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updated Sat. June 15, 2024

... Wayne Allard, Orrin Hatch, Jake Garn, Bob Bennett, Jim McClure, Steve Symms, Dirk Kempthorne, Alan Simpson, Malcolm Wallop, Mike Enzi, Paul Laxalt, John Ensign, Pete Domenici, John McCain, Jon Kyl, and even Barry Goldwater. In every case, these western states and their delegations in Congress ...

... own states, including conservatives like Bill Armstrong, Hank Brown, Wayne Allard, Orrin Hatch, Jake Garn, Bob Bennett, Jim McClure, Steve Symms, Dirk Kempthorne, Alan Simpson, Malcolm Wallop, Mike Enzi, Paul Laxalt, John Ensign, Pete Domenici, John McCain, Jon Kyl, and even Barry Goldwater.
Malcolm Wallop and Al Simpson and current Sen. John Barrasso. She has also worked as a development officer for the University of Wyoming Foundation, according to a short biography on the Wyoming Humanities website. According to his personal website, Curley is a lobbyist for the libertarian Wyoming ...
O.H. created the ranch's Marguerite daisy brand in honor of his wife, Marguerite. The brand has been passed down four generations and continues to be a symbol of the ranch's heritage. Photo by Jennifer Denison. Malcolm Paul's father, Malcolm Wallop operated Canyon Ranch while serving three terms in ...
Malcolm Wallop (R-Wyo.), originally introduced the Act in 1980 to protect Wyoming farmland from being acquired by foreigners. Senator Wallop soon realized, however, the detrimental effect on the economy and repeatedly sought to repeal FIRPTA. He supported a FIRPTA repeal bill introduced by Sen.
University of Wyoming undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in democracy and want to conduct independent research projects are encouraged to apply for the Malcolm Wallop Fund Student Stipend Award. The $3,500 stipend, to be awarded through a competitive process, is open to all ...
His grandson Malcolm Wallop, Paul Wallop's father, was born and raised in the United States and become a U.S. senator from Wyoming. The former Republican lawmaker died in 2011. Malcolm's sister, Jean, who was born and grew up in Wyoming, married the man who would become the seventh Earl of ...
... with whom he had three sons and one daughter; secondly, in 1967, Judith Warren; thirdly, in 1984, French Carter Goodwyn, one of Washington's leading Republican activists; and fourthly, in 2005, Isabel Thomasson, who survives him. Malcolm Wallop, born February 27 1933, died September 14 2011 ...
Malcolm Wallop, a three-term Republican senator from Wyoming who was a leading conservative light in Washington, pressing for a strong national defense, tax reform, states' rights and other elements of the political sea change swept in by the Reagan administration, died on Wednesday at his home near ...
Malcolm Wallop, a three-term Republican senator from Wyoming who was a leading conservative light in Washington, pressing for a strong national defense, tax reform, states' rights and other elements of the political sea change swept in by the Reagan administration, died on Wednesday at his home near ...


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         malcolm wallop

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         malcolm wallop
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