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Created as a mechanism for maintaining British influence through a local patron, Jordan's future never looked certain. Nevertheless, under the leadership of the Hashemite monarchy led by Abdullah and then his grandson Hussein, the

Kingdom of Jordan

has become a permanent feature of the map of the modern Middle East.

Created as a mechanism for maintaining British influence through a local patron, Jordan's future never looked certain. Nevertheless, under the leadership of the Hashemite monarchy led by Abdullah and then his grandson Hussein, the

Kingdom of Jordan

has become a permanent feature of the map of the modern Middle East.
images:  google   yahoo YouTube

updated Sat. August 24, 2024

The legislative body of the Palestinian Liberation Organization is set to discuss suspending the recognition of Israel, in addition to several other critical issues of Palestinian politics. For the first time in nine years, the Palestinian National Council (PNC) is scheduled to convene in Ramallah on Monday, in a ...
Text messages show that one of the girls who was killed told friends she was worried for her safety on the hike, the Israel Television News Company reported. "I can't believe I'm actually going hiking in weather like this. It doesn't make sense to go to a place that's completely flooded. It's tempting fate. We're ...

Pompeo arrived in Saudi Arabia Saturday, where he is slated to meet with the Saudi king, crown prince and foreign minister just weeks ahead of several key dates that could further roil the volatile region. After leaving Saudi Arabia on Sunday, Pompeo will fly to Israel and Jordan before ending his first trip ...
His administration was immediately criticized for its reluctance to accept people fleeing the war-torn country: in the past six months, the US has accepted 44 Syrian refugees – just two more than died in the Douma gas attack. This week, Trump's travel ban was back in the supreme court, as the legal battle ...
Trump administration struggles to win Arab support for helping rebuild Syria, leaving U.S. pullout uncertain ... U.S. officials are warning the White House that the U.S. is risking repeating the same mistake it made in Iraq, when President Obama withdrew U.S. forces in December 2011 — despite warnings ...
These children are part of a prewar population of 560,000 Palestinian refugees in Syria. Over 120,000 have fled abroad, including approximately 32,500 to Lebanon and 17,000 to Jordan. The vast majority of those who stayed behind are in need of sustained humanitarian assistance to meet their most ...

BEIRUT — A conference scheduled for May 11-12 will reflect on the initial impact of a potentially powerful new political tool in Lebanon — a branch of behavioral economics called "Nudge." Fadi Makki, an expert and adviser in public policy and the founder and director of the Qatar Behavioural Insights Unit ...
Russia is holding a press conference in the Netherlands with purported witnesses from Syria in an attempt to disprove an alleged chemical weapons ... Lebanon's foreign minister has criticized the U.N. refugee agency, saying it's warning Syrian refugees in Lebanon not to return to their war-torn country.
The United States, while helping the Kurdish fighters, still holds the Tanf enclave in eastern Syria, which constitutes a kind of bottleneck making it hard for Iran to establish control over the main highway from Tehran via Iraq to Damascus and Beirut. For Israel this could be an excellent bargaining chip in ...
King of Jordan, Austrian president review guard of honor in Amman. Source: Xinhua| ... King Abdullah II of Jordan (2nd L) and the President of Austria Alexander Van der Bellen (2nd R, front) review the guard of honor ahead of their meeting at al-Husseinya Palace, Amman, Jordan, April 18, 2018.
A representative of Anex Customs and Danmar Logistics told Knack magazine in a statement: “My customer [AAE Chemie] has been exporting chemicals to various paint factories and leather processing factories in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan for 15 to 20 years. “Since the war in Syria the risk analysis of ...
They swear allegiance to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, not to Assad. Iran now has clout in four capitals — Damascus, Beirut, Baghdad and Sanaa. In Syria it wants more: a land corridor that stretches from the Iraqi border into Lebanon, and the capacity to hold Israel, America's ally in the Middle East, to ransom.
Saudi Arabia's foreign minister, Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir, said Tuesday that Saudi Arabia is engaged in talks with the US and would consider sending forces to Syria along with other Arab countries as part of this contingent. Jubeir also noted that the idea is not necessarily new, as Saudi Arabia made a ...
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the BBC's "HARDtalk" that he guaranteed there had been no Russian tampering, adding his country had sent experts to the site and found "no trace" of chemical weapons. Russian state-run media outlet TASS said a team from its conflict monitoring center in ...
Rallies opposing the U.S.-led bombing of Syria took place in Iraq over the weekend. The U.S., France and Britain ... ARRAF: Well, the foreign minister, Ibrahim Jaafari, has called them a dangerous escalation - the airstrikes - and he says they could increase extremism. That matters to Iraq because it's pretty ...
Nine months after the shooting incident in the Jordanian capital that left two Jordanians dead, Israel's new ambassador to Jordan arrives in Amman. ... over how Israel depicted the incident and the warm reception that she and Moyal, received from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on their arrival in ...
A series of armed bank robberies in Amman has rattled Jordan, with some activists blaming the country's rising crime rate on alleged government corruption and failed economic policies. Activists say increased taxes and food and fuel prices have eroded the savings and salaries of the country's poor, which ...

