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"Palestine" refers to:

- Palestine (region), a geographical and historical region in the Middle East
State of Palestine, a modern de jure sovereign state in the Middle East recognized by 136 UN members and with non-member observer state status in the United Nations

- Palestinian territories, or occupied Palestinian territories, the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip that are occupied or otherwise under the control of Israel.

- Palestinian National Authority or the Palestinian Authority, an interim self-government body established in 1994 to govern parts of the territories.

"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushu'a in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not one single place built in this country [Israel] that did not have a former Arab population."

Moshe Dayan, Israeli military head and defense minister in the 1967 war

"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Article 49, paragraph 6, Fourth Geneva Convention, 1949
Palestine map
images:  google   yahoo YouTube

updated Sat. August 24, 2024

March witnessed a significant escalation of media freedom violations in Palestine. ... The Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms “MADA” documented during March 2018 a total of 46 violations against media freedoms in ... Whereas, 19 violations were committed by Palestinian parties.
Jarah al-Hawamdeh, a Palestinian refugee in Jordan who lost one of his legs to cancer, has vowed to reach the summit of Mount Everest in hopes of saving his ... Al-Hawamdeh, who grew up in a refugee camp in Jordanian capital Amman, is Palestine's first licensed mountaineer with an artificial limb.

Arab MK Jamal Zahalka of the Joint List said: “Israeli snipers killed unarmed Palestinian protesters in cold blood who were participating in a non-violent .... GAZA CITY, Palestine (AA) 12 Apr by Nour Abo Aisha — Egyptian authorities on Thursday opened the Rafah border crossing with the blockaded Gaza ...
One Palestinian was killed and 233 were wouned by live israeli fire as more than 10,000 protested along the Israel-Gaza border on Friday, burning tires and Israeli flags, the Gaza Health Ministry said. To really understand Israel and the Middle East - subscribe to Haaretz. According to the Israeli army, ...
“My deeper conviction is that the appearance of Palestinian defeat is an optical illusion that hides the probability of eventual Israeli defeat—that while Israel is winning one war due to its military dominance and continuous establishment of “facts on the ground,” Palestine is winning what in the end is the ...
Diplomats at UNESCO are hailing a possible breakthrough on longstanding Israeli-Arab tensions at the U.N. cultural agency. Israel's ambassador to UNESCO said the mood was "like a wedding" after member nations signed off on a rare compromise resolution Thursday on "Occupied Palestine.".

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Thousands of Palestinians, some burning Israeli flags and torching tires, staged a mass protest on Gaza's sealed border with Israel for a third consecutive Friday, as part of a pressure campaign to break a decade-old blockade of their territory. Israeli live fire from across the border ...
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., broke with the political establishment and called on the Israeli government to respect the rights of Palestinian protesters in Gaza in a statement to The Intercept on Wednesday. “I am deeply concerned about the deaths and injuries in Gaza,” Warren said. “As additional ...
A PLO official has saluted the Palestinian people in Palestine, Diaspora and throughout the entire world, who are currently preparing to mark the Land Day, which gave Palestine its real national and historical identity as a price for their suffering and sacrifices that symbolize the inseparable fateful ...
He posted the message a day after thousands of Palestinians rallied on the Gaza side of the border fence, throwing stones and rolling burning tyres at Israeli soldiers. Israeli troops responded with live fire, killing 16 protesters, according to Palestinian officials, in what marked some of the deadliest violence ...
The footage shows Abdelnabi and another Palestinian being just a few metres away from a small group of unarmed protesters. A loud shot rings out and Abdelnabi drops to the floor. According to the Palestinian health ministry, Abdelnabi died from his wounds. More than 100 snipers were deployed to the ...
Palestinian rights group Adalah said the Israeli army on Saturday "accidentally" took responsibility for the attacks on Palestinian protesters, before deleting a ... "People in occupied Palestine are disappointed that the Security Council met, but did not take action yet to stop this massacre and to hold those ...
"The killing of Palestinian demonstrators by Israeli forces in Gaza is tragic," said Sanders. "It is the right of all people to protest for a better future without a violent response." "Meanwhile," he added in a post to Twitter, "the situation in Gaza remains a humanitarian disaster. The U.S. must play a more positive ...
Banners such as "The people want the independence of Palestine " and "normalizing relations with Israel, should be a crime" were carried by demonstrators. In Sfax, the Tunisian Student Association organized the Land Day program in the city's main square. Hundreds carried Palestinian flags and keffiyehs ...
"The killing of Palestinian demonstrators by Israeli forces in Gaza is tragic. It is the right of all people to protest for a better future without a violent response," the Vermont senator wrote. "Meanwhile, the situation in Gaza remains a humanitarian disaster. The U.S. must play a more positive role in ending the ...
Mr Coveney said: “These events highlight the urgent need for a credible, internationally-led peace process that can address the humanitarian situation in Gaza and the pathway to two states, Israel and Palestine, living together in peace and security. “Ireland and the EU are ready to play a role in developing ...
Arafat and others admitted that they had busied themselves too much with foreign relations, internal power struggles and reviving the military machine of the various Palestinian factions. This, after all, came after the expulsion of PLO forces from Beirut and southern Lebanon after the war with Israel that ...

