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"War does not determine who is right - only who is left." logo
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updated Sat. August 10, 2024

Whether it's a face-to-face encounter with a shark or being in a Syrian city during an air raid, VR is bringing us experiences that we might otherwise never have. One such example is the burned-out shell of a dome that was right under the atomic bomb that America dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, ...
As the following war stories attest, through the years, each of these scrappy studios struggled to take the inside line from their fellow developers. Instead, they advanced the genre by jumping and maneuvering through a wide variety of devious technological hoops, despite each seeming impassable at the ...

"Avengers: Infinity War" made $106 million at the domestic box office on its opening day Friday, making it the second biggest opening day in history. Friday's windfall puts "Infinity War" in second place behind only "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," which made $119 million for its opening day in 2015, ...
The years of the siege of Sarajevo stretch on inside the city's War Hostel, a place where visitors get a taste of daily life in a warzone. Clad in a makeshift UN peacekeeper uniform, 26-year-old owner Arijan Kurbasic, who survived the Bosnian War as a toddler, welcomes his guests from behind a pile of ...
March 2018 marked the fifteenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, an illegal war whose perpetrators have yet to answer to justice. .... But on the anniversary of the Iraq invasion, and with the United States gearing up for new, more devastating wars of aggression, Cuba's role in Angola should be looked ...
RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. - No North Korean leader has ever done it. Kim Jong Un stepped into South Korea with a handshake for its president Moon Jae-In. Both countries vowed to remove nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula during a historic meeting. President Donald Trump applauding the meeting ...

The new Avengers movie drops tonight and so, bereft of better ideas, we thought now would be a good time to kick up a needless fanboy argument and ask: Do you prefer the Star Wars movies, or the Marvel MCU movies? Which one has your childhood stored in a crystal locket, soon to be crushed by an ...
What's Next: The Disney-Comcast war gets personal. Disney CEO Bob Iger and Comcast CEO Brian Roberts have a deep animus toward one another that is fueling their battle over 21st Century Fox, sources familiar with their relationship tell me. Their intense dislike of one another, dating back to ...
The escalating trade war between the United States and China, with the Trump administration considering $100 billion in punitive tariffs in response to China's $50 billion in retaliatory tariffs, obscures a more important source of conflict: China's desire to someday establish the yuan as a global reserve ...
Over the ensuing decades, with the assistance of tens of millions of dollars from prominent Republican donors, the MRC moved to the front lines of America's culture wars, relentlessly assailing what it viewed as a godless, condescending, out-of-touch national media—and systematically chipping away at its ...
In the civil war now being waged in this country, the combatants are not the blue and the gray of old. It's the White House versus the blue states. And the weapons aren't cannon balls but rather the threatened withholding of federal money from “sanctuary” cities and states, the plan for the next census that ...
The show is created by Dave Filoni, who was also behind Lucasfilm's other two animated shows, The Clone Wars and Rebels. He notes that Resistance was inspired by “my interest in World War II aircraft and fighter pilots,” and says that the look of the show will be inspired by anime. The show has cast ...
This week's meeting between Kim Jong-un, North Korea's leader, and his South Korean counterpart, President Moon Jae-in, seeks to ease decades-long tensions that flared into geopolitical conflict during the Korean War from 1950 to 1953. A particularly brutal conflict, it took the lives of an estimated three ...
Obviously, movie franchises span years. Star Wars has been going on for more than four decades, but that longevity wasn't pre-ordained. People kept lining up to see Skywalker movies, so Lucasfilm kept making them, first as prequels and now as ongoing sagas and one-offs. There's an entire galaxy far, ...
While some of the rhetoric around trade tariffs on China has died down over the last couple of weeks, the prospect of a trade war has not. On April 18, China imposed preliminary antidumping tariffs of 178.6 percent on sorghum, a crop used to make alcohol and biofuels, while President Donald Trump's ...
Drone swarms. Self-driving tanks. Autonomous sentry guns. Sometimes it seems like the future of warfare arrived on our doorstep overnight, and we've all been caught unprepared. But as Paul Scharre writes in his new book Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War, this has been a long ...
"Avengers: Infinity War" premieres Monday night in Hollywood and the stars are unleashing on the red (technically purple) carpet. ... The Marvel Cinematic Universe turns 10 this year, and Infinity War feels like a good way to celebrate -- it's a film that finally brings together all the disparate characters in the ...

