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updated Mon. August 19, 2024

Gaylord Nelson.) When she broke up with him, he killed her and kept her in a trunk in his apartment for 18 months until this was discovered because of a foul smell. Just after Einhorn was arraigned but before he went on trial for murder, he managed to leave the country and remain on the lam for 23 years, ...

Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day Founder who worked to preserve the St. Croix as the U.S.'s first official wild and scenic river, should be Congress' role model. About pseudo-environmental groups that profess grave concern about vanishing national resources, but promote unsustainable immigration levels, Sen.
Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day Founder who worked to preserve the St. Croix as the U.S.'s first official wild and scenic river, should be Congress' role model. About pseudo-environmental groups that profess grave concern about vanishing national resources, but promote unsustainable immigration levels, Sen.
In fact, the heavily-polluted Cuyahoga had combusted several times before, and in worse ways, but in the aftermath of the oil spill, the flaming Cuyahoga became a symbol of America's growing environmental problems. Against this backdrop, Wisconsin's Senator Gaylord Nelson, an avid canoeist, applied his staff to the task ...
He said the presentation will discuss heroic figures in the environmental movement such as Teddy Roosevelt, Rachael Carson, Gaylord Nelson, Lois Gibbs and the environmental legacies of Robert H. Jackson as well as Stan Lundine will also be looked at. “What ecological disasters can we learn from?
As Gaylord Nelson (former US Senator and founder of Earth Day) said, 'The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the natural environment, not the other way around.' Both groups therefore bemoan the subsidies given to the other, as governments try to satisfy the third need expressed in the trilemma: ...
He's wrong. Earth Day's legacy was finished even before it got off the drawing board in April 1970. That's because five years earlier, when our population stood at 195 million people, Congress passed the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that its champion Sen. Ted Kennedy said would not result “in our cities ...
Earth Day founder Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin gave the following speech in Denver, Colo., on the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970: I congratulate you, who by your presence here today demonstrate your concern and commitment to an issue that is more than just a matter of survival. How we survive is ...
"Roy and Charlotte saw scientific research and the study of the natural world as a cornerstone to their work in conservation-related education, policy and public leadership," the news release said. It's an honor to be inducted into an organization which includes John Muir, Aldo Leopold and Gaylord Nelson, ...
His Senate colleagues, including some who had turned hard against the war, like Wisconsin's Gaylord Nelson and South Dakota's George McGovern, were urging him not to run, fearing that a divided Democratic Party would only hand the reins of power to Richard Nixon. His advisers from JFK's days, and ...


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         gaylord nelson

US Senator:
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         barbara boxer
         barbara mikulski
         ben nelson
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         daniel akaka
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         dennis deconcini
         dick durbin
         donald w. riegle
         elizabeth dole
         evan bayh
         frank lautenberg
         gary hart
         gaylord nelson
         george allen
         george voinovich
         gordon smith
         harry reid
         jack reed
         james inhofe
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         keating five
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         larry craig
         lincoln chafee
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         ted kennedy
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         thad cochran
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         zell miller