Today, Lebanon is hosting about 1.5 million Syrians, equal to a quarter of its population and the highest number in the world on a per capita basis. Jordan has "only" 660,000 Syrians, but it also has close to100,000 others from Iraq and elsewhere, meaning close to one out of 10 inhabitants is a refugee.
AMMAN — Iraq cooperates with Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to secure borders as part of the post-Daesh security plan, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. Iraqi Interior Minister Qasim Al Araji on Monday said that this phase, which follows the defeat of Daesh terror group, requires activating the ...
AMMAN — A tip by her sister encouraging her to visit Amman triggered in curiosity in Palestinian Ashgan Borjas about the nearby capital. Before visiting Jordan, she was not aware of the local art scene hosted in the city. “Once I discovered the number of graffiti, [work] around Amman, it became a major ...
But Russia, Turkey and Iran meet without the contribution of a reasonably important factor in this ghastly experiment in human cruelty: Syrians. You can argue ... They are squeezed into a tiny pocket of the northwest, and outside Syria's borders into Turkey and Jordan, with many in Lebanon too. Keeping this ...
If the international community—and Turkey in particular—starts challenging Russia, they might find that Rusia is not as formidable in Syria as it comes ... Its maintenance of “deconfliction channels” and relationships with Turkey, Jordan, Israel, the US, and the PKK may give the impression of a powerful ...
On the 70th anniversary of the nakba this year, Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria plan to march on Israel's borders and may try to cross them. Last Friday, marchers converged on the Gaza-Israel border fence in five locations. The two largest protests took place east of Gaza ...
Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - Dusty, arid and unforgiving: Jordan's desert that houses the Zaatari refugee camp was previously unoccupied. As the Syrian war escalated, the camp emerged almost overnight, housing the Syrians fleeing the violence. The camp is located about 2km from the Syrian border ...
All the attention a week and a half ago was on the lifting of the military censor's gag order on the official record of Israel's September 2007 attack on Syria's nuclear reactor. But the event that spurred the decision to let the Israeli media report on the strike – the publication in Israel of former Prime Minister ...
On the other hand, I thought as I read this grim assessment, military victory does not guarantee political success–as the U.S. whole of government has demonstrated so well in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I have to wonder, is winning Syria really that big a prize? Or will there be a sequel (“Syria II: Putin vs. the ...
AMMAN — Farmers and others owning land near Jordan's northwestern border with Israel are waiting for the go-ahead for land expropriations to begin in clearing the way for the laying of a natural gas pipeline. The pending expropriations stem from an agreement signed in September 2016 between the ...
And yet, despite 70 years of often false historical narrative that omits the bloody events that accompanied the birth of Israel in 1948, ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, massacres committed to scare off local residents and force them to leave and obliteration of Arab villages, the world chooses to ignore the ...
Determining how many Palestinians live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip may seem like a relatively simple matter to resolve, but no reliable figures seem to exist. The Israeli Civil Administration in the territories makes use of Palestinian Authority data, which other officials in Israel consider problematic.
AMMAN, March 28 (Xinhua) -- Jordan on Wednesday approved a request by Israel to appoint a new ambassador in Amman, the state-run Petra news agency reported. Citing an unnamed official, Petra said the Jordanian Foreign Ministry approved a request it received recently from its Israeli counterpart to ...
Through your support, we're delivering clean water to Hani and his family, and thousands more who fled the violence in East Ghouta. Last week marked seven years ... This is part of our long-term strategy to provide aid for those in Syria as well as refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. Now Hani and his siblings ...
The founders of Turbo — a design studio in Amman, Jordan — built a set to photograph this model tiger “as if it went to the jungle and it found some ... The large storefront of Turbo drew attention to a pop-up shop it held in 2016 for the bold, architectural chairs of a Palestinian furniture company, Local ...
AMMAN — Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi on Monday said that Jordan has been shouldering burdens of hosting the Syrian refugees that have exceeded its capacity, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. During a phone call with the UN Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura, Safadi stressed that ...
