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updated Sun. September 15, 2024

It is often said that there are now only two political parties in Israel: pro-Bibi and anti-Bibi. The new revelations do not faze the pro-Netanyahu base. They believe that it is simply the latest move in an concentrated campaign by the “extreme Left”—abetted by what they term a politicized and “out of control” ...

On the other hand, the resurgence of white supremacy in America and the ascendancy of right wing political parties in Israel has caused a backlash in the other direction. It has caused some Jews to abandon all forms of particularism, including Zionism and the mainstream Jewish community. It doesn't have ...
Update | Jared Kushner is the president's handpicked envoy to the Middle East, but Saudi Arabia is actually the key to achieving the elusive peace agreement, according to a key Israeli cabinet member. Israeli Transportation and Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz said any peace plan between Israel and the ...
Known for his simple lifestyle and religious piety, Shteinman nonetheless wielded major influence over the lives of ultra-Orthodox Jews and their political parties in Israel. The ultra-Orthodox follow a strict interpretation of religious law, and account for some 10 percent of Israel's eight million people.
Unlike in the past, no Israeli political parties or lawmakers were invited to speak at the rally. The six living former chiefs of staff of the Israel Defense Forces received invitations. But after all initially expressing interest, they declined one by one. Israel's Channel 10 TV station reported that they may have ...
Yet along with all mainstream Australian Jewish organisations and most Israeli political parties, AIJAC supports a two-state solution, not Greater Israel. Nine days later in the Australian, Lyons wrote that his book tells how journalists "come under attack from pro-Israel groups if they report what they see in ...
Israeli political parties often revolve around charismatic figures. Ben-Gurion was a serial splitter. He fell out with Mapai in 1965 and led a breakaway party called Rafi. When it reconciled with the renamed Labour party in 1968, he led another splinter faction called the National List which, after his retirement ...


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