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updated Mon. June 24, 2024

Eli Yishai, who was then minister of industry and labor, said that “on that dramatic day, and after many intense discussions, the Cabinet met to approve the operation. I told the prime minister and defense minister that if they wanted my approval for the attack, I needed to consult with Maran Harav Ovadia ...

The interior minister at the time, Eli Yishai, said the intent was to “make their lives miserable” so they would leave the country. This policy, together with financial inducements, indeed led 30,000 refugees to leave, bringing their current number to 34,000. The government has said that for now it will not expel ...
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (left) speaks to former leader of the Shas party, Eli Yishai (right) during the opening of the Winter session of the ... Olmert wrote in his book that on the first Friday of the war, Eli Yishai, former Chairman of the Sephardic religious party, Shas, demanded to see him.
Holot was designed, in the words of then-Interior Minister Eli Yishai, “to make their lives miserable.” The Israeli government intended to use detention in Holot as a means of forcing asylum seekers to leave the country. To a degree, it worked. Between 2013 and 2017, 3,959 Eritrean and Sudanese asylum ...
Could a joint list including a former Likud MK and the former chief of the Shas party pass the electoral threshold and enter the Knesset? According to a recent poll conducted for Channel 2, former Interior Minister and ex-Shas chairman Eli Yishai's Yahad party would receive 1.9% of the vote if new elections ...


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Israeli officials:
        ali al‑siyani
        ami ayalon
        amir peretz
        amnon cohen
        amnon lipkin‑shahak
        amos gilad
        amram mitzna
        ariel sharon
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        avigdor lieberman
        avishay braverman
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        benjamin ben‑eliezer
        benjamin netanyahu
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        dov weisglas
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        ehud barak
        ehud olmert
        eli yishai
        ephraim halevy
        ephraim sneh
        ezer weizman
        gideon ezra
        haim ramon
        israel katz
        limor livnat
        mark regev
        matan vilnai
        meir shetrit
        menachem begin
        menachem mazuz
        michael ben‑yair
        moshe katsav
        moshe sharett
        naomi blumenthal
        natan sharansky
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        yitzhak shamir
        yonatan bassi
        yuval diskin
        zeev boim