updated Mon. September 2, 2024
San Mateo Daily Journal
March 1, 2018
He poses a danger to our national community.” “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.” — Norman Schwarzkopf. Since 1984, Dorothy Dimitre has written more than 900 columns for various local newspapers. Her email addressÃâà...
Business Insider
February 20, 2018
President Donald Trump has asked the Pentagon to develop plans for a military parade in Washington. The Pentagon has said little about the idea, but it is reportedly working on ideas for it. However, reports indicate the military is not happy about the cost and resources required for the display.
Free Times
February 19, 2018
... of then-Secretary of Defense (and later Vice President and guy who accidentally shot his friend in the face while hunting) Dick Cheney. However, I can confirm that the hottest card around the playground at Wright Middle School in Abbeville, South Carolina in 1991 was that of Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf.
WAMU 88.5
February 7, 2018
Norman Schwarzkopf, a procession of tanks, missiles helicopters, trucks and a flyover of 83 warplanes. 800,000 spectators, 150 protesters in Lafayette Park. Reactions: From the New York Times: “I think people deserve this. They deserve to celebrate.” (Robert Nash, military engineer); “I think it's extreme,Ãâà...
Business Insider
February 7, 2018
"President Trump is incredibly supportive of America's great service members who risk their lives every day to keep our country safe," Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement Wednesday. "He has asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebration at which all Americans canÃâà...
February 7, 2018
General Norman Schwarzkopf and U.S. Pesident Bush salute troops passing
the presidential reviewing stand. (Reuters/Rick Wilking) Gulf War 1991 Victory Celebration USA Soldiers of the allied coalition carry their national flags past the reviewing stand and President Bush in Washington on SaturdayÃâà...
The Spokesman-Review
February 7, 2018
In this June 8, 1991 file photo, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf and President George Bush watch the National Victory Parade from the viewing stand in Washington. Schwarzkopf led his troops in the parade, and then joined Bush in the reviewing stand. (Ron Edmonds / AP). Josh Lederman Associated Press.
Prince William Times
February 1, 2018
Voss said he's been called Stormin' Norman since “back in the day” when Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr., led coalition forces during the first Gulf War. Abigail Voss didn't learn that her father wasn't the first Stormin' Norman until during a home-schooling lesson with her mom. “She was horrified. She saidÃâà...