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi arrived in Israel on Monday at the head of a delegation of Congressional Democrats, after a visit to neighboring Jordan over the weekend. Pelosi's office said the focus of the trip would be “global and regional security and cooperation.” “There is no greater political ...
The prize was received at the award ceremony in Jordan's King Hussein Business Park along with a USD 20,000 cheque for the Tech for Food project. ... As of January, there are more than 5.4 million refugees from Syria in neighbouring countries of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey, according to ...
Last week, the Union for Arab Banks held a conference in Amman under the patronage of Central Bank of Jordan Governor Ziad Fariz and with the presence of Palestinian Monetary Authority Governor Azzam Shawwa. The conference aimed at assessing the Palestinian banking system in the context of the ...
Haim Mendes, five million Palestinians live in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. This figure does not include the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, or the 1.8 million Israeli Arabs. According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of September 2017 some 6.5 Jews live in ...
AMMAN - King Abdullah of Jordan on Monday inaugurated the 2nd Nobel Laureates and Leaders for Children Summit at king Hussein centre in the Dead ... A special emphasis will be put on refugees and displaced children from the war torn Syria and other countries from around the Middle East, who fled ...
Nancy Pelosi will head a delegation of US Democrats to Israel and Jordan, starting Saturday, to discuss 'security and cooperation issues' in the region, despite omitting the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
"The significance is clear to everyone," the prime minister said at his weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, adding that the implications, which he called ... According to an incoming tourism survey, Indian tourists spend an average of 6.2 nights in Israel and each person spends approximately $1066 per visit.
Following the decision by the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) to hand over the city center without engaging in urban warfare against the ... military groups there, Ankara may shift its focus from working as part of 'the Astana trio' in Syria to fighting against the Kurdistan Workers Party in Iraq.
AMMAN — Panama's President Juan Carlos Varela is scheduled to arrive on Sunday to Jordan for an official visit, in which he will hold talks with His Majesty ... in company with HRH Prince Rym Ali, made her realise the magnitude of suffering refugees faced and war circumstances they endured in Syria.
India should play a major role in resolving the vexed Syrian refugee crisis, Jordan Prince Ali bin Al Hussein has said, citing the plight of millions in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had met Jordan's King Abdullah II during his visit to the Middle Eastern country last month ...
Within Israel's borders and in the Palestinian territories, you will find that Palestinian society is split in two: the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, and the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip. Though not the most challenging conflict for Israel, the Palestinian issue is the most volatile. The dire humanitarian ...
As he passes by the debris of his home, Abu Mazen, a 70-year-old Syrian, recalls the 20 years he lived in the building in Kafr Batna town in the regime-besieged suburb of Eastern Ghouta. The elder man misses his two sons, who had to leave Syria to Jordan in 2012 after the outbreak of civil war in Syria a ...
Tensions between the U.S. and Jordan have been inflamed in recent months after President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and announced plans to relocate the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv. Jordan's King Abdullah II called the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as ...
Their competition has stoked a brutal proxy conflict in Syria, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has orchestrated a devastating attack on Yemen as a challenge to Iran's influence there. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's efforts to persuade the United States to abandon ...
(JTA) — A Jordanian court sentenced a Palestinian man to several years of hard labor for plotting to commit terrorist acts against Israelis, and three ... a resident of Jordan who was not named in a Jordan Times report about the sentencing Wednesday by the State Security Court in Amman, attempted to ...
As Iraq's own sectarian crisis has spiralled into warfare, and with millions of Iraqis living as refugees, the Syrian civil war has only a minor impact on Iraq's instability. Lebanon, another of ... For Israel, which believes that Iran poses a threat via proxy actors in Syria, the situation is also familiar. For years, a ...
In 2011, the war in Syria began and Jasim decided to expand her work to help the millions of orphans and refugees who have fled to Jordan, Turkey, Greece, and ... She collected some of her inheritance from her mother's passing, and proceeds from her books and merchandise, and traveled to Iraq on Jan.


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