

  cross-referenced news and research resources about

 Ayelet Shaked

Ayelet Shaked (born 7 May 1976) is an Israeli politician and computer engineer. She has served as a member of the Knesset for the Jewish Home since 2013, and as Minister of Justice since 2015. Although representing a religious party, Shaked identifies as a secular politician. She began her career in the Tel Aviv high-tech industry. logo
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updated Wed. July 10, 2024

The justice minister, Ayelet Shaked, for example, responded to Barak by saying that his statements concerning the superiority of the declaration over the proposed basic law, and the role of the Supreme Court in guaranteeing this superiority through judicial review, “demolishes democracy, since it is the ...

Even as it seeks to castrate the Supreme Court, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked is busy trying to re-create the top court in the image and likeness of her conservative HaBayit HaYehudi party. With the help of Knesset members on the political right and the Israel Bar Association (members of the Judicial ...
Haaretz has learned that Katz did not attend the last judicial selection committee meeting at which a number of labor court judges including the new president of the National Labor Court, Varda Wirth Livne, were chosen. In addition, two weeks ago, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked announced the selection of ...


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        ayelet shaked

Israeli officials:
        ali al‑siyani
        ami ayalon
        amir peretz
        amnon cohen
        amnon lipkin‑shahak
        amos gilad
        amram mitzna
        ariel sharon
        avi dichter
        avigdor lieberman
        avishay braverman
        avraham burg
        avraham hirschson
        ayelet shaked
        azmi bishara
        benjamin ben‑eliezer
        benjamin netanyahu
        dalia itzik
        danny biran
        david ben‑gurion
        dov weisglas
        effi eitam
        ehud barak
        ehud olmert
        eli yishai
        ephraim halevy
        ephraim sneh
        ezer weizman
        gideon ezra
        haim ramon
        israel katz
        limor livnat
        mark regev
        matan vilnai
        meir shetrit
        menachem begin
        menachem mazuz
        michael ben‑yair
        moshe katsav
        moshe sharett
        naomi blumenthal
        natan sharansky
        omri sharon
        raleb majadele
        rehavam zeevi
        ron prosor
        shaul mofaz
        shimon peres
        shlomo benizri
        shulamit aloni
        silvan shalom
        sofa landver
        tzipi livni
        uzi dayan
        yisrael katz
        yitzchak cohen
        yitzhak rabin
        yitzhak shamir
        yonatan bassi
        yuval diskin
        zeev boim