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updated Tue. September 3, 2024

The European Parliament's vote last week showed that the MEPs are determined to reject non-Spitzenkandidaten, meaning the candidates that are not nominated by the political parties. The EPP is, for the moment, barely holding on to its majority as the largest party among EU leaders, with 9 heads of state ...
EU leaders face difficult talks this week on the thorny issues of how to plug holes in the post-Brexit budget and choose a successor for European ... between French President Emmanuel Macron, leading the charge for a reformed Europe, and Juncker with his federalist vision of how top EU officials should ...

The first political party in the United States is in its Declaration adopted as part of its platform the demand for 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' The Fathers were intellectually honest. They did not promise happiness. The only asserted that for pursuers of happiness freedom would be safeguarded.
Following a meeting with Chancellor Merkel in Berlin, the prime minister of the third biggest economy in the Eurozone said that there was no risk that Italy will emerge the March 4 elections with a government that will have “populist or anti-European positions.” Gentiloni appeared confident that the next ...
London: A group of independent candidates who fought the June 2017 General Election on an anti-Brexit platform on Monday officially launched a political party that will tour the UK with its message to prevent Britain's exit from the European Union (EU). Renew, which launched its national campaign and ...
Florian Philippot, member of the European Parliament (MEP) for eastern France and former right-hand man to France's far-right National Front (FN) leader ... of exercising power," Philippot said as he addressed delegates with a plan to stand against the FN in elections and lead France's anti-EU movement.

... the unfriendly reaction of the EU to the first conservative-far right Austrian government in 2000. It is too simplistic to say that Europe has meanwhile moved much more to the right. Rather, the omnipresent neoliberal – more accurately, market-fundamentalist – ideology has swallowed up all political parties, ...
Migrant impact fund would continue on Brexit, the Party accepts the results of the referendum for the UK to leave the EU but would retain single ... I have gone into some details about the political parties in Nigeria; it's a set of fine words signifying nothing because there is not a word on how they intend to turn ...
... which is currently the minimum rate in a progressive tax system that rises to 43 percent, but Berlusconi said he hopes to reduce this rate if tax revenue rises. EU: The Italian constitution would trump EU legislation, under the plan put forward by Berlusconi and his coalition partners the Northern League and ...
Nigel Farage, British Member of the European Parliament and former leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) listens to a speech about the Preparation of the European Council of 22 and 23 June 2017, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 14 June 2017. Author. NEOnline | IR ...
What unites European political parties across the political spectrum is a demand that while Britain discusses its future with the EU, it adheres to the principle of ... In fairness, other factors also played a part – not least that UK employment laws were less restrictive than in mainland Europe as a result of the ...
The Intergenerational Foundation's most recent “intergenerational fairness index” ranks Italy second from bottom in Europe, ahead of only Greece. In 2014, the ... Italy has the EU's highest proportion of under-35s not in education, employment or training: 30.7% in 2016, compared with 12.4% in Germany.
Speaking to AgriLand, Comer – who still holds a position on the European Economic Social Committee in Brussels – said he has been approached by a number of ... He describes himself as “extremely passionate” about Europe; however, he has some concerns about maintaining relations into the future.
The European Commission has called on political parties to declare which European groups in the European Parliament they will join after the elections of ... While many political parties already affiliate themselves with a pan-European group in the EU parliament, there are some newcomers since the 2014 ...
Two far-right European political parties are now officially registered, opening European parliament funding opportunities for 2019. ... APF members include politicians from the Greek neo-nazi Golden Dawn party and Germany's NPD, another ultra-nationalist political party with a neo-nazi ideology. The APF ...
On Wednesday she said it was important "to put into practice the governing program and ... to prepare for the presidency of the European Union," which Romania takes over on Jan. 1, 2019. Iohannis said he was giving the Social Democrats, who have a parliamentary majority with a junior partner, another ...
The event is organized by the Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom (MENL), which is a part of the Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF) group in the European Parliament. The list of delegates includes senior EU politicians and lawmakers, among them France's National Front leader Marine Le ...

Mr. Macron has laid out an ambitious set of reforms for the eurozone and the bloc itself, pushing for more centralization, more “Europe” and more solidarity, both in economics and defense. The European Commission, the bloc's bureaucracy, has proposed a similarly centralizing set of changes. This was the ...
Kurz has taken a hard line, calling for limits on the number of refugees entering Europe and benefits cuts for EU migrants living in Austria. In 2016, Kurz spearheaded a border crackdown across the Balkans designed to stem the flow of migrants, and this year he proposed plans to seal off the Mediterranean ...
According to the German Centre for Economic Statistics (CESifo) Malta and Switzerland are the only two European countries that have no public financing system for political parties. Many ordinary people would argue this is rightly so as political parties should not use taxpayers' money to fund their often ...
Ukip is to face a tribunal over its use of analytics during the EU referendum after refusing to cooperate with an investigation by the Information Commissioner's Office. The ICO announced a formal investigation into how political parties use data analytics to target voters in response to concern about how ...
SKOPJE, Nov. 24 (Xinhua) -- Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bujar Osmani told reporters Friday that Macedonia's European Union (EU) integration process depended on the concrete results of reforms. For this reason, he appealed to all political parties in Macedonia to freeze their ...
To improve transparency and proper use of public funds, in a revamp of the rules for funding European political parties, the European Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee ... “Our report closes loopholes which until now allowed a European Political Party to be created only for financial reasons.
Merkel is seen as a key figure in European politics, and is currently negotiating with other political parties on ways of forming a new coalition ...
The main political parties' calls for tax cuts are a "con job", the leader ... that Ireland's public spending is joint bottom of the list of EU countries.
Like almost all of its European neighbors, Germany will henceforth have a relatively ... This phenomenon has been repeated across Europe: Social ... past Sean Wilentz, the American historian and authority on political parties.
His connections have been with left-wing European parties, such as Die ... the future of the democratic socialist left in the UK and in Europe.
Far right's Frauke Petry plans new political party in Germany ... I define patriotism through common cultural values with a European dimension.
America, like Europe, should let thousands of political parties bloom ... Like almost all of its European neighbors, Germany will henceforth have a .... Marine Le Pen, French National Front (FN) political party leader and ...
Russian oligarchs create political party in Cyprus ... UN talks on the future of the divided island and aims to take part in the next European elections in 2019.
Here's where the major political parties stand on issues ranging from NATO to North Korea. ... saying Europe could no longer rely on Washington like it did before. .... The Left Party wants Germany and the EU to work toward ensuring that ..... as head of the European Parliament to challenge Angela Merkel.
Too often Europe-wide elections have been reduced to nothing more than the sum of national campaigns. ... At the same time, our political party reform will ensure that ... citizens to ask the European Commission to propose new EU legislation. ... The proposed reform of the European Political Parties and ...
Anti-EU parties and their affiliated foundations may see their EU funding ... "The budget for European political parties is distributed equally among of all ... in Europe (IDDE), a think tank linked to the Ukip-dominated Alliance for ...
Continued membership of the European Union single market is the ... Speaking at the TUC's annual congress in Brighton, as MPs in Westminster prepare for a debate on the EU withdrawal bill, ... My challenge to all political parties is this: when it comes to Brexit, don't box yourselves in .... USA · europe · UK.
Tony Blair today hinted a new political party could emerge to give ... rules on immigration if Britain stayed in the EU, Tony Blair claimed today.
People's March for Europe: Thousands hit streets of London to demand ... on the anti-Brexit People's March for Europe, in reference to the EU referendum result. .... “Seb was born a European citizen,” said Mr Mansfield senior, a train ... man – said the country needed a new political party, the Democrats, ...
Britain's two main political parties, Conservative and Labour, are still grappling with that fact. ... alienated by a liberal consensus on immigration and European Union membership, ... 'Brexit': Britain's Decision to Leave the E.U. ... on immigration and Europe, lost them in subsequent elections as voter turnout ...
These observers will abide by the Code of Conduct for European ... They will have freedom of access to all political parties, candidates and ...
"Quebec culture is front and center for every political party in the ... expressed by [La Muete] and mainstream political parties in Quebec.".
EU Ambassador to Bangladesh Pierre Mayaudon has expressed optimism that all political parties will join the next general election as he ...
LONDON — David Davis' former chief of staff James Chapman has confirmed he intends to lead a new pro-EU British political party. Chapman ...
Unlike the states in Russia's own backyard, the European periphery has ... Political parties that cater to these segments of society have made strong ... props up anti-EU and far-right entities in Central and Southern Europe.
Opinion polls show that political parties with Euroskeptic views represent ... The labels regarding which political party is euro-sceptic, -friendly is ...
There is a current wave of populism in Europe and there is pressure on liberal freedoms in many European countries, but is ... First, populism is not a core ideology of political parties or movements in Europe. ... Employment in the EU has returned to the same level as before the global financial crisis: the ...
Business lobbying group IBEC is urging Dublin and the European ... program accused Apple and Ireland of “distorting competition” in Europe, has bolstered ... The main political parties are unanimous in their defense of the ...
We're not ideological in the European sense of what political parties used to be. Even in Europe now, they don't have that same ideological ...
European political parties range from those that are 'hardcore' in their ... In October 2016, members of the Italian political party Lega Nord travelled to ..... In fact, Austria is the only EU country that receives an anti-Western score ...
If an Australian organisation has an establishment in the EU, if they offer ... of individuals in the EU, they are bound by the GDPR requirements, ...
Putting Europe to one side — for it seems that's the British way — the ... project in opposition to the single European currency and the EU.
With Germany's emerging importance for European stability, eyes are on the Sept. 24 elections. Frontrunners are clear but third-place finisher ...


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