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updated Sun. September 29, 2024

The prospect caused the ambassador to South Korea, Jim Laney, and the commander-in-chief US Forces Korea, General Gary Luck, to remind Washington that, before hostilities commenced, the US would need to withdraw non-combatants involved with US forces. That action could well have prompted a ...

Dr. Laney recalled how he and the U.S. commanding general, Gary Luck, “worked very hard to keep things from blowing up. We refused to allow Washington to build up forces in Korea because we knew that Kim il Sung at that time had said, 'I (Mr. Kim) watched Desert Storm. The United States built up a ...
“North Korea is in a position now where its conventional warfare has atrophied over the years and not been modernized much,” the retired General Gary E. Luck, the former commander of both U.S. and U.N. forces in Korea, told me. “But it still has the numbers in its military—because of the type of regime it ...
Sheryl Ellis, vice president and general manager for the Kentucky New Era Media Group, was honored Wednesday morning at division headquarters for ... She is the first champion inducted since Robert Carter and retired Gen. Gary Luck in 2015. JESSE JONES is the editor of The Eagle Post. Reach him at ...
And in the event of the collapse of North Korea, some angry general may decide that if the regime is going down, the United States should pay a price as ... Gary Luck, the former commander of U.S. forces in South Korea, used to say that the result would be 1 million casualties and $1 trillion in damages.
In November 2016, General Walter Sharp, former commander of U.S. Forces Korea, stated that if North Korea puts a long-range missile on a launch pad, and .... Gary Luck, told his commander in chief that a war on the peninsula would likely result in 1 million dead, and nearly $1 trillion of economic damage.
President Trump is scary in many ways, but perhaps the most frightening nightmare is of him blundering into a new Korean war. It would begin because the present approach of leaning on China to pressure North Korea will likely fail. Trump will grow angry at public snickering at the emptiness of his threats.
Retired Gen. J.H. Binford Peay, current superintendent at Virginia Military Institute and former commanding general of the 101st during the Gulf War, said it's always "special" to come back to Fort Campbell. This time ... Gary Luck, then commanding general of the XVIII Airborne Corps; Gen. Dick Cody, then ...
This year two men from the community, retired Gen. Gary E. Luck and the late Robert Carter, were named Champions of Fort Campbell by 101st Airborne Divison Commanding General Maj. Gen. Gary J. Volesky in a ceremony at Division Headquarters, today. Lorinda Bankhead, chief of protocol for the ...


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             gary luck

US Generals:
             anthony r. jones
             anthony zinni
             antonio taguba
             barbara fast
             barry mccaffrey
             bernard trainor
             brent scowcroft
             buford c. blount iii
             carl e. vuono
             carlton w fulford jr
             carter ham
             charles a. horner
             charles h. jacoby jr
             charles h. swannack jr
             charles w. fletcher jr
             claudia kennedy
             creighton abrams
             dan leaf
             david barno
             david grange
             david h. petraeus
             david mckiernan
             david r. irvine
             don edwards
             donald cook
             donald ryder
             edward lansdale
             elbert perkins
             eldon a. bargewell
             eric shinseki
             evelyn foote
             francis h. kearney iii
             gary luck
             geoffrey miller
             george a. joulwan
             george casey
             george fay
             george w. casey jr
             gordon r. sullivan
             gregory martin
             h. hugh shelton
             h.r. mcmaster
             harry e. soyster
             herbert l. altshuler
             j. franklin bell
             j.h. binford peay iii
             jack keane
             jack rives
             james cartwright
             james cullen
             james helmly
             james lovelace
             james pillsbury
             janis karpinski
             jason kamiya
             jay garner
             jay hendrix
             jerry curry
             john abizaid
             john altenburg
             john batiste
             john campbell
             john casciano
             john craddock
             john curran
             john custer
             john defreitas
             john f. mulholland jr
             john fugh
             john j sheehan
             john johns
             john m. shalikashvili
             john p. jumper
             john riggs
             john sattler
             john singlaub
             john vines
             joseph fil
             joseph p. hoar
             karl eikenberry
             keith alexander
             keith dayton
             kevin j. bergner
             kevin p. byrnes
             lance lord
             lance smith
             lester l. lyles
             lloyd austin iii
             mark kimmitt
             martin e. dempsey
             maxwell d. taylor
             merrill mcpeak
             michael dugan
             michael flynn
             michael hayden
             michael moseley
             mick bednarek
             nelson a. miles
             norman schwarzkopf
             paul eaton
             paul hester
             paul kern
             paul vallely
             peter chiarelli
             peter pace
             peter schoomaker
             ralph (ed) eberhart
             randall schmidt
             ray odierno
             ricardo sanchez
             richard b. meyers
             richard cody
             richard natonski
             richard o'meara
             richard p. formica
             rick baccus
             rick erlandson
             robert dees
             robert foglesong
             robert gard
             robert h. scales jr
             robert pollman
             robert s. coffey
             robert smolen
             ronald h. griffith
             russel honore
             russell s. bowen
             smedley d. butler
             stanley a. mcchrystal
             steven boutelle
             t. michael moseley
             thomas mcinerney
             thomas metz
             thomas romig
             thomas sarsfield power
             thomas white
             tommy franks
             vernon walters
             walter wojdakowski
             wayne downing
             wesley clark
             william e. odom
             william e. ward
             william g. boykin
             william r. looney iii
             william wallace
             william westmoreland