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updated Tue. July 9, 2024

211 pp. New Directions. Paper, $16.95. War memoirs tend to be written by soldiers; civilian voices are seldom heard. “The Beekeeper,” by the Iraqi-American poet and journalist Dunya Mikhail, is a rare and powerful exception. In 2014, ISIS swept into parts of northern Iraq where the ethnically Kurdish Yazidi ...
The film then transitions into a montage of Iraq invasion footage, set to President George W. Bush's speech announcing the invasion of Iraq which then ... I think that Matthew eloquently sums up the group's sentiment prior to the ascent when he says: “We're going to drive up these epic Iraqi mountains.”.

Iraq sent F-16s to launch a surprise attack on a suspected ISIS stronghold in eastern Syria on Thursday, an operation in which both the Moscow-backed Syrian government and U.S.-led coalition signed off. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi told reporters Tuesday that the strike killed a number of the ...
Baghdad ( – Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari has called on the international community to keep conflicts of world powers and a specter of war away from war-torn Syria. The top Iraqi diplomat made the remarks during a meeting with U.N. special envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura at the ...
Iraqi special forces soldiers care for a child who was carried out of a final pocket still controlled by Islamic state fighters, in the Old City of Mosul, Iraq, July 12, 2017. Ivor Prickett/The New York Times. “It's so easy just to record and just to show people the destruction and the devastation and the death.
Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera on Tuesday denied that newly disclosed activity logs of a past Self-Defense Forces mission in Iraq contradicted the government's assertion that the troops were sent to “noncombat” areas. The word “combat” showed up multiple times in the nearly 15,000 pages of activity ...

PARIS (Sputnik) - French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire, who previously served as secretary of state for European affairs, said on Monday that he saw no parallels between the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, which was opposed by Paris at the time, and the strikes carried out on Syria by ...
Read more: War-torn Iraq seeks help from abroad to rebuild ... There is a second picture associated with the Iraq War that is also ingrained in our collective memory: US Secretary of State Colin Powell giving his ... In 1999 the Iraqi chemist Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi came to Germany as a refugee.
By destabilizing the region, the war enabled the rise of the Islamic State group, which at its height occupied a substantial slice of Iraqi territory, beheading its opponents, ... The invasion of Iraq was an act of aggression against a country that was not attacking or threatening to attack another country.
Word of Mouth. Once again, another local Veteran provided me input, by blurting, “Hey Bill, you need to interview Renard Thomas because he does a lot of good for Veterans at College of the Canyons”. I immediately called Renard and we met for several hours as I jotted notes about his military service and ...
Bolton and Cheney were both architects of the Iraq war, a war that Bolton publicly stands behind to this day. And Bolton has consistently ... Saddam's military was so easily crushed partly because the Iraqi dictator had put all of his eggs in one basket: A conventional military. In a direct force-on-force ...
Marines need hand locating Iraq War trophy ... It's coming up on 15 years since Marine Corps veteran Kelly Mercer saw the hand he lost in Iraq. ... Cpl. Mercer and Sgt. Ruiz were with the 3rd Amphibious Assault Battalion — or "3rd Tracks" as they're known — which is the unit that helped Iraqi citizens tear ...
I do not remember the invasion of Iraq. I was three years old at the time, and although snippets of news broadcasts may have alerted me to the presence of conflict, I was understandably oblivious to the gravity of the situation. Only relatively recently has the real horror of the Iraq War become known to me.
The Iraq war and its calamitous outcomes were not “unknowable”; outside of what passes for “expertise” and “experience” in Washington and the op-ed pages of leading newspapers there was near-unanimity among incredibly disparate analysts predicting nearly every horrific outcome that came to pass.
With the last of the ISIS-held territory in Iraq recaptured, Iraqi officials are cheerfully proclaiming the war is over. Pentagon's commanders, who recognize that this is the third “end of the Iraq war” in just 15 years, are trying to spin it as a new phase in the continuing war. It makes sense for them to present it this ...
“You can tell a true war story by the way it never seems to end,” wrote Tim O'Brien in his novel about Vietnam, The Things They Carried. “Not then, not ever. In a true war story, if there's a moral at all, it's like the thread that makes the cloth. You can't tease it out. You can't extract the meaning without ...
“We will be greeted as liberators” upon invading Iraq, Vice President Dick Cheney counseled in 2003 on the eve of the war. He had already relayed a prediction that the streets in Basra and Baghdad are “sure to erupt in joy.” President George W. Bush declared that there was “no doubt” that Iraq had ...

