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updated Sat. August 17, 2024

The U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center's Veterans Ambassadors Program is a nationwide initiative that trains volunteers as oral historians to collect veterans' stories for inclusion in the Army's historical archives. An Army Heritage Center representative will conduct training sessions April 26-27 at the ...
The Society of Architectural Historians will host their 71st annual international conference in St. Paul this month, including two back-to-back panel discussions on the architectural history and post-industrial future of the Mississippi River. The seminar-style event — “Confluences: Place, Change and Meaning ...

Historians, theorists and African American Studies scholars who remind us to be skeptical of the comfortable, sanitized versions of Martin Luther King Jr. often point to Dr. King's opposition to the Vietnam War or to his late-in-life anti-poverty crusade as evidence of his radicalism. That critique is important, but ...
Historians aren't great at tracking what students learn. Sometimes they even resent being asked. Recently, however, the winner of the Bancroft Prize, one of history's most distinguished awards, washed the profession's dirty laundry in public. The article's title: “Five Reasons History Professors Suck at ...
Historians aren't great at tracking what students learn. Sometimes they even resent being asked. Recently, however, the winner of the Bancroft Prize, one of history's most distinguished awards, washed the profession's dirty laundry in public. The article's title: “Five Reasons History Professors Suck at ...
Local historian and Sam Houston Center librarian Darlene Mott was invited to the March 26 meeting of the Dayton Historical Society to share information about Confederate Capt. William B. Duncan and his wife, Celima. The program was timely in that a Liberty County Historical Marker was dedicated on ...

On this site at the end of February an abridged article appeared that discussed “Writing for the Public Vs. Academic Writing.” The HNN Mission Statement, as well as a perusal of any week's HNN essays, makes it clear that this site believes in the importance of historians addressing the public. But more ...
Last week, I wrote about Livia Poffenbarger and her work in Point Pleasant. This week, in the last article for Women's History Month, I want to once again focus on past historians. Though, this time, it'll be historians from the Bend Area. It seems that every forty or so years, Mason County welcomes a new ...
No people of colour, and no women. The episode has raised important questions about the diversity of history as a discipline, and who is listened to in public debates. Higher education generally is still too white and too male, and this problem is exacerbated when it comes to which historians are given a ...
Has the current generation of historians in fact abdicated its responsibility to consider questions of contemporary interest? Most historians would find this claim silly; history is always about questions of contemporary interest, always "applied." So how has the new, more diverse generation of historians ...
Historians recently concluded a four-year long exploration of the Civil War called the Civil War Sesquicentennial. Between that and required history classes you might be surprised to learn that the country — North and South — is roughly split on whether the Civil War was fought over slavery or states' rights.
Pictured from left to right are Martha Jordan (adult leader), Emily Driggerers, Landon Ray, Alexandra Jordan and Charles Ray. Emily Driggers and Charles Ray received honorable mention awards and Landon Ray and Alexandra Jordan received first-place awards in their age divisions for the state poetry ...
Historians are too diverse, shifting, and pluralistic to really qualify as a "community," but we are a collective of common norms, rules, and habits. And we make a lot of decisions together: hiring, tenure, field distributions (that's a tough one), curriculum, graduate admissions, and so forth. Good behavior makes ...
MILTON – “Anything you can do to promote the history of a town is a good thing,” says Milton Town Historian Kim McCartney. While many locals a short distance north were planning multiple events throughout this year to celebrate the Town of Wilton's bicentennial, which includes a special magazine ...
Ten members of a French committee that annually produces a book commemorating significant historical events collectively resigned on Wednesday, accusing the government of "censorship" for removing a reference to far-right author Charles Maurras. Each year the High Committee for National ...
The idea behind our South X Lullaby series was to offer intimate moments with musicians as an antidote to the commotion and deluge that is the SXSW music festival. When we met Lucy Dacus for her Lullaby and found out she'd perform "Historians," a most somber song from her deeply personal and ...
What is the story behind the closure of a Town Green landmark: the Military Historians Headquarters Museum? That's the question that many Westbrook residents have asked in recent weeks as they watched the loading of the museums' contents into Penske trucks and a “For Lease” sign appear in the ...

YARMOUTH — The History Center will celebrate its fifth anniversary on the banks of the Royal River on Saturday, March 31. The celebration will take place at the center at 118 East Elm St. and is free and open to the public. From 10:30 a.m.-noon, attendees can enjoy cupcakes, museum scavenger hunts, ...
History can tell us a lot about environmental upheaval, say Princeton University historians John Haldon and Lee Mordechai. What is missing in today's debate about climate change is using what we know about how past societies handled environmental stresses to help inform our own situation.
SURREY — When Lorraine Irving, Barb Nielsen, Eunice Robinson, Marnie Ingvaldson and Corrine Jubb are gathered in the same room together, the collective passion for genealogy is palpable. On an early-March morning, they're seated at a table in an end unit of a Newton warehouse complex, in an ...
Thousands of artifacts are out there somewhere, either purchased a century ago at auctions following the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893, sold-off by the territorial and state governments, or handed down in families through the generations. 'Iolani Palace has created a "most wanted" list to ...
'Unequal Gains: American Growth and Inequality Since 1700' is an interesting book that provides a history of inequality in America from prerevolutionary times up to the present. It is written by two well-known economic historians, Peter H. Lindert, Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of ...
In all these instances, academic historians have either been sidelined, or have become the victims of politically motivated onslaughts. Still, the disputes per se are not a late modern phenomenon. Similar debates occur in any society that records its past. They form part of historical culture. But why is this so, ...
President Donald Trump is not afraid to talk himself up – but presidential historians don't think he's so great. Just in time for Presidents' Day, a survey of 170 presidential historians puts Trump in dead last place – behind even James Buchanan, whom many historians blame for failing to stop the Civil War.
Three female historians who had been invited confirmed to The New York Times that they had declined because of other obligations. The only woman at the event, Mary Sarotte, who headed a single panel, did not respond to a request for comment. After the interview, Mr. Ferguson reiterated his defense in ...
In this week's episode of History Respawned, a podcast where historians discuss games that deal with history in some way, host John Harney is joined by Bob Whitaker and guest Robert Greene II in order to work through the historical context that The New Colossus is borrowing from in order to create its ...
EDITOR'S NOTE: This month's Jefferson County history column is the third in a series of three about local history resources in the county. Last month's column featured books that were collaboratively written or were collections of newspaper articles. This month's column focuses on a historical look at the ...
This house at 404 Washington Ave. is one of four buildings on the street slated to be demolished by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston. Photo by Heather Ziegler. WHEELING — To the chagrin of some local historians and neighbors, four vacant houses on Washington Avenue owned by ...
Those academic roots are important, however, not only for how they shaped my thinking as a historian, but also how I view the role of historians. Leading scholars from Bielefeld in the late 1980s showed how historians can engage in, and lead, debates about critical political and social questions of the time ...
Hasegawa Tōhaku's legacy has played out like an art-historical whodunit—which is precisely why Dr. Miyeko Murase, former special consultant in Japanese art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and professor emerita at Columbia University, found it so fascinating. “I thought, this reads like a detective story,” ...


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