

  cross-referenced news and research resources about

 the Gaza Strip, Palestine

“We must blow Gaza back to the Middle Ages destroying all the infrastructure including roads and water” (Eli Yishai, present Deputy Prime Minister); “There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. … We need to flatten entire neighborhoods … flatten all of Gaza” (journalist Gilad Sharon in the Jerusalem Post); “There are no innocents in Gaza. Mow them down … kill the Gazans without thought or mercy.” (Michael Ben-Ari, member of the Knesset); Gaza should be “bombed so hard the population has to flee into Egypt” (Israel Katz, present Minister of Transportation); Gaza should be “wiped clean with bombs” (Avi Dichter, present Minister of Home Front Defense); Israeli soldiers must “learn from the Syrians how to slaughter the enemy” (prominent Israeli Rabbi Yaakov Yosef). logo
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updated Wed. August 21, 2024

Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz rejected a plan a year ago to develop a solar power station in Israel that could have supplied the electricity for the power-strapped Gaza Strip, TheMarker has learned. The proposal was made by Shlomi Fogel, an Israeli entrepreneur who is a partner in Israel Shipyards ...
As for a commission of inquiry — there won't be one." Hamas had planned the Great Return March on March 31 as a show of both force and desperation in the context of a crisis in Palestinian leadership, and the alarming economic and humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip, as foreshadowed by Eldar's ...

According to the Israeli government, 17,000 Palestinians were rioting in six parts of the Gaza Strip on Friday, and its troops were forced to repel militants and would-be invaders at the border fence, and only took action in accordance with their rules of engagement. They say the demonstration is no peaceful ...
European Union officials in Brussels are alarmed over the political crisis in Ramallah and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, especially considering US policy in the region and the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem in May. A senior EU official close to High Representative for Foreign Affairs and ...
The Israeli army's actions along the border with the Gaza Strip over the weekend had two goals. The first, overt goal was to prevent Palestinians from crossing en masse into Israel and possibly the communities near the border. The military fully met this goal. The second purpose, which was mentioned only ...
(Want to get this briefing by email? Here's the sign-up.) Good morning. Pope Francis calls for peace, Kim Jong-un takes in some K-pop, and Tesla faces more trouble. Here's what you need to know: Photo. Credit Tom Brenner/The New York Times. • President Trump blamed Democrats and the Mexican ...

Christian Aid deplores the needless loss of life and hundreds of gunshot injuries in Gaza on Friday 30th March. Israel's deployment of tanks and snipers against Palestinian demonstrators has reportedly resulted in 17 dead. Christian Aid partner organisation Adalah, has raised concerns that the Israeli ...
To mark Land Day tens of thousands of Palestinians joined demonstrations held on Friday, 30 March 2018, near the separation fence on the eastern borders of the Gaza Strip. A series of protests called 'The Great Return March' have been called for by a national committee of Palestinian factions to affirm ...
Palestinian protesters carry a wounded man was shot by Israeli troops during a demonstration near the Gaza Strip border with Israel, in eastern Gaza City, ... Youths set up tents in preparation for mass demonstrations along the Gaza strip border with Israel, east of Khan Younis, Thursday, March 29, 2018.
Israeli forces have killed at least 15 Palestinians and wounded more than 1,000 others during a mass protest near the Gaza Strip's eastern border. Thousands attended Friday's protest, dubbed the Great March of Return, which was organised by several Palestinian civil society organisations and backed by ...
Relatives carry the body of farmer Amero Samor, 27, during his funeral, in front of his family house in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Friday, March 30, 2018. Samor was killed when he was working at his farm early morning a long the Gaza strip border with Israel, east of Khan Younis. (AP Photo/Adel Hana).
Palestinian officials say 15 people have now been killed in a day of protest on the Gaza border, with nine shot dead by Israeli army fire and a farmer killed in a separate incident involving pre-dawn tank fire. In what was the deadliest day for the ongoing conflict since clashes in Gaza last autumn, the ...
Relatives carry the body of the farmer Amero Samor, 27, into his family house during his funeral in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Friday, March 30, 2018. Samor was killed when he was working at his farm early morning a long the Gaza strip border with Israel, east of Khan Younis. (AP Photo/Adel Hana).
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ratified the 2018 public budget — which includes a controversial, quid pro quo clause regarding funds for the Gaza Strip — without obtaining the proper approval, raising questions about the Palestinian Authority's desire to achieve reconciliation.
Tribal arbitration for the settlement of community problems and crimes before elderly members and dignitaries has long been the norm in Palestine, both in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. But over the past decade, more Palestinians have been turning to the traditional process, which is not without its ...
This step consists of approving certificates issued by these unrecognized universities and colleges in the Gaza Strip. Further steps will be taken before the start of the academic year in September, according to the statement. On March 14, dozens of holders of bachelor's degrees rushed to the headquarters ...
Majid Faraj, shortly after the vehicles entered the Gaza Strip through the Beit Hanoun crossing, also known as the Erez crossing, with Israel on March 13. Mohammed Mansour, the undersecretary of the Ramallah-based Ministry of Interior, said in a statement March 14 to Palestinian national radio that the ...