President George W. Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld had sent a small invasion force to Iraq—enough troops to crush the Iraqi army and oust Saddam from power but way too few to restore stability after his fall. This decision was deliberate: Rumsfeld had no interest in keeping 100,000 U.S. ...
Iraq has never recovered and is only beginning to emerge from the trauma, while American officials plan the next military adventure. Writing in the New York Times, Iraqi novelist Sinan Antoon observed: “The invasion of Iraq is often spoken of in the United States as a 'blunder,' or even a 'colossal mistake.
The U.S. and Turkey have offered conflicting statements as to whether Washington had agreed to allow Ankara to expand its war against Kurdish fighters operating alongside .... In Iraq, the U.S.-led coalition supported Kurdish forces and the Iraqi military, which fought alongside other Iran-backed militias.
In 2003, Lynch was a fresh-faced 19-year-old Army private serving as a unit supply specialist with the 507th Maintenance Company during the start of the Iraq war. Her convoy was ambushed by Iraqi forces on March 23, 2003, during the Battle of Nasiriyah. She was knocked unconscious and taken to an ...
Two things come together this week that highlight the deep connection between today's Saudi policies and the 2003 Iraq War: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman visits Washington as the town commemorates the 15th anniversary of that disastrous conflict. The connection may be deeper than ...
To a lesser extent, officials also cite the 2002 AUMF that authorized the Iraq War. Some lawmakers have been pushing for years to repeal those two AUMFs and pass a new one more tailored to the world today, but their efforts have consistently stalled amid partisan disputes about whether to impose ...
It also argues that operations in Iraq and Syria are additionally justified under the 2002 authorization for the war in Iraq. As the report acknowledges, that authorization, which permits the president to use military force to “defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by ...
In September 2002, as hundreds of coalition planes bombed Iraqi air defenses in preparation for the U.S.-led invasion, details began to emerge from the U.S. embassy in Sarajevo that a Bosnian company, the Orao Aviation Institute, was suspected of breaching the 13-year arms embargo on Iraq, sparking a scandal known ...
The U.S. intervention in the Iraq War brought an end to decades of rule by Saddam Hussein that deprived Iraqis of basic rights and subjected many of them to unimaginable suffering. But U.S. policy also emboldened scores of unaccountable militias, worsened the ethnic, sectarian and social fissures the ...
There's a specific reason it is so hard to be president—in normal circumstances—and why most incumbents look decades older when they leave the job than when they began. The reason is that the only choices normal presidents get to make are the impossible ones—decisions that are not simply very close calls on the ...
On March 19, 2003, then-President George W. Bush announced the launch of Operation Iraqi Freedom, telling the American people military action against Iraq had begun. The war in Iraq would go on for almost nine years -- until December 2011, when the last US troops in that nation crossed the border to ...
The number of Iraqi casualties is not just a historical dispute, because the killing is still going on today. Since several major cities in Iraq and Syria fell to Islamic State in 2014, the U.S. has led the heaviest bombing campaign since the American War in Vietnam, dropping 105,000 bombs and missiles and ...
The evening, held on March 16-17 and 23-24, takes the form of an Iraqi dinner party. Guests are invited to sit down on Persian rugs in the garden, where they will be regaled with stories. Meanwhile, slam poets will perform in a mud hut (traditionally found in rural Iraq); homemade bread will be served hot ...
Iraqi leaders insist the country is in the best state it's been in since the invasion, even if ordinary Iraqis remain sceptical. Iraqi leaders point to the military defeat of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and national elections scheduled for May as reasons to be hopeful. Elections running smoothly ...
March 20 marks the 15th anniversary of U.S. President George W. Bush announcing the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom, with air strikes and ground troops deployed to target long-time dictator Saddam Hussein and other Iraqi leaders. But the mission and its complicated legacy have not been without ...
This story was produced by the West Virginia Department of Agriculture as part of a collaboration among the agency, West Virginia Public Broadcasting, Inside Appalachia. Iraq War veteran Jeremy Ray was looking for a hobby to help fill his time. What he found was a way to heal his wounds. Ray is the ...
Fifteen years of war have turned Iraqi cities such as Ramadi, Fallujah, and Mosul into ruins. Iraq remains as divided as ever along sectarian lines, despite the deaths of more than 4,500 U.S. troops and untold numbers of Iraqis. U.S. troops remain in Iraq to help advise and assist Iraqi forces as they try to ...
