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updated Fri. July 5, 2024

The Houthis have waged war against the Yemeni government for years, but both the size of the group and its conflict with the government swelled after the Arab Spring. The Houthis have also come into conflict with Saudi Arabia, which neighbors Yemen. The Saudi government officially recognizes ...
The United States' singular focus on defeating Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has allowed the U.S. to blindly provide financial, technical, and logistical support to problematic partners in the Yemeni government and the region, and indirectly contributed to the crisis that exists in Yemen today.

While we conclude that the primary justification for ongoing military operations in Yemen is consent by the Yemeni government, each form of U.S. military involvement ... Rather, it is providing assistance to a multinational coalition that is intervening at the request of the recognized government of Yemen.
President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi met on Monday President of Yemen Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi within the framework of the 2018 Arab League summit held in Saudi Arabia. Spokesperson of Egypt's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bassam Radi stated that the two presidents discussed developments regarding the ...
Badi stressed that the government's priority is to resolve the situation of workers in Aden and the rest of the Yemeni provinces, indicating that the return of the Yemeni government to Aden is a “message to the inside and outside that Yemenis only accept the legitimacy of Yemeni President Abd Rabbu ...
However, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, in an interview with TIME magazine, said the coalition had not deployed ground troops to Yemen, but would be willing to send them if the Yemeni government so required. "It's a battle between Yemeni people, Yemeni government trying to get rid of the ...

The weakest by far, is the Houthis, who ousted the legitimate Yemeni government in 2014. Less than 10% of Yemen are aligned with the Houthis, which means that they have almost no support from the Yemeni people and practically no influence in South Yemen. The Yemeni Civil War has been raging for ...
London, 05 Apr - The Governor of Hadramout in Yemen has denied allegations of secret prisons in his province and said that Iran and Qatar are making these claims for political reasons. Major General Faraj Salmeen al-Bahsani said that human rights groups who visited the region had seen the prisons ...
Speaking at the United Nations' conference in Geneva, Yemen's foreign minister on behalf of his government called for peace talks to resume to end the deadly civil war that has left hundreds dead, raging in its fourth year, and left 22 million people in urgent need of aid and assistance. For the past four ...
On Friday, Yemeni government forces cut off a vital rebel supply route in the county's south after seizing two mountains between Lahj and Taez provinces. Troops and fighters of the Popular Resistance militia captured Al Hashama and Al Santral mountains to the north of the Karesh front, which overlook the ...
United Nations envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths was in the country's temporary capital, Aden, on Saturday for the first time since his appointment as successor to Mauritania's Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, informed Yemeni government sources said. The UN envoy will meet with a number of government ...
According to Saba Net, bin Dagher said during a meeting on Thursday with the British ambassador to Yemen, Michael Aron, that the Yemeni government and people highly appreciate British efforts to achieve security and stability in Yemen. He also praised UK's support for the legitimate Yemeni ...
Saudis pay the army