At least 15 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip were martyred and hundreds injured when Israeli forces opened fire on protesters marking “Land Day”, an annual Palestinian commemoration of the deaths of six Arab citizens of Israel killed by Israeli forces in 1976 during demonstrations over government land ...
Ahed's cousin, 15-year-old Mohammad Tamimi, had been hit in the head at close range by a rubber bullet fired by an Israeli soldier. He later required surgery that involved the removal of part of his left skull. Ahed was arrested four days after the incident in the middle of the night from her Palestinian home in ...
Updated at 4:05 p.m. ET. Israeli troops opened fire Friday at Palestinians near the Gaza Strip's border with the Jewish state, killing at least 15 people and wounding many more. The numbers came from the Palestinian health ministry, which put the number of those injured at more than 1,000. The Palestinian ...
In early January 2006, a U.S. diplomatic cable warned that the Palestinian Authority was having “difficulty asserting its authority in Gaza and the West Bank.” It was being challenged by a plethora of groups, including internal rivalries, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other militias affiliated with Fatah ...
Israeli forces have killed at least 15 Palestinians and wounded more than 1,000 others during a mass protest near the Gaza Strip's eastern border. Thousands attended Friday's protest, dubbed the Great March of Return, which was organised by several Palestinian civil society organisations and backed by ...
Speaking to the protesters, Hamas leader Ismail Haniya said: "The Palestinian people have proved time after time that they can take the initiative and do great things. This march is the beginning of the return to all of Palestine." Friday's protest also kicked off a six-week sit-in demonstration along the border ...
The 1976 protests were a result of mass collective action across historic Palestine, which saw Palestinian communities resisting not only the theft of land but also overall settler colonial policies of erasure. Although there were also protests in the Naqab and Wadi Ara, most of the action took place in six ...
At a local high school event, the Palestinian Authority's Al-Yasser Cultural Forum announced that its agenda is to "return the glory to the fighting Palestinian girls and women such as Dalal Mughrabi and others who sacrificed their lives for Palestine [sic], and also to provide information and knowledge to ...
Meanwhile, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) called for a professional investigation into the assassination attempt. The PFLP stressed the need for a holistic political and organizational resolution to the Palestinian situation, including rebuilding the PLO by holding a unifying session of ...
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) called on Tuesday for the reform of the Palestinian Authority in order for it to be a body for national liberation, Safa news agency has reported. The DFLP stressed the importance of abandoning the Oslo Accords and Paris Economic Protocol and ...
A man holds up the Palestinian flag. Eve Spangler, a professor at Boston College, gave a talk on Palestine Thursday evening. PHOTO COURTESY WIKIMEDIA COMMONS. While many students are aware that conflict exists between Israel and Palestine, far fewer understand the complex origins of that ...
Hasan Khreisheh, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council in the West Bank, told Al Jazeera that the arrest campaign by PA security forces is "incomprehensible and unjustified". "These arrests must be stopped in favour for a Palestinian united front to take a stance against the bigger issues at hand, ...
Facebook is defending its decision to shut down the page of a major Palestinian news outlet, describing the action as a move against “hate speech.” On Saturday, the ... Israel's persecution of the Tamimi family over the incident has become an international rallying point for Palestine solidarity. But for now ...
He has long been a hardliner on Palestine. Anti-Palestinian bigots such as Israeli justice minister Ayelet Shaked quickly trumpeted the announcement. She lauded the appointment and – from one racist to another – praised the Trump administration for emerging as the most sympathetic government Israel ...
Syria's Palestinian refugees have been subjected to the most-dire humanitarian conditions, with Syria now at seven years of devastating conflict, reveals a new report by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, to be issued in a few days. These refugees have been forcibly displaced for the second ...
According to a report published by Defense for Children International Palestine earlier this year, 2017 saw the “worst abuses against Palestinian children.” The report cited the number of minors detained and arrested, and the number of children who died awaiting transfers from the occupied Palestinian ...
Al-Maliki told journalists that Palestine also supports the two-state solution, and was "committed to direct negotiations with Israel and the war on terrorism." "We rely on a role for Germany in the EU and a role for the EU in the peace process," he said. Later Monday, during a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ...
