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 Haim Ramon

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updated Fri. August 2, 2024

If we fail to adopt the program, even more dangerous approaches—like those of Ehud Barak, Haim Ramon and Bill Clinton—may be adopted. Those are dangerous plans.” By Ariel Kahana. Ariel Kahana is the diplomatic correspondent for Makor Rishon, where this article was originally published.
“Establishing a separate municipality is the guarantee that will preserve the Jewish majority and the unity of Jerusalem. If we fail to adopt the program, even more dangerous approaches—like those of Ehud Barak, Haim Ramon and Bill Clinton—may be adopted. Those are dangerous plans.” Ariel Kahana ...

The one person to add a pragmatic aspect to this debate was former Justice Minister Haim Ramon. Although he identifies with the political left, in this particular issue, he stood at the side of the current justice minister by declaring, "Shaked is right." He explained that everywhere in the world, the right of ...
Senior Israel Defense Forces (IDF) officers were accused of assault, such as retired general and former Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai, Ofek Buchris and Liran Hajbi, and major political figures including former President Moshe Katsav, former ministers Haim Ramon and Silvan Shalom, Knesset ...
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, government minister Haim Ramon and Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri were a political pair of contradictions with significant power. Ramon, a blue-eyed Ashkenazi, was considered a rising star in the Labor Party. Deri, a native of Meknes, Morocco, was Shas' boy wonder, ...
In this case, too, the motivation is to strengthen the citys Jewish majority by removing 100,000 Palestinians, at least, from Jerusalems population registry. A third proposal is backed by former Minister Haim Ramon and MK Yoel Hasson (Zionist Union). It would have Israel withdrawing unilaterally from most of ...

In this case, too, the motivation is to strengthen the city's Jewish majority by removing 100,000 Palestinians, at least, from Jerusalem's population registry. A third proposal is backed by former Minister Haim Ramon and MK Yoel Hasson (Zionist Union). It would have Israel withdrawing unilaterally from most ...
In their despair over the political reality, they apparently want to let Barak strike a third time. Haim Ramon was a longtime political leader, first in the Labor Part and later in Kadima, and served as a minister in the Rabin, Peres, Barak, Sharon and Olmert governments. He also was chairperson of the Histadrut ...
Former Minister Haim Ramon, the former chairman of the National Labor Union and a senior member of the Labor Party, was the sponsor and founder of the movement Save Jewish Jerusalem. In recent months, he spun ties with left and centrist activists, convincing them to join his initiative to prevent an ...
Presenting that equation in an interview with Al-Monitor, former Minister Haim Ramon will try to relay his plan to the general public in a bid to mobilize them and “save Jewish Jerusalem.” This is also the name of the movement Ramon launched earlier in February together with other public figures, some with ...
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, government minister Haim Ramon and Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri were a political pair of contradictions ...
A third proposal is backed by former Minister Haim Ramon and MK Yoel Hasson (Zionist Union). It would have Israel withdrawing unilaterally ...
When then-Labor Party member Haim Ramon, a supporter of NHI, was elected chairman of the Histadrut, the path was opened to pass NHI.
Haim Ramon was a longtime political leader, first in the Labor Part and later in Kadima, and served as a minister in the Rabin, Peres, Barak, ...
Former Minister Haim Ramon explains why his plan for separating from 28 East Jerusalem Palestinian villages responds to the security ...
Former Minister Haim Ramon explains why his plan for separating from 28 East Jerusalem Palestinian villages responds to the security ...
LifeWave, the company chaired by former politician Haim Ramon, is closing up shop after wiping out 99% of investors' value, the company ...

