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 Nat Hentoff

Nat Hentoff
Nat Hentoff
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updated Tue. July 23, 2024

(Her photography is in the permanent collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London's National Portrait Gallery, the Smithsonian, and the New York Public Library.) They illustrate struggle — the jazz life, to borrow a title from Nat Hentoff, is not an easy one, especially free jazz — but not only struggle.

The great civil libertarian, Nat Hentoff, had it right: “Human life is a continuum — from the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine lining to birth to death. Setting up divisions of this process to justify abortion — as in Roe v. Wade — is artificial. It's a denial of biology. Whether in the fourth or 14th week, it is ...
Not just an influential musician but a social critic and engaged citizen; Nat Hentoff described him as “authentically hip”. His song, “The Snake” covers an Aesop legend, the farmer who takes a near-frozen snake indoors and is rewarded by being bitten; reproached, the viper says “you knew I was a snake ...
In the wake of the renewed conversation surrounding gun control in America, a colleague asked me if I thought it would be contradictory for a First Amendment advocate to support limitations on the Second Amendment. After all, no amendment is more important than any other (apart from the 21st ...
In the program notes, Nat Hentoff, the Downbeat Magazine critic described Billie Holiday's voice as “steel-edged and yet soft inside; a voice that was almost unbearably wise in disillusion and yet still childlike.” Continuing to make recordings after a 10-month federal prison term for drug possession in the late ...
A prolific author and jazz critic for more than half a century, the late Nat Hentoff (1925 — Jan. 7, 2017) wrote for publications including the Village Voice, Down Beat, The New Yorker and The Washington Post. For his commitment to jazz and his unique contribution to music, Hentoff was honored in 2005 by ...
The celebration of the journalist Nat Hentoff's life, last Friday, began on an unexpected note. His daughter Miranda and granddaughter Ruby performed a song about a dream—actually, three recurring dreams—that he had as his health was declining last fall. Each dream was the same: God visited Nat in ...
Nat Hentoff, Renowned Columnist and Jazz Critic, Dead at 91. Free speech advocate also penned sleeve notes for 'The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan'. Nat Hentoff, longtime political columnist, free speech activist and renowned jazz critic, has died at the age of 91. Credit: Stephen Lovekin/FilmMagic. By Daniel ...
Nat Hentoff, an author, journalist, jazz critic and civil libertarian who called himself a troublemaker and proved it with a shelf of books and a mountain of essays on free speech, wayward politics, elegant riffs and the sweet harmonies of the Constitution, died on Saturday at his home in Manhattan. He was 91.
Nat Hentoff was one of the foremost authorities on the First Amendment. While his books and articles regularly defended the rights of Americans to think and speak freely, he also explored our freedoms under the rest of the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment by showing how Supreme Court and local legislative decisions ...


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