right-wing official is part of the Israeli government's campaign aimed at misinforming and spreading lies to conceal its crimes against Palestinian rights, and its serious violations of the principles of international law and international humanitarian law. Israel, the occupying Power in Palestine, daily commits ...
The livelihoods and long-term futures of thousands of Palestinian refugee families across Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Gaza and the West Bank are at risk due to Donald Trump's catastrophic decision to cut the American donation to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). The US ...
The state has closed the case against two settlers from the northern West Bank, one of whom shot a Palestinian from Qusra to death during an attack on hikers near the village in November, after it was determined that they fired in self defense. The investigation showed that the dead man, Mohammed Odeh, ...
After studying at the Moscow Conservatory, she returned to her homeland and dedicated her life to the project of conserving and reviving traditional Palestinian musical culture. In addition to the songs that she wrote and composed herself, she also put to music the poems of the great Palestinian poets ...
Washington, DC - The relationship between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the administration of US President Donald Trump has climbed, dropped, rocketed and nosedived, all within the span of a single year. ... Husam Zomlot, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO) delegation to the US.
37 Palestinian civilians, including 12 children and a photojournalist, were wounded in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Israeli forces conducted 83 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and 6 limited ones into the Gaza Strip. 104 civilians, including 16 children and 2 women, were arrested ...
Lina Mansour, one of the festival's organizers, said Thursday night during a press conference in Haifa's Khashba Theater that the goal of the festival, like in previous years, is “to develop the Palestinian film scene, and to open doors to the Arab world. This year the festival has grown and become well known ...
"The Secretary-General encourages all Member States and the private sector to provide support to UNRWA in order to close the still critical funding shortfall. He reiterates that the services provided by UNRWA to Palestine refugees are essential and contribute to bring stability to the region," the spokesman ...
Palestinian-Israeli co-resistance as a concept, position and practice is not a matter of choice. Rather, it is a political, social and cultural necessity imposed by the reality of the long-enduring Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Decades of conflict in the land of Palestine has resulted in overlap and interconnectedness ...
The political fallout from the bomb attack in Gaza last week on Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah's visiting convoy suggests Palestinian reconciliation attempts are now almost certainly at an unsuccessful end yet again. On Thursday, Hamas security forces engaged who they said was the ...
"Rim Banna's family, including her mother Zouhaira, her brother Firas, and her children Baylasan, Ursalem and Qamran, as well as her friends … convey the deeply saddening news of the departure of their daughter and Palestine's renowned singer Rim Banna," Firas wrote in a Facebook post.
The Palestine Marathon attracted 7,000 participants. In just six years, it has managed to gain international recognition. Many Palestinians, however, cannot participate in the event, as Gaza remains under siege. Very few permits are granted every year and many Palestinian refugees cannot visit due to ...
The Palestine Police Department has made an arrest in relation to a shooting that occurred on March 12th in Palestine. On March 12th, Officers with the Palestine Police Department responded to the 900 blk. of San Jacinto in reference to a reported shooting. Officers arrived and discovered that Carlos Scott ...
Jared Kushner and U.S. special envoy Jason Greenblatt sent letters last week to Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah and to the director of Palestinian intelligence General Majid Faraj after they survived an assassination attempt in Gaza. Kushner and Greenblatt wrote that Gaza should be governed ...
When Adiel Coleman was stabbed just after leaving work on Sunday, he became the third Israeli killed by terrorists in three days. The murder of 32-year-old Coleman in Jerusalem took place just hours after the funerals of two soldiers, Ziv Daus and Netanel Kahalani, who were killed after a Palestinian man ...
“As long as Washington's diplomatic objective is the 'two-state solution' — Israel and 'Palestine' — the fundamental contradiction between this aspiration and the reality on the ground will ensure it never comes into being," he wrote, claiming that “the only logic underlying the demand for a Palestinian state ...



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