A team of surgeons says it has repaired the genitals of a serviceman severely injured by an explosion in Afghanistan. It's the first time a penis has been transplanted to treat a war wound. Doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore say 11 surgeons were involved in the 14-hour surgery in March.
The Real Deal: Fans of Star Wars: The Force Awakens might have left The Last Jedi with a particular question: Where was the rest of Poe's squad of ... The Real Deal: Speaking on the most recent episode of Lucasfilm's YouTube series The Star Wars Show, Solo screenwriters Lawrence and Jonathan ...
The most definitive overarching issue with the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been the lack of stakes. Over the course of the saga's previous 18 movies, MCU heroes have faced numerous world-ending threats, eking out victories by the skin of their teeth, only to have their worlds essentially return to normal ...
In 1967, in the Vietnamese jungle north-west of Da Nang, the Australian digger GW Dennis was serving as an adviser to South Vietnamese troops as they moved through a deserted village. For now, it was quiet in this corner of the war. The place was devoid of any sign of habitation: there were no people, ...
... Corps (ANZAC) who fought during the doomed Gallipoli campaign in World War I, it has become a day of remembrance for all Australian troops, or "diggers" as they are known. Australia's "black diggers," or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander soldiers, fought the same wars but not for the same privileges.
Dire predictions about foreign intervention leading to “World War III” aren't merely the most predictable and laziest form of anti-interventionist “logic.” They're also an insidious echo of Soviet propaganda, routinely deployed to undercut the West's defense of democracy and important international norms.
"It is pretty far off the mark to say that the majority of taxes are used for the wars," said Todd Harrison, the director of defense budget analysis at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "Even if you wanted to expand it as broadly as possible to include all national defense, homeland security, and ...
Before the Syrian war started in 2011, the camp was home to Syria's largest Palestinian refugee population. In the years that followed, most of its residents fled to other parts of Syria or neighbouring countries seeking refuge, and in 2015 Yarmouk came under the control of the Islamic State of Iraq and the ...
The common conception of a technologically enabled apocalypse foresees a powerful artificial intelligence that, either deliberately or by accident, destroys human civilization. But as a new report from the RAND Corporation points out, the reality may be far subtler: As AI slowly erodes the foundations that ...
Raise some cash into the modicum of strength that we're going to get periodically," Cramer said. "But then leave something on the table so you're ready when the market comes to its senses about the 10-year. And, of course, you need to stay the course just in case we get a truce in the trade war with China.
Legislators need to hear public opposition to Pompeo and Haspel. The 2018 elections –both primaries and general –offer an opportunity to demand that candidates make clear where they stand on getting out of the endless wars in the Middle East and curbing the lawless presidential power to make war.
It was looking like a banner year for business in China. The U.S. clothing company was expecting a 20 percent jump in online sales on Alibaba's Tmall, thanks to the e-commerce giant's massive reach. But executives soon learned that what Alibaba gives, it can also take away. The company refused to sign ...
... held on to his traditional beliefs. Their parting of ways eventually set off what would become the bitter conflict that's tearing their descendants apart to this day. More than 100,000 people have died in Mindanao's successive wars since the 1970s, according to several non-government research groups.
China's President Xi Jinping has to back up his words with actions if he wants to avoid a trade war, Canada's ambassador to China told CNBC. "Xi Jinping has used very strong language in favor of globalization, in favor of freer trade. But it would be good if he could match those statements with actions," ...
Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has started his appeal against a 40-year prison sentence for genocide and war crimes. A UN tribunal in The Hague is hearing the two-day appeal. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) convicted Karadzic in March 2016.
Jung Pak, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, says there is little to fall back on if talks between President Trump and Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un fail. Ambassador Christopher Hill says significant strides need to be made until North Korea is certified as denuclearized. Toluse Olorunnipa, Bloomberg ...
Israel has faced many crises since its birth in 1948, including wars in 1967 and 1973, conflicts in Lebanon, and endless confrontation with the Palestinians, for whom Israel's independence is known as the Nakba (“the catastrophe” or “cataclysm”). It was the day 700,000 people lost what they considered ...