In January 2006, the radical Islamic movement Hamas won a sweeping majority in the Palestinian parliamentary elections, with an almost outright victory within the electoral districts of the Gaza Strip. This in turn led to confrontation with the secular-leaning Fatah movement, which Hamas would go on to ...
A deadly car-ramming in the West Bank. An Israeli civilian stabbed to death in Jerusalem. IDF soldiers targeted along the Gaza Strip border. Retaliatory air strikes and artillery fire on Hamas targets. The increase in violence once again raises the specter of another conflict erupting between Israel and Hamas ...
The Palestinian Authority (PA) has called on Hamas to transfer control of the Gaza Strip to Ramallah saying it was prepared to assume its full responsibilities there, as tensions between the two factions continue to rise, according to the Wafa news agency. “[The government] called on Hamas to hand over ...
Jerusalem: A French national working for his country's consulate in Jerusalem appeared in an Israeli court on Monday on charges that he smuggled weapons from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip in a diplomatic vehicle. The consulate employee, identified by Israeli authorities as Romain Franck, is alleged ...
Israeli soldiers fired, on Tuesday morning, many live rounds at Palestinian farmers, east of Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, and invaded farmlands in the area, in addition Beit Hanoun, to the northern part of the coastal region. Eyewitnesses said the soldiers, driving an armored military ...
While the White House prepares a summit to address the humanitarian crisis in the besieged Gaza Strip, Palestinians living in the area claim that the conference is a way to turn their cause for independence into “an aid project.” The conference, which started on Tuesday in Washington DC, went ahead with ...
Israeli soldiers resorted, Friday, to the excessive use of force against protesters across the occupied West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, injured and abducted many protesters, as the weekly processions continue for the 14th consecutive week against the illegal U.S. recognition of occupied ...
GAZA CITY, Palestine: Sameh al-Madhoun's eyes fill with tears as he recalls his fall from successful businessman to prisoner in a Hamas jail in Gaza. Once the owner of a flourishing car dealership, he is one of more than 40,000 Gazans charged in the last year with failing to keep up debt payments as the ...
The White House will hold a summit next week of “stakeholders” in a bid to grapple with humanitarian issues enveloping the Gaza Strip, a senior Trump Middle East peace negotiator said on Thursday according to the Jewish Telegraphic Association. “In response to the burgeoning humanitarian situation in ...
Hijjo, 90, dries up the leftover bread pitas collected from other residents in the Shati refugee camp in Gaza Strip on March 7, 2018. She earns her own living by selling the pitas to livestock owners. (Xinhua Photo). GAZA, March 8 (Xinhua) -- Khadija Hijjo, a 90-year-old Palestinian woman in the besieged ...
Organizers said the families could stay in the tents for prolonged periods, with youth and community activities planned. The demonstration has the backing of all political factions in the Gaza Strip, including its Islamist rulers Hamas. Israeli media said the army viewed the event as a potential security threat, ...
The delegation is expected to return to the enclave at the beginning of the next week, said well-informed sources. Earlier today, the delegation met with Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister Ziad Abu Amr to probe means of implementing mechanisms of the Palestinian reconciliation. It held meetings with a ...
15 statement that the Palestinians and Israelis have reached an agreement on reviewing the reconstruction plan of the Gaza Strip in place since 2014, so as to effectively repair the damage caused by the Israeli war on Gaza the same year. Miladinov's statement followed a meeting in Ramallah on Feb.
