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 West Bank, Palestine

The West Bank is a landlocked territory near the Mediterranean coast of Western Asia, the bulk of it now under Israeli control, or else under joint Israeli-Palestinian Authority control. The final status of the entire area is yet to be determined by the parties concerned. The West Bank shares boundaries (demarcated by the Jordanian-Israeli armistice of 1949) to the west, north, and south with Israel, and to the east, across the Jordan River, with Jordan. The West Bank also contains a significant section of the western Dead Sea shore.

The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has a land area of 5,640 km2 plus a water area of 220 km2, consisting of the northwest quarter of the Dead Sea. As of July 2015 it has an estimated population of 2,785,366 Palestinians, and approximately 371,000 Israeli settlers, and approximately another 212,000 Jewish Israelis in East Jerusalem. The international community considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this. The International Court of Justice advisory ruling (2004) concluded that events that came after the 1967 occupation of the West Bank by Israel, including the Jerusalem Law, Israel's peace treaty with Jordan and the Oslo Accords, did not change the status of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) as occupied territory with Israel as the occupying power.

West Bank map
West Bank
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updated Sun. September 22, 2024

Anabta, West Bank - A Palestinian Authority (PA) court in the West Bank city of Jericho has extended the detention of 25-year-old Ahmad al-Awartani, who ... that read "the residents of Anabta renew their allegiance, the pledge and the loyalty to His Excellency the President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas".
Most West Bank schools at risk of demolition fall within Area C. Israel justifies its demolition of schools and other Palestinian property, there, not on security ... Court (ICC) prosecutor should also examine the school demolitions as part of her ongoing preliminary examination into the situation in Palestine.

A Bedouin teenager in southern Israel was swept into a stream in the Negev desert. He was pronounced dead after he was found, according to emergency responders. In the southern West Bank, a young Palestinian girl died when she was swept away by flooding near Hebron, police said. The weather ...
Most West Bank schools at risk of demolition fall within Area C. Israel justifies its demolition of schools and other Palestinian property there not on security ... Criminal Court prosecutor should also examine the school demolitions as part of her ongoing preliminary examination into the situation in Palestine.
A 17-year-old Palestinian girl died in the desert hills east of Bethlehem in the West Bank. She was herding sheep and was swept away by the flood. The north saw more breaks in the showers but was hit with very heavy winds and haze. Heavy rains and hail struck in the afternoon in the center of the country.
With anti-Palestinian Hate Crimes on the Rise, Two More Suspected Incidents in West Bank Overnight ... Two more incidents of suspected anti-Arab hate crimes occurred late Sunday night in two separate places in the West Bank, a day after Israel's security services reported an uptick in the so-called "price ...

A Palestinian man was shot by an Israeli civilian after allegedly attempting to stab a second Israeli in a West Bank industrial park. The Palestinian, armed with a screwdriver, was shot by a civilian who was at the scene. The suspect was seriously wounded and evacuated to Hadassah hospital. The targeted ...
February 2018 recorded a slight increase in the scope of the Israeli authorities' demolitions and seizures across the West Bank (37 structures targeted), ... Jabal al Baba and Um al Jmal are two of the Palestinian communities which, in November 2017, received “demarcation orders” issued by the Israeli ...
Palestinian workers show their permits and IDs to Israeli Border Police as they head back to the West Bank after a day of working in Israel. ... been unable to renew their entry permits to Israel and or the settlements because of labor sanctions by employees of Israel's Civil Administration in the West Bank.
An organized transportation system takes students from their homes in the Galilee and Little Triangle area of Arab cities in central Israel to the West Bank. In fact, Israeli Arabs now make up a majority of the student body at AAUJ, the first private Palestinian university. Founded in 2000, the institution is ...
And as Next City has covered, the Palestinian West Bank has been increasingly crowded by the growth of Israeli settlements, like Ariel. In the 1990s, a treaty signed by Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization gave Palestinians control (with various limitations) over a mere 18 percent of the West ...
Millions of tourists come to the West Bank every year, but Israel decides who can visit, and only a small fraction of the tourists ever stay in Palestinian hotels and guesthouses or use Palestinian guides. We visit a Palestinian guesthouse in Sebastia and hear how the owner, Ahmad, manages to remain ...
The Knesset passed legislation on February 12 that applies Israeli law to settler academic institutions in the occupied West Bank, such as Ariel University, founded in an Israeli settlement of the same name near the Palestinian town of Salfit. Simultaneously, the justice ministry is advancing a law that would ...
Over 40 per cent of the graves in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank have been dug on privately owned Palestinian land, according to a ... 600 graves, situated in or near 10 settlements, are built on Palestinian land, including land that has been expropriated for public use or taken by Israel for ...
The Palestinian fled the scene with his back to the fighters, and therefore, they couldn't see that he was carrying a baby in his arms. Such flight is characteristic of rioters who throw stones at soldiers, endangering their lives; they try to flee the scene in order to avoid arrest at any price. Needless to say, had ...
The West Bank, which Israel occupied in 1967, is home to about half a million Jewish settlers, and 2.7 million Palestinian residents. ... of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is the thorniest issue obstructing the resumption of the peace negotiation between Palestine and Israel, the last ...
The High Court of Justice on Wednesday gave the state a three-month extension to evacuate 15 homes built illegally on private Palestinian land in the West Bank outpost of Netiv Ha'avot. The homes were due be evacuated next week, but the state said it needed more time to prepare temporary homes for ...

... Israel's border with the Gaza Strip. The Palestine Red Crescent reported that 18 protesters were wounded in clashes with military forces in the West Bank, including one protester who was hit by gunfire, seven who were shot by rubber bullets, and ten who were wounded by inhaling teargas. An Israeli ...
The incident is being reviewed." The killing comes a week after Israeli forces detained more than 30 Palestinians in raids across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel occupied the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem in 1967. Today, between 600,000 and 750,000 Israeli settlers live in ...
Palestinian laborers work at a construction site in a new housing project in the Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim, near Jerusalem on Feb. ... (JERUSALEM) — The number of Jewish settlers in the West Bank grew at nearly twice the rate of Israel's overall population last year, a settler leader said Monday, ...
The army may recommend to the government to change the security barrier's route in the area where a Palestinian on Friday killed two Israeli soldiers in a car-ramming attack, military sources said. If the barrier is ultimately moved it will split the village of Barta'a in two. The attack on Friday took place near ...
A regular person has barely one father, and who knows if he's his real father, or whether he is hiding somewhere in the building. But the settlers have many real fathers, whose paternity is not in doubt, as surely as if they'd undergone very reliable genetic testing. These merciful patriarchs have land, lots of ...
The Israeli army will be imposing a general closure on the West Bank and on crossing points between the Gaza Strip and Israel for Purim, following ... FILE PHOTO: Israeli security forces stand guard at the Qalandia checkpoint between Jerusalem and Ramallah in the West Bank, April 27, 2016. AHMAD ...


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