Posters played a crucial role in the wars of the 20th century, firing up patriotic sentiment and sending out calls to arms. The exhibition Propaganda draws on the Australian War Memorial's extensive collection, showing how illustration and graphic design were used to speak directly to people during times of ...
AIR BASE 201, Niger — Rising from a barren stretch of African scrubland, a half-finished drone base represents the newest front line in America's global shadow war. At its center, hundreds of Air Force personnel are feverishly working to complete a $110 million airfield that, when finished in the coming ...
... has a shot at posting the best U.S. opening of all time. The latest box office tracking for "Infinity War" puts its opening weekend haul at $190 million to $235 million. That's short of the $248 million "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" earned, but analysts say several factors could produce a box office surprise.
On the link between America's ongoing wars and the rise of the alt-right. The history shows us that this movement never received a definitive stop in court or in public opinion. In every surge of Ku Klux Klan activism in American history, there's a strong correlation with the aftermath of warfare. The aftermath of ...
The East-West-Germany divide devised by Moscow and Washington after World War II may get a whole new meaning in the Syrian context. In this sense, the global diplomatic confrontation between Russia and the US will not bode well for Syria and its people. Just as the Cold War propagated proxy wars ...
On the campaign trail, presidential candidate Donald Trump often slammed American leaders for publicly telegraphing their ISIS strategy. “Whatever happened to the element of surprise, OK? We announce we're going after Mosul,” he said during the last debate with his opponent. “I have been reading ...
Filmmaker: Yorgos Avgeropoulos. In 2010, water was officially recognised as a universal human right by the United Nations. However, the European Union has yet to do the same. The management of water has long been in the hands of private companies, but resistance to this profit-driven model has ...
The product of decades of political wrangling, emotional strife and procrastination, the monument reveals little about Israel's wars with its external enemies. Instead, its minimalist design sidesteps internal conflicts over what should be memorialized, why and how, in a country still fighting its battles and split ...
The longstanding war of words between President Donald Trump and former FBI director James Comey escalated this weekend in advance of the highly anticipated Tuesday release of Comey's tell-all book, "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership." Comey describes the Trump presidency as "a forest ...
It is the potentially uncontained direct shooting war brewing between Israel and Iran that is much more likely and worrisome, because it may be about to ... which were supposed to go to Iranians as a result of the lifting of sanctions from the Iran nuclear deal — fighting wars in Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is following in Star Wars' footsteps with a novelized expansion of its on-screen universe. Barry Lyga's new novel, Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War: Thanos—Titan Consumed, will give Avengers villain Thanos his own origin story when it hits shelves November 20th. Thanos ...
Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Tim Kaine, D-Va., is the latest attempt to modernize and replace the 2001 war authorization passed by Congress in the days following the ... Trump has repeatedly stated his aversion to using the U.S. military in wars abroad, but he is increasingly finding it difficult to disengage.
Even if “All Out War” sometimes felt more like the Hundred Years' War, eventually it had to end. In its eighth season finale, “The Walking Dead” brings Negan's yearslong arc to a conclusion following the show's lowest-rated season since its humble beginnings, and perhaps for that precise reason, the ...
“If you look at the literature on civil wars, it tends to suggest that the more foreign powers involved, the more difficult it is for a civil war to end—because most of those powers aren't willing to quit until either they are exhausted or their claims and desires have been met,” said Christopher Phillips, author of the ...
The Syrian opposition said Western strikes on Saturday would not change the course of the seven-year-old war as the army said it would crush remaining rebel parts of the country. The missiles by the United States, Britain, and France targeted President Bashar Assad's chemical weapons capabilities in ...
... endless and ill-fated war making, is not alone in arguing that there is something very wrong with a president who uses social media to announce military strategies that could put the United States in conflict not just with the Syrian regime but with Russia. “Donald Trump is now announcing wars on Twitter.



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