The stereotype of teachers instructing their students to turn to a certain page in their books and begin working through the material isn't accurate when it comes to covering more recent topics such as the Iraq War. Students are more likely learning from varied materials that include clips from news articles, ...
When it comes to the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, rumors have circulated since the early months of the conflict that Washington's original name for the war was “Operation Iraqi Liberation.” After the war's architects realized that name produced the embarrassing acronym “OIL,” they quickly changed the official ...
Throwback Thursday: Locals pour wine in Westwood streets, protest French aversion to Iraq War ... Morgan was probably referring to claims from the U.S. government that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. Coalition forces did not find such weapons. He added that ...
(AP) — An American Legion post in Michigan plans to rename itself to honor an Iraq War veteran. The Ft. Custer ... Nationwide membership numbers have declined from 3.3 million after World War II to less than 2 million as of last year, said Matt Herndon, the Legion's national deputy director of membership.
March 19 marks 15 years since the U.S.-U.K invasion of Iraq in 2003, and the American people have no idea of the enormity of the calamity the invasion unleashed. The US military has refused to keep a tally of Iraqi deaths. General Tommy Franks, the man in charge of the initial invasion, bluntly told ...
There is a wide range of estimates of the Iraqi dead — between 150,000 and 460,000 people. Through 2014, the war had cost about $815 billion, according to Congressional Research Service. It also impacted the lives of those sent to fight. Laura Colbert spent more than a year in Iraq with a Wisconsin ...
In 2016, Gunnery Sgt. Scott D. Faulkner was a highly decorated Marine combat engineer poised for higher rank. Less than two years later, Sgt. Faulkner left a Camp Pendleton courtroom as a convicted child abuser. Uncovered by a series of Freedom of Information Act requests filed by The San Diego ...
During the Cold War, Iraq and Yugoslavia had developed a range of bilateral agreements, ranging from the construction of infrastructure and bunkers in Iraq to the maintenance of Iraqi Migs (Soviet-designed fighter jets) in Yugoslavia. It emerged that the leadership of rump Yugoslavia (Serbia and ...
Russia spy attack probe 'a chilling reminder' of Iraq War build-up, claims Galloway ... “As with the Iraqi WMD dossier, it is essential to comb the evidence very finely. “A vital missing .... Mr Galloway subsequently accused Mr Blair of lying to the armed forces by claiming the war would be over quickly. He was ...
The war in Iraq, which began 15 years ago this month, was an unnecessary conflict spurred on by misleading claims about Saddam's Hussein's possession of weapons of mass destruction and his regime's alleged ties to Al Qaeda. But there was another key element of the George W. Bush administration's ...
Mensonges et intox (Humanitarian wars? Lies and Brainwashing), in which he explores and questions the notions of "humanitarian wars" and "just wars". From Kosovo via Somalia, Iraq, Libya and Syria, Brauman reflects on the various crises that have prompted the so-called "international community" to ...
During the Cold War, Iraq and Yugoslavia had developed a range of bilateral agreements, ranging from the construction of infrastructure and bunkers in Iraq to the maintenance of Iraqi Migs (Soviet-designed fighter jets) in Yugoslavia. It emerged that the leadership of rump Yugoslavia (Serbia and ...
The U.S. “regime change” war on Iraq has directly resulted in the death of at least a quarter of a million civilians, and indirectly perhaps a million Iraqis have been killed. The Iraqi infrastructure was destroyed and the country was set back many decades in development. Far from the democratization we were ...
Russia and Iran Winning War of Influence Against U.S. With New Ties to Middle East Allies Iraq, Syria and Each Other ... Forces, fought alongside U.S.-backed Iraqi troops and Kurdish forces to mostly defeat ISIS in Iraq, but have since threatened the U.S. military over its 15-year presence in the country.
The president, whose flip-flopping position on the Iraq War is well-documented, sarcastically referred to Bush as a “real genius. ... a dig at George W. Bush during a speech to Republican donors on Saturday, calling the former president's decision to invade Iraq in 2003 “the single worst decision ever made.
Katharine Gun, who revealed a US “dirty tricks” campaign to justify invading Iraq, said on Thursday that the government wanted to increase repressive measures against whistleblowing. “The government has increasing powers,” she said referring to the Investigatory Powers Act, known as “snooper's charter” ...


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