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updated Wed. June 19, 2024

Senator Alan Cranston warned Defense Secretary James Schlesinger about “the need for keeping a berserk president from plunging us into a holocaust.” Schlesinger ordered military commanders to check first with him or Secretary of State Henry Kissinger if the president tried to launch missiles. Politicians ...
He helped advise some of the last true statesmen, US Senator James Buckley and Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan, and tried — unsuccessfully — to ... for a nonexistent crime, the case was thrown out of court, but Bobbi's political career ended, and Democrat Alan Cranston reelected,” Steinberg shares.

Senator Alan Cranston has introduced a commemorative resolution designating April 21, 1988 as California conservationist John Muir's 150th birthday anniversary. An identical resolution will be introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. George Miller. “John Muir Day is a fitting tribute to a man ...
While at Georgetown, he volunteered in a campaign for Alan Cranston, a Democratic senator from California, and interned for Richard Shelby, then a Democratic congressman from Alabama and now a Republican senator. Senator Shelby described Mr. Kono as “probably stubborn, but he's not stupid.”.
Carter also lifted individual prohibitions, most notably (thanks to an amendment by California Democratic Sen. Alan Cranston) on brewing beer at home. Result? You're drinking it. There were fewer than 50 breweries in the United States when Carter deregulated basement beer-making; now there are more ...

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., continued to call for investigations into President Donald Trump right before the Nunes memo was released last week, but it is ... Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, John Glenn and Donald Riegle were the other four who tried to influence federal thrift regulators to back their ...
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, unaccustomed to being on the wrong end of a bum deal, has been getting one at the hands of some California political observers. ... Sen. Alan Cranston's difficult re-election campaign in 1986. ... Since then, the senator and I have not been on each other's holiday greeting-cards list.

Both home-state senators receive a blue slip, and each senator must return a positive blue slip for a judicial nominee to be confirmed — with only three ... George H.W. Bush, was confirmed to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California over the objection of Democratic Senator Alan Cranston.
Senator Alan Cranston had phoned Schlesinger, warning about “the need for keeping a berserk president from plunging us into a holocaust.” ..... Ted Lieu and Sen. Ed Markey introduced legislation in January that would prohibit a president from launching a first nuclear strike absent a congressional ...
It's important “to remember Morse's record on behalf of justice for all people,” says Mueller, who moved back to Eugene in 1993 after working in the office of U.S. Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., for 24 years. “And because I think it's an unknown part of his legacy.” The photo plaque idea was conjured by ...
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who has served with distinction in the U.S. Senate for 25 years, must decide soon if she will run for re-election next year when she will be 85. Will she, like Mays, choose to persist when her skills have diminished? I have known the senior senator throughout her career. As a White ...


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