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updated Sat. August 3, 2024

The former U.N. Ambassador and long-serving United States senator's efforts on behalf of Israel and against anti-Semitism are many. But the battle against the resolution has, deservedly, taken on a special status. Moynihan had never been to Israel, but, as he noted, the resolution, “reeked of the totalitarian ...

Moreover, politicians and corporate managers can seize on the predicted bankruptcy to do what they wanted to do all along. Senator Daniel Moynihan once pointed out that if people think Social Security is broke, it's easier to shut it down. No matter who makes it, the bankruptcy charge is a direct political ...
“There used to be this concept, [as the later Senator] Daniel Moynihan used to say: 'You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.' Facts are irrefutable. Well, it turns out people are saying: 'No, facts are not irrefutable. We can decide whatever facts that we want, that we would like.' Right now ...
In a political environment where "truthiness," lies and reckless opinions muddy the waters, a founding father's faith in facts may be what saves us, says author Kurt Andersen: As a teenager, I was blown away by the idea that "truth is all relative," that reality is a matter of opinion. Then I grew up, and decided ...
The late Sen. Daniel Moynihan once told a political opponent, "You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts." Though this statement was made more than 20 years ago, never has it been more meaningful than in the deluge of digital media we are subjected to today. Never in human history ...
Sen. Robert Dole, Republican of Kansas, left, with Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Democrat of New York, on Capitol Hill in 1993. AP Photo/John Duricka ... With Senator John McCain's heroic return and Vice President Mike Pence's tie-breaking vote on a health care bill July 25, Senate Republicans ...
The concourse, Cuomo touted, means LIRR customers never have to go into Penn Station again. The concourse is the first phase of the Moynihan Train Hall, which was first proposed by the late Sen. Daniel Moynihan more than two decades ago. Schumer credited Cuomo with getting the project underway ...
... completed in March, 1965, became one of the most controversial documents of the twentieth century. Best known as the “Moynihan Report,” it launched the career of its author, who became a professor at Harvard University, a top adviser to President Nixon, and a four-term U.S. senator representing New ...
On Wednesday, the Urban Institute released a new report that revisits a famous study conducted almost 50 years ago by the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan. The original study, "The Negro Family: The Case for National Action," was written by Moynihan when he was an assistant secretary at the U.S. ...


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