Having not been paid their salaries in months, the 835 cleaning workers at the Gaza Strip's hospitals are on strike, meaning that garbage is piling up and treatments are delayed. Gaza's hospitals run on generators vulnerable to a limited fuel supply and an estimated 36 percent of essential medicines and 32 ...
I was about to meet the armed masked men of the Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni Brigades inside the Gaza Strip. I had no idea what to expect. I'm not the powerful BBC with a support team behind me. It was just my fixer, Rami, and myself. Some of you will probably criticise me for meeting these people. You may ...
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — The Palestinian Ministry of Information in the Gaza Strip blocked Feb. 18 the launch of Taif TV, which would serve as a platform dedicated to women's affairs in Gaza. While the media office of the ministry said in a Feb. 18 statement on its official website that the channel had not ...
Usually, a medical patient from the Gaza Strip is granted at least one guardian to accompany him or her to medically referred hospitals in the West Bank, Jerusalem or Israel. Inam had counted on her mother Salwa being with her every step of the way. "The Israelis did not give us a reason for refusing to give ...
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — A number of university graduates protested in front of the Ministry of Labor in Gaza Feb. 18, preventing Labor Minister Mamoun Abu Shahla from entering the building. They were demanding solutions to the unemployment crisis. On Jan. 28, unemployed university graduates ...
The Gaza Strip's collective of charitable organisations said more than 1,000 Palestinians have died as a result of the ongoing Israeli blockade on the coastal enclave. The coordinator of the organisations, Ahmad al-Kurd, also said on Sunday that five premature babies born in the past few days died because ...
The air force claims to have struck 18 military targets in the Gaza Strip, wounding two people. Two Palestinians were killed as they attempted to approach the border. The outbreak of violence has coincided with increasing concern in Israel about the situation in the territory. Ironically, Israel has been ...
The Israeli military has carried out a number of strikes against Palestinian positions overnight in the Gaza Strip. They came in response to a bomb attack on Saturday which wounded four Israeli soldiers. Two Palestinians were killed by Israeli tank fire in Gaza. The Israeli air force also claimed to have ...
A total of 54 Palestinians died last year waiting for Israeli visas to allow them to leave Gaza for medical treatment, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said, a figure it says shows the depth of suffering imposed on people in the coastal enclave. Only 54 per cent of 25,000 applications for travel permits ...
Deficit and desperation define life these days in the Gaza Strip. Residents make do with four hours of electricity a day. Most people don't have access to clean water because the supply system is contaminated with sewage. Breakfast for some schoolchildren is a cup of hot water flavored with a dash of salt.
A Palestinian teenager from the West Bank arrested by Israel was sent to the Gaza Strip despite never having been there in her life, according to an Israeli human rights group. The group, HaMoked, said the 14-year-old girl, named only as Ghada, was arrested in Jerusalem on 13 January without a permit ...
GAZA, March 23, 2018 (WAFA) – Israeli forces shot and injured four Palestinian protesters during clashes at many locations along the eastern and northern border of the Gaza Strip on Friday, according to local sources. Israeli army opened gunfire at protesters to the north and east of Beit Hanoun town, ...


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