... Ofek Buchris and Liran Hajbi, and major political figures including former President Moshe Katsav, former ministers Haim Ramon and Silvan ...
When then-Labor Party member Haim Ramon, a supporter of NHI, was elected chairman of the Histadrut, the path was opened to pass NHI.
Haim Ramon was a longtime political leader, first in the Labor Part and later in Kadima, and served as a minister in the Rabin, Peres, Barak, ...
Former Minister Haim Ramon explains why his plan for separating from 28 East Jerusalem Palestinian villages responds to the security ...
Former Minister Haim Ramon explains why his plan for separating from ... Vice Premier Haim Ramon (R) before a Kadima Party meeting at the ...
Summary⎙ Print Former Minister Haim Ramon explains why his plan for separating from 28 East Jerusalem Palestinian villages responds to the security ...
LifeWave, the company chaired by former politician Haim Ramon, is closing up shop after wiping out 99% of investors' value, the company ...
When Haim Ramon and Ehud Barak advocate the 'we're here, they're there' concept, they are trying to convince the public to accept the Oslo Accords even without the rosy vision originally promised of a new Middle East.
One of Barghouti's close friends at the time was Haim Ramon, a former cabinet minister. "We used to meet every week, usually on Fridays in Tel Aviv," Ramon recalls.
Former Minister Haim Ramon, the former chairman of the National Labor Union and a senior member of the Labor Party, was the sponsor and founder of the movement Save Jewish Jerusalem.
... the tragic mistake made in 1967 and remove most of the 28 Palestinian villages from (occupied) Jerusalem's municipal area, thereby returning 200,000-250,000 of the city's Palestinian residents to the West Bank," former Israeli cabinet minister Haim ...
Will a wall around Palestinian neighborhoods of Jerusalem help protect Jewish Israelis from the violence that has plagued the city since last fall?
Will a wall around Palestinian neighborhoods of Jerusalem help protect Jewish Israelis from the violence that has plagued the city since last fall?
Yet this recently founded movement is headed by prominent figures in what is usually referred to as the Israeli Peace Camp: Haim Ramon, ex-minister for labour and Ehud Olmert's Kadima; Amy Ayalon, ex-contender for the leadership of the Labor party, and ...
In the bus, which was flanked on either side by Border Police jeeps, were former cabinet minister Haim Ramon (Labor) and a number of former senior officials in the defense establishment.
Sebagaimana dilansir dari Russian Today, Jumat (11/3/2016) mantan anggota parlemen Israel Haim Ramon secara besar-besaran mengadakan kampanye di media untuk program 'aneksasi'nya dan ia mengajukan proposal untuk membangun pagar baru ...
A former Israeli cabinet minister has called for the construction of a new separation wall around Palestinian neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem.
Haim Ramon, a former minister from Labor and the centrist Kadima Party who is the architect of the new plan, said that if the Arab residents ended their boycott of city elections, the next mayor of Jerusalem would not be Jewish.
After the beginning of the Second Intifada a few months later, it was a Labor minister, Haim Ramon, who started advocating the building of a barrier between the West Bank and Israel.
Presenting that equation in an interview with Al-Monitor, former Minister Haim Ramon will try to relay his plan to the general public in a bid to mobilize them and "save Jewish Jerusalem.
The driving force and most intriguing name on the list is that of former Cabinet minister Haim Ramon. Ramon had quit politics and lay low after being convicted of sexual misconduct involving a female soldier in 2007.
According to Quds Press, which reported on the news published in Maariv, Save Jewish Jerusalem was set up by the former Cabinet minister Haim Ramon, alongside a number of former political, security and military officials.Maariv noted that the movement ...
The driving force and most intriguing name on the list is that of former Cabinet minister Haim Ramon. Ramon had quit politics and lay low after being convicted of sexual misconduct involving a female soldier in 2007.
It reminded me of a similar expression of exasperation made famous under different circumstances by former Israeli politician Haim Ramon, who told his Labor party: "Like a whale that has lost its sense of direction, you surge to the beach, seeking your ...
In some way, though, Magal's case is more interesting than previous such cases (Katzav, or Minister Haim Ramon) because of the political connotation and because Magal was not a Knesset Member of just any party, he was an MK of a Zionist-religious party.


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        haim ramon

Israeli officials:
        ali al‑siyani
        ami ayalon
        amir peretz
        amnon cohen
        amnon lipkin‑shahak
        amos gilad
        amram mitzna
        ariel sharon
        avi dichter
        avigdor lieberman
        avishay braverman
        avraham burg
        avraham hirschson
        ayelet shaked
        azmi bishara
        benjamin ben‑eliezer
        benjamin netanyahu
        dalia itzik
        danny biran
        david ben‑gurion
        dov weisglas
        effi eitam
        ehud barak
        ehud olmert
        eli yishai
        ephraim halevy
        ephraim sneh
        ezer weizman
        gideon ezra
        haim ramon
        israel katz
        limor livnat
        mark regev
        matan vilnai
        meir shetrit
        menachem begin
        menachem mazuz
        michael ben‑yair
        moshe katsav
        moshe sharett
        naomi blumenthal
        natan sharansky
        omri sharon
        raleb majadele
        rehavam zeevi
        ron prosor
        shaul mofaz
        shimon peres
        shlomo benizri
        shulamit aloni
        silvan shalom
        sofa landver
        tzipi livni
        uzi dayan
        yisrael katz
        yitzchak cohen
        yitzhak rabin
        yitzhak shamir
        yonatan bassi
        yuval diskin
        zeev boim