). O-Larry Darter, B-Cowboy Stables, LLC (OK), $4,380. 6—, Americium, f, 4, Brilliant Speed–Sweet Maple, by Big Brown. O-Jose Luis Espinoza, B-Jose Luis Espinoza (KY), $2,409. Winning Time: 1:10 4/5 (ft)Ãâà...
February 22, 2018
It found traces of Americium-241 in two air filters. Even if the particles were microscopic they could still harm someone's health. The cars belonged to Hanford site workers. This is the latest in the investigation into Hanford's spread of contamination. Seattle Times inspired by our “New to Town” Issue: I mean,Ãâà...
February 21, 2018
A veteran worker of the Hanford nuclear site has learned that a car filter removed and tested by a scientist in Boston came up contaminated with the radioactive isotope of americium 241. The worker's car had been deemed “clean” in surveys conducted in December and February by the Hanford governmentÃâà...
February 12, 2018
The device was stolen out of the back of a truck owned by the local engineering firm Geogrupo del Centro. Nuclear densimeters are devices used by engineers to measure soil density. They contain small amounts of the radioactive materials Americium-241, Beryllium, and Caesium-137, and are labeled asÃâà...
Daily Californian
February 6, 2018
You can also check in with one of the other universities in Americium, or narrow the search to Californium, to see who has comparable Technetium. After all, it's well-established that it's hard to compete with us across the Bay. You might as well try to reach Neptunium or Plutonium by yourself! PerhapsÃâà...
U.S. News & World Report
February 1, 2018
But the spread of particles contaminated with plutonium or americium has gone beyond the 200 West Area, the central Hanford area where the Plutonium Finishing Plant is located. He said that worker cars with specks of radioactive contamination were driven into town. Although the Department of Health isÃâà...
Belleville News-Democrat (blog)
October 31, 2017
Whatever is left of that tiny bit of americium apparently is not worrisome. The state's Environmental Protection Agency recommends that such smoke and carbon-monoxide detectors be disposed of in the household trash, KNIB says. Just remove the batteries and consider securing it in a heavy-duty zipperedÃâà...
Los Angeles Times
September 27, 2017
has begun a special inspection at a facility in suburban Maryland following a worker's potential exposure to radioactive contamination. A five-member NRC team began the inspection Tuesday after an incident last month when a glass ampule containing americium-241 —a radioactive substance — broke inÃâà...
Chemistry World
June 28, 2017
After pioneering American radiochemist Glenn Seaborg voiced his suspicions that the elements after and including uranium constitute a distinct post-actinium series that he called the actinides, he had another hunch. In 1954 he suggested that americium – the next-heaviest element after plutonium andÃâà...
September 23, 2013
Americium, a silvery-white, synthetic element, is created during nuclear reactions of heavy elements. The element and its isotopes have very few but important uses including smoke detectors found in nearly all buildings and the potential to power future space missions. Americium is a highly radioactiveÃâà...
Tri-City Herald
December 31, 1999
The article reported that the radioactivity level found in the air filters of two vehicles that had been parked at Hanford was about one picocurie of americium per gram of the material tested. I imagine that many of your readers have no idea of the magnitude of a picocurie; it amounts to only two radioactiveÃâà...
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