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updated Wed. August 21, 2024

This moment renewed my dismay of the postponement for the ethnic studies course to another school year. The call for adding this course has been one led by a student group, Students Against Hate and Discrimination, which came into existence during political turmoil surrounding the nominations for ...
The current development of the race and ethnic studies program hopes to add more diversity to the school's faculty, benefit students and allow those of various ethnic backgrounds to see themselves represented in the curriculum. Dr. Sara Diaz, assistant professor in the women's and gender studies ...

Two years ago, Gov. Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 2016, which is set to create the first statewide model curriculum on ethnic studies by 2019. No other state had ever approved such a bill to help standardize the courses that arose 50 years ago out of the Third World Liberation Front strikes at San ...
The Association of Asian American Studies celebrated a major diversity milestone over the Easter weekend at its national conference in San Francisco, 50 years after a student strike at San Francisco State University birthed ethnic studies as a model for the nation. March 20, 1969 marked the end of the ...
More than 15 people told the Elk Grove school board on March 20 their district's high school students should be required to take an ethnic studies course. They said that such a requirement would make students more knowledgeable and respectful of different races and ethnicities. “If we want to be ...
After the release of the draft executive summary last September, Ethnic Studies advocates criticized the report for failing to explicitly call for a program or center in ethnic studies, something ethnic studies advocates have requested for decades. In their most recent effort, the Ethnic Studies Coalition petitioned ...

Schmidt proposed funding parts of the project with money allocated last year within the council's strategic initiatives for teaching an ethnic studies course. “[The field trip] could happen every year,” Galvin suggested. “That trip to Montgomery is part of that [ethnic studies] class.” The Equal Justice Initiative also ...
“People were searching for another 'other,' and Muslims were an easy target,” said Mario Gomez, director of the International Center for Ethnic Studies, a Colombo think tank. “There was always some animosity, but not this level of venom. The manipulation of social media enabled a lot of myths to spread.”.
Amid some student outcry, ICCSD board apologizes for ethnic studies class blunder. Aimee Breaux ... Iowa City Community School District administrators and board members apologized for the delay of an ethnic studies course students have spent more than a year advocating for. The apologies came after ...
Now, nearly six months later, Paredes and ethnic studies undergraduate Camila Ruiz, are about to leave for Puerto Rico as part of Alternative Breaks, a program in Berkeley's Public Service Center that gives more than 100 students each year a chance to explore social justice issues through hands-on ...
Among UC Berkeley's 25 libraries, the C.V. Starr East Asian Library, the South/Southeast Asia Library and the Ethnic Studies Library stand out because of their globally conscious and politically driven histories, which make their current collections increasingly meaningful and intriguing. A tradition of East ...
Georgetown University's curriculum does not reflect the academic demands of its underrepresented communities. Ethnic studies programs empower students to learn more about their own cultures and the cultures of other people. The university has recognized the value of these programs in the past, ...
San Francisco State University has a troubled history with its Jewish students, several of whom sued the public university last year alleging it facilitated decades of harassment against them. Campus police didn't intervene when anti-Israel activists chanted “intifada” and shouted down Jerusalem Mayor Nir ...
Padilla's Introduction to the Chicana/o studies class will be the primary host of this celebration with the help of the Ethnic Studies department. It is a celebration of the iconic labor leader who dedicated his life to help improve the lives of farmworkers. “We are celebrating this mans life because he's a major ...
"The Mexican American Studies Toolkit," written by Tony Diaz. The State Board of Education might approve the first ethnic studies textbook this year, after critics shot down a previous submission as racist. Photo by Laura Skelding for The Texas Tribune. At January's Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) ...
The 25-credit, interdisciplinary program is housed in the Department of American Indian Studies and includes classes from the departments of American Ethnic Studies, Anthropology and English, and the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs. The goal is to offer students a “transformative academic ...
The students want Ethnic Studies as a graduation requirement NOW! They recognize Ethnic Studies as a solution to deeply rooted social problems that have symptomatically erupted in their young lives, in the form of all types of violence, including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ...

Two weeks ago, we attended the Race and Ethnic Studies Symposium to discuss the creation of an Ethnic Studies minor at Gonzaga University. It should be noted that while this event was sponsored by the Women's and Gender Studies Department, students of color on campus were responsible for the ...
This year, the California Assembly is considering AB 2772, which would make a Gender & Ethnic Studies course a requirement for high school graduation, alongside required courses in more familiar disciplines. These legislative efforts are great news, confirming that Californians are committed to making ...
California law mandates that high school students take courses such as U.S. History, economics and American government in order to graduate, but Assemblymember Jose Medina (D-Riverside) wants to add one more requirement to the list: ethnic studies. In his newly introduced Assembly Bill 2772, ...
The Yale Divinity School has begun increasing the diversity of its curricula and faculty through two racial and ethnic studies–focused academic programs as part of a $50 million faculty-diversity initiative started in 2015. According to Divinity School Dean Greg Sterling, one of the two programs, which ...
With too few students on the roster, the new ethnic studies elective students in Iowa City schools pushed for has been postponed. A student group called Students Against Hate and Discrimination, SAHD, demanded, among other things, that the district create a mandatory class covering ethnic studies ...
Time magazine reports that Democrat Jose Medina has introduced A.B. 2772, which would make it mandatory for all high school students to complete an ethnic-studies course in order to graduate. If passed, the rule would begin during the 2023-2024 school year. “Without knowledge of other cultural ...
The measure, known as AB 2772, would mandate that the roughly 1.7 million high school students throughout the state complete an ethnic studies course in order to graduate, just as they are required to study biology, geography and physical education. If the bill becomes law, the requirement will begin in ...
As discussions of race relations at universities drew the national eye to Bascom Hill, this cohort of students became the first to greet the UW ethnic studies requirement, developed by the L&S Curriculum Committee to “better prepare students for life and careers in an increasingly multicultural U.S. ...
As public debates swirl around "Dreamers," President Trump's border wall and Black Lives Matter, the study of race and ethnicity is booming in public schools. Nationwide, states and school systems are refining, expanding or adopting courses that explore history, literature and politics through the eyes of ...
While previous campaigns to establish ethnic studies programs around the U.S. targeted minority groups, the Seattle NAACP made a different case, asserting on its website, "Ethnic studies courses benefit white students, who disproportionately have the privilege to be unaware of the realities of racism.
On March 26, Elisabeth Mermann-Jozwiak, Interim academic vice president, sent out a school-wide email announcing that Gonzaga would be fully supporting the development of a Race and Ethnic Studies Program. This decision was largely due to student desires in increasing the number of culturally ...
Instead, board members voted to put ethnic studies, including Mexican-American, African-American, Asian-American and Native American studies, on a list of social studies textbooks it would ask publishers to develop for Texas schools. Critics of that decision have argued that asking publishers to create ...
The top local stories this evening from KERA News: The State Board of Education gave preliminary approval on Wednesday to creating statewide academic standards for a Mexican-American studies high school course. But only after changing the name to "ethnic studies," which conservatives argued is ...
When discussing the importance of ethnic studies programs and departments at the University, Becknell said, “(UNM) cannot live up to its potential or promise, or its claim, to be a diverse institution without establishing vibrant, stable ethnic studies graduate degree-granting departments." ...
The Asian American Studies Program has struggled to keep itself alive since longtime former Director Grace Kao left for Yale University, but activists in the fight for ASAM's survival have now expanded their reach to include other ethnic studies programs. “As we struggled to push the administration for more ...


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