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updated Thu. June 20, 2024

Canada Carbon served notice last Friday that it will file a $96-million lawsuit against the municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge for blocking the ... The lawsuit comes days after a Quebec Superior Court justice ruled in favour of another small town, Ristigouche-Sud-Est, in its legal battle with Gastem, ...

Manif d'art has Jonathan Watkins as the curator for the ninth edition of its flagship event — the Quebec City Biennial taking place through April 21. Watkins is currently the director of the Ikon Gallery in Birmingham, England, who has made his mark being the curator of several international events from ...
A small municipality in the Canadian province of Quebec that was facing a million-dollar lawsuit from an oil and gas exploration company has won its ... Amid concerns from Ristigouche Sud-Est residents over how the drilling would affect municipal water sources, the town passed a bylaw in 2013 that set ...
The City of Gatineau says it welcomes the Quebec government's new flood response action plan, but some flood victims worry the plan doesn't go far ... was too slow to assist and compensate the thousands of people affected by last spring's floods, which devastated cities and towns across western Quebec.
Quebec's federation of municipalities (FQM) has joined some small-town Quebec mayors in decrying Desjardins' decision to get rid of automated teller ... For the mayor of Outaouais municipality Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette, losing their cash machine will have a devastating impact on the local economy.
Every municipality in Quebec has two years to come up with an emergency plan to deal with a disaster after the government has made it mandatory for them ... municipalities be ready in the case of a natural disaster in their midst, such as last spring's floods, which devastated several cities and towns west of ...
A small Quebec town that was facing a $1-million lawsuit from an oil-and-gas exploration company for trying to protect its own water has won its court battle and could see half of its legal fees reimbursed by the Montreal-based company. The municipality of Ristigouche-Sud-Est has been waiting on this ...
Quebec City dumped about 46 million litres of raw sewage into the Saint Lawrence River over 12 hours in order to do scheduled maintenance work on a pumping station, the city said ... “Failure to carry out this maintenance work could lead to major breaks in the equipment,” the city wrote in a press release.
Quebec City is warning residents it will be dumping 46 million litres of untreated wastewater into the St. Lawrence River over a 12-hour period starting Thursday night at 11 p.m.. The city is asking residents to limit water consumption during the operation, which is expected to end at 11 a.m. on Friday.


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