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updated Fri. August 30, 2024

Some venture capitalists are positively ebullient about Dropbox's IPO debut, hailing it as a sign of a comeback for the flagging tech IPO market. Dropbox (DBX) burst out of the gates strongly Friday, closing at $28.42 -- up 36% in its first day of trading. The San Francisco–based company, whose public ...
San Jose tourism officials have embraced the trend, too, publishing a brochure that highlights the Silicon Valley garages where companies like Hewlett Packard (Palo Alto), Google (Menlo Park) and Apple (Los Altos) were founded. “It's definitely a thing. The tech tours of Silicon Valley are incessant,” Tim ...

Sorry, Silicon Valley Won't Save Your Kids From Tech Addiction. We asked hundreds of parents how they manage (and don't manage) their kids' screen time. The answers were candid, scary–and sometimes hopeful. Sorry, Silicon Valley Won't Save Your Kids From Tech Addiction. [Photo: Flickr user ...
Unlucky start-up company Pied Piper returns to HBO for the fifth season of Silicon Valley minus one of its primary investors. Actor T.J. Miller, who played Erlich Bachman, left the show at the end of last season to pursue ventures like The Emoji Movie. Though Erlich is physically gone — I assume he's still ...
Since its debut six years ago, Redwood City-based startup Auris Health has quietly raised $500 million to develop a series of tools designed to innovate surgical robotics technology. The company's latest product, Monarch, is a controller-operated robotic camera that allows physicians to visualize the inside of the human ...
Some say Silicon Valley has peaked, with some venture capitalists shifting attention to new opportunities in the Midwest, the New York Times reported earlier this month. Axios' Dan Primack explains why investors aren't likely to abandon the Bay Area, while Revolution's Steve Case explains why the middle of the country is ...

Homelessness in Santa Clara County has gotten worse, with the overall homeless population increasing 13 percent to 7,394 in 2017 over the course of two years. That puts Santa Clara's homelessness crisis in the same ballpark as San Francisco's, which has a homeless population of 7,499, according to a ...
This week on Hack Your City, we're covering the whole area from Santa Clara County up through San Mateo County—anywhere you'd consider Silicon Valley (apart from San Francisco, which we've already covered). Each Monday on Hack Your City, we ask readers for your best tips on a city: driving tips, ...
HBO comedy "Silicon Valley" debuted a new opening sequence, which took jabs at recent events like Facebook's Russian hacking scandal and Juicero's failed business plan. The fifth season of the HBO series, which debuted on Sunday, chronicles the trials and tribulations of fictional start-up founder ...
From its origins as a manufacturer of silicon chips and semiconductors, Santa Clara County is riddled with 23 toxic Superfund sites, more than any county in the country. This was news to Ms. Armstrong, who lives a mile from one of the sites. Ms. Armstrong, a freelance photographer, moved to Silicon Valley ...
This past week, Facebook has seen billions wiped from its share value after revelations, including some made by this programme that 50 million profiles were used by Cambridge Analytica to influence elections around the world. Now, if the internet has a home it is Silicon Valley. But even there where so ...
What does it take to build a thriving technology company – and an environment in which black techies, their financial backers and their markets can flourish? That question underpins the new VOA documentary "Beyond the Unicorn." Subtitled "Africans Making IT in Silicon Valley," it explores how some ...
I was gasping for breath on a park bench when my phone vibrated. I had just logged a solid 50 yards with William Shakespaw. He is a Basset Hound who belongs to my neighbor, Phil, a writer recovering from gallbladder surgery. The incoming Skype was from TS, the Silicon Valley sage I chauffeured ...
“Silicon Valley” returns to HBO Sunday after a particularly terrible week for Silicon Valley, as Facebook dealt with fallout from revelations about the Cambridge Analytica data breach and Uber notched a horrific milestone: The first pedestrian killed by a driverless car. “The tech world of four or five years ago ...
The Theranos settlement is winding down, but Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) enforcers will be back to Silicon Valley. Regulators follow the money. Today, they're paying attention to where the risk of fraud is highest and bad actors are likely to be caught. Few places have the mix of promised ...
Dropbox, the file-sharing company and Silicon Valley darling, had a strong market debut Friday, a reassuring sign for the technology industry and for the investors who have billions locked up in other highly valued but privately held start-ups. Shares of San Francisco-based Dropbox, which had sold 36 ...
But Silicon Valley's social capital appears to be waning. After more than a year of headlines about Russian interference, stolen data and sexual harassment, the tech industry appears headed closer to a reckoning. No longer are the stakes confined to banalities on your news feed. At risk is access to the ...

When it comes to the phenomenon of Donald Trump, you have to give him this: sanctimony is not foremost among his sins. He provokes no moral disappointment, because he creates no moral expectations. Just as his business career was characterized by Mob-connected cronies, racial bias, aggrieved ...
HBO's Silicon Valley is a show that's largely about how hot tech trends are either dumb or actively harmful. And its last season included a prominent subplot about Keenan Feldspar, a Palmer Luckey stand-in whose much-hyped virtual reality technology literally blows up in its users' faces. The technology is ...
But health care stands to benefit tremendously from the fresh thinking, cutting-edge technology, and resources that Silicon Valley can bring. Hence why partnerships are such a powerful solution, and why it's so encouraging to see collaborations between tech companies and academic medical centers.
Life in Silicon Beach, the Westside region of the Los Angeles metropolitan area, comes with perks. The area has a booming tech sector, proximity to San Francisco (a 75-minute flight away), and a diversity of interests among residents, though Los Angeles has its own serious lack of affordable housing.
"Only those with a precise understanding of their customers' requirements can offer tailored solutions," said George. "With its close proximity to tech-driven companies and start-ups, our new Silicon Valley facility enables us to not only stay current with transformational technology trends created in this region ...
Michael Schwarz and Kiki Kapany, who together run the Menlo Park-based video production company Kikim Media, have traveled the world making documentaries, but set their sights closer to home for their latest project: a three-part series digging into just what makes Silicon Valley tick. "Silicon Valley: ...
A research team from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and Waseda University have successfully produced high-quality thin film monocrystalline silicon with a reduced crystal defect density down to the silicon wafer level at a growth rate that is more than 10 times higher than before. In principle ...
It was peddled as a Silicon Valley technology startup with the appetizing gimmick that it would “disrupt” the health care model, allowing it to play by a different set of rules than those applied to biomedical or pharmaceutical businesses. That's why the company got away with what it did for so long, and this is ...
All of Washington is mad at Silicon Valley these days, as our news roundup reveals. Dems and the media have moved on from blaming Hillary Clinton's loss on Vladimir Putin; now they're blaming Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. Gus Hurwitz and I have doubts about the claims of illegality, but I reprise ...
But then, to use the parlance of Silicon Valley, there was a pivot. “Just as computers began to head into the mainstream,” Chang writes, “women's participation in the field started to plummet.” Today women earn just 22 percent of computer science degrees — a number that has remained flat for a decade.


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