updated Thu. June 20, 2024
Northampton Chronicle and Echo
April 9, 2018
Northampton's Labour MPs Sally Keeble and Tony Clarke called for the resignation of the Environment Agency's chairman, Lord De Ramsey following the report. But Mr Clarke believes the floods also had a wider effect on Northampton. “Although only two people died over that weekend, many people'sÃâà...
February 26, 2018
Anthony Clarke, 69, told The Sun Online he helped drag a stricken survivor from flaming rubble - after he narrowly missed the explosion minutes after .... Meanwhile, Leicester West MP LIz Kendall wrote: "Terrible news, am in touch with police as situation develops, thoughts and prayers with all thoseÃâà...
BBC News
October 5, 2017
Anthony Clarke, the election agent for former Bath MP Ben Howlett, who lost his seat to Liberal Democrat Wera Hobhouse in June, says many Tory voters were turned off by the relentless attacks on Mr Corbyn's character. "You could argue that we would have done much better if we ignored him, sidelinedÃâà...
ITV News
August 17, 2017
Vandals have destroyed the grave of a Victoria Cross-winning war hero after knocking down his headstone at St Michael's Church in Brierley Hill. Anthony Clarke Booth was given the Commonwealth's highest military honour in recognition of his bravery, after fending off 400 Zulu warriors with just a handfulÃâà...
August 17, 2017
Anthony Clarke Booth VC. Heartless vandals have trashed the grave of a Victoria Cross-winning war hero at a churchyard Credit: victoriacrossonline.co.uk. Mr Stapleton said: "Why should the youth of today listen to us? "Why would they think these graves are anything special - we don't care as a nation.
The Press, York
July 16, 2017
Tony Clarke, head of major transport projects at City of York Council, was speaking at an executive meeting which agreed to press ahead with a ̣̉34.2 ... ̣̉1 billion Government fund to help them tackle congestion, and York Outer MP Julian Sturdy has said York could bid so it could finally dual the ring road.
Bath Chronicle
July 7, 2017
Mr Howlett said he has passed all his constituency casework onto new MP Wera Hobhouse. It has afforded him the opportunity to take part in weekend events such as the LGBT celebration London Pride. The following weekend, when Bath hosts its second Pride event with facepainting and signing actionÃâà...
Bath Chronicle
July 3, 2017
However, Mr Clarke's comments would suggest a change of heart among the council leadership on an issue that has dominated city headlines over the past two years. Last month former Conservative MP Ben Howlett, a long-term supporter of the park and ride, lost his seat. The park and ride scheme wasÃâà...
Bath Chronicle
May 10, 2017
A complaint has been made to the council against the cabinet member for transport over comments he made about the proposed fourth Bath park and ride. More than 100 people backed the complaint against Councillor Anthony Clarke who said neither Bathampton Meadows or New Leaf Farm were visibleÃâà...
Bath Chronicle
May 3, 2017
The general election takes place on June 8 and Mr Howlett is now the Conservative Party's candidate for Bath. He has updated his Twitter bio to reflect this. It now reads: “Conservative Candidate for Bath. I am not currently an MP as Parliament has been dissolved until after the General Election.” Mr HowlettÃâà...
The Saturday Paper
April 28, 2017
As the World Health Organisation works on a set of guidelines for 'healthy housing', a Melbourne architect is exploring creative ways to help people with health-related requirements. By Michele Tydd. Design for wellbeing in healthy houses. BLOXAS director Anthony Clarke. Credit: FRASER MARSDEN.
Bright Green
October 20, 2016
I first met Tony Clarke when I came along to my first local Green Party meeting more than 3 years ago: we were meeting in a cellar bar, half a dozen of us squeezed around a table discussing local issues and the beginnings of a 'target to win' campaign. As long as I've known him he's been a fierce GreenÃâà...
Herald Sun
June 30, 2015
“My blindness gives me a whole lot of experience and understanding,” Mr Clark said. “I'm not afraid of it. “Disability is not something to be hidden away or ashamed of.” He said he welcomed people asking him how he would perform the duties of an MP should he claim Deakin in the election. Deakin is theÃâà...
Northampton Chronicle & Echo
March 11, 2013
The former Labour MP for Northampton South, Tony Clarke, has today revealed he has joined the Green Party. Mr Clarke. who was a Labour MP between 1997 and 2005 when he lost his seat to Brian Binley, quit the party soon after he left Parliament to become an independent councillor on both theÃâà...