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updated Sat. June 1, 2024

According to documents obtained by the Record newspaper through the state's Open Public Records Act, the $85,000 price tag is more than the combined $74,500 that his three Democratic predecessors, Jon Corzine, Richard Codey and Jim McGreevey, paid for their portraits. However, Marengo said, it ...

In the past dozen years only once has a non-presidential election achieved a turnout of over 50 percent -- in 2009, when the ballot was topped by a gubernatorial race between Christie and Jon Corzine. Turnouts in primaries over that same period, including presidential election years, averaged only around ...
Republican Gov. Christine Todd Whitman collected $244 million from a 1996 collection initiative, and Democratic Gov. Jim McGreevey tallied $277 million from a 2002 amnesty program. But it was Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine's 2009 tax amnesty that was by far the most successful, raising $725 million for a ...
Gov. Phil Murphy's first big report card with voters is in, and here's how it went: He's got a 44 percent job approval rating. And that's not so bad compared to the two previous governors at this point in their administrations: Republican Chris Christie and Democrat Jon Corzine. The survey by Monmouth ...
Jon Corzine, when contributions were cut by more than half and then trickled to a halt. The Federal Communication Commission has been calling out states, including New Jersey, for failing to make the upgrades. In a report to Congress, the FCC said implementing NextGen 911 would save more than ...
The $85,000 cost of the portrait is the highest for a governor since Democrat Jim Florio paid $58,000 for his. Christie's three immediate predecessors — Jon Corzine, Richard Codey and Jim McGreevey, all Democrats — paid a combined $74,500, according to past news reports. Story continues after photo ...
Gov. Phil Murphy's inaugural bash pushed first-quarter fundraising and spending by state parties to a decade-long high, according to New Jersey's campaign finance watchdog. The two state parties and four legislative leadership committees raised $1.9 million and spent $1.8 million during the first three ...


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