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updated Sat. August 17, 2024

Initially, Turkey launched the Operation Euphrates Shield that pushed Daesh terrorists out from Turkey's borders and liberated the towns of Jarablous, al-Rai, Dabiq and al-Bab between Aug. 2016 and March 2017. So far, some 150,000 civilians have returned to areas previously occupied by the terrorist ...
He “oversaw” the “June 2014 offensive to capture Mosul” and also led the Islamic State's “Jaysh al-Dabiq battalion,” which was “known for using vehicle-borne IEDs, suicide bombers and mustard gas in its attacks,” according to DOD. In Dec. 2016, CENTCOM announced that Abu Jandal al-Kuwaiti, ...

The afforestation project is conducted through a cooperation between the Local Council in the town of Dabiq and the “Solidarity” Organization; the project provides jobs for 39 people, for a duration of 15 days, at a rate of four hours of daily work, in return for a 2500 Syrian pounds daily wage, according to ...
Syria's problem starts with state terrorism and with proxy wars of terror sponsors. It already has a nation and a state system. Its honorable people are perfectly capable of restoring order when the terrorists and their puppeteers are gone. They proved it in the Jarabulus, Dabiq, al-Rai and al-Bab regions; and ...
Prior to the Afrin operation, the TSK launched Operation Euphrates Shield against Daesh to neutralize terrorist elements in al-Bab, al-Rai, Dabiq and Jarablus. Turkey cleared the area and substantially contributed to the rebuilding process, enabling the return of Syrians in the areas cleared in the operation.
Prior to the Afrin operation, TSK launched the Operation Euphrates Shield against Daesh to neutralize terrorist elements in al-Bab, al-Rai, Dabiq and Jarablus. Turkey cleared the area and substantially contributed to the rebuilding process, enabling the return of Syrians in the areas cleared in the operation, ...

The TSK and the FSA have gained control northern Syrian towns of Jarablous, al-Rai, Dabiq and al-Bab during the operation, thereby providing security to the Syrian border town of Azaz, which has become a massive center of refugees during the civil war due to its proximity to Turkey and location on the ...
Some portrayed this elections as the ultimate battle between the good and evil and even misinterpreted and misused words from the Bible. Some painted a picture not unlike that of the ISIS's apocalyptic battle as 'prophesised' in the town of Dabiq. For some it was like the crusades of the medieval period.
So where did the newspaper's story come from? The print edition of the story included a photograph of a screenshot of an article. The caption underneath reads that it is "An image of the story in Dabiq which claimed ISIS fighters plotting to disrupt carnival had been held." But the screenshot includes a quote ...
As the northern Syrian town of al-Bab marks the first anniversary of its liberation from Daesh terrorists, its population has jumped from 130,000 to 300,000, with its economy and services benefiting from the safe environment. The town, an important crossroads and settlement in northeastern Aleppo province, ...
Last year Shane Crawford, called Abu Sa'd at-Trinidadi (photo), had announced in the Dabiq (Daesh's journal), that preparations for an operation were underway in Trinidad and Tobago. In July 1990, a hundred jihadists of the Jamaat al Muslimeen had tried to take power in Trinidad-and-Tobago. They had ...
ISIS has alleged a group of its “fighters” here in T&T was arrested on February 8 “while they were preparing a mega-attack during the night stretching from 13 to 14 February when the Carnival was in full swing.” The claim was made in ISIS' February Dabiq propaganda magazine, where the terror group ...
Artificial intelligence technology that can detect Isis videos and prevent them from being uploaded is being released to stop the spread of the “poisonous” material. Developers funded by the Home Office are sharing their software for free with any website or app in the world in the hope it will make the ...
The results from analysis of almost 350 articles from the two publications suggest that ISIS' "Dabiq" used language with a stronger authoritarian and religious tone than that of al-Qaeda's "Inspire." Then, masking the publications as science fiction stories, the study asked participants to rate their attitudes to ...
Their Dabiq magazine, aimed at potential recruits and sympathisers, featured a long interview with fighter Abu Sa'd al-Trinidadi – formerly Shane Crawford – in the summer of 2016. He detailed his conversion, his trip to Syria and ended threatening death to Christians and bloodshed in the streets of his ...
Online jihadist propaganda attracts more clicks in Britain than in any other European country and the main internet companies are failing to curb it, a centre-right thinktank has said. Policy Exchange analysts have said that Islamic State is still producing, at a conservative estimate, about 100 items of new ...
That invocation of Dabiq was significant: In ISIS's apocalyptic propaganda, the otherwise unremarkable Syrian town of Dabiq was to be the site of a showdown with “Rome,” the Christian invaders of the Middle East, which was to immediately precede the conquest of Constantinople, and then the Day of ...

Turkish-backed rebels have captured the symbolically important Syrian town of Dabiq from the Islamic State group, rebel commanders and monitors say. Dabiq was under "full control" of Turkish-backed Syrian rebels, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said. The small northern town holds great ...
Western outlets will sometimes cover Dabiq when an issue purports to reveal legitimate news. One issue confirmed the death of ISIS spokesman Mohammed Emwazi, also known as “Jihadi John.” Another featured a photo of the device that ISIS claims brought down a Russian passenger jet. In other cases ...
The Syrian town of Dabiq, which Turkish-backed Syrian rebels are seeking to wrest back from so-called Islamic State (IS), has figured heavily in the jihadist group's propaganda since 2014 and is the name of its English-language magazine. IS has focused on the dusty backwater not because of any strategic importance or ...
Between August 2016 and February 2017, Turkey had completed another military campaign in the Jarablus, Dabiq and El-Bab regions of Syria next to its borders held by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), coded the “Euphrates Shield Operation.” Erdoğan said Ankara now wants to resettle the ...
Jailani was charged with possession of 15 copies of the Dabiq magazine, 10 copies of the magazine “Rumiyah” and two copies of the magazine “Waislama”, which are linked to the terrorist group, in his handphone at the TCO Terminal Control Room, Sultan Iskandar Building, Johor Baharu, Johor, ...


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Syrian towns:
      abu kamal
      ayn al‑arab
      deir ez‑zor
      ein tarma
      khan al‑assal
      khirbet ghazaleh

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Dabiq, Syria