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updated Sat. July 6, 2024

According to Fox News, a 40-year-old pharmacy drug representative in northeast Syria named Rezgar Ramadan is such a fan of the president that he ... The proud father explained how the boy has become something of a minor celebrity in and around the town of Kobane, and that his son was being taught ...
With the rise of Islamic State (ISIS) and its siege of the Kurdish town of Kobane from September 2014, the war in Syria took centre stage in the political life of the Kurdish and Turkish diasporas. The epic four-month defence of Kobane by Syrian Kurdish forces with support from Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga ...

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley's criticism of Syria hasn't gone unnoticed by one fan in the Middle East. ... The family lives in Kobane, a northern Syrian town held by U.S.-supported Kurdish forces fighting both Assad's Syrian government — recently targeted by the United States in a ...
SULAIMANI – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday (April 23) that Kobane will not come under attack from the Turkish army unless there is ... has vowed to extend the operation to other People's Protections Units (YPG) areas in northern Syria including the towns of Manbij and Kobane.
In Syria, the myth of Kurdish military excellence was born in the fires of the battle for the northern Syrian city of Kobane. In September 2014, at the height of ISIS's power, the Sunni extremists advanced through the countryside and surrounded Kobane. The United Nations estimated that 130,000 civilians fled ...
In order to accomplish its goal, Ankara supported numerous anti-Assad elements in Syria, most notably the Free Syrian Army. ... When the YPG, with air support from the United States, proved itself a potent fighting force during the Battle of Kobane in the second half of 2014, Washington decided to support ...

Ankara also claims it will conquer all territories of Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava) east of Afrin – all the way to the Iraqi border. ... “Now we will continue this process until we entirely eliminate this corridor, including in Manbij, Ayn al-Arab [Kobane], Tel Abyad [Gire Spi], Ras al-Ayn [Sari Kani] and Qamishli,” Turkish ...
As it expanded furiously across the troubled areas of Iraq and Syria, its leadership may have been led to believe they could perpetually broaden the caliphate ... In the Syrian border Kobane, ISIS suffered its first major defeat since the caliphate was announced, at the hands of the People's Protection Units ...
... Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also fears Rojava's example of religious tolerance, multiculturalism and democracy. In January, Erdogan armed recycled ISIS jihadists, and backed by Turkish war planes, attacked the city of Afrin – a historically Kurdish city – in the north of Syria bordering Turkey.
With its political leadership based in Syria, the PKK established its military headquarters in the Kandil Mountains of Iraq, in the Kurdish-majority region on ... In autumn 2014, ISIL attacked the Syrian border town of Ayn al-Arab - or Kobane as it is referred to by the Kurds – which was held by the PYD's armed ...

QAMISHLI, Syria - They stopped Islamic State dead in its tracks in northern Syria, driving the group famously from Kobane, then Manbij, then finally liberating the IS "capital" Raqqa as the spearhead of US-led international coalition forces. But thanks to their success, the Syrian Democratic Forces say they ...
For weeks, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and other U.S. officials have called Turkey's operation a “distraction” from the anti-ISIS campaign. Mattis also has said the U.S. understands that Turkey has an active Kurdish insurgency inside its own borders and that it views Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units ...
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - As Olive Branch operation in Syria's Afrin has entered its 40th day, the spirit of resistance is now recalling Kobane town, which stood up to terrorists in 2014, Garib ... Damascus has expressed its opposition to the Turkish operation, saying that such actions violated Syrian sovereignty.
A U.S. military convoy drives on a highway from Kobane to Ein Issa in Syria, September 29, 2017. The U.S. has previously attacked the Syrian military and its allies over alleged chemical weapons attacks against civilians and clashes with the Pentagon-sponsored Syrian Democratic Forces, but the risk of ...
The catalyst for many came in 2014 with the battle of Kobane, the Syrian Kurdish enclave besieged for months by the IS group. “Given Daesh's conduct with [civilian] populations, you could say we're doing humanitarian work,” Breizh told France Info in a January interview from Syria's Deir Ezzor region, ...
Three years ago the world watched a ragtag band of men and women fighters in the Syrian town of Kobane, most armed only with Kalashnikovs, hold off a ... who defended Kobane, and who afterwards were the only forces in Syria willing to take the battle to the heartland of Islamic State, losing thousands of ...
Residents of the Syrian city of Afrin are bracing for an onslaught from Turkish troops and allied rebels, threatening a fresh humanitarian crisis in the ... Convoys of activists were reportedly leaving for Afrin from the cities of Cizre in southern Turkey and Kobane in northern Syria in an effort to protect the city by ...
The battle for Kobane, a town located in northern Syria along the Syrian-Turkish border, began in September 2014 after ISIS infiltrated the city and forced thousands of civilians to flee across the border into Turkey. YPG forces battled ISIS militants with the support of U.S. air strikes and eventually succeeded ...


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      ayn al‑arab

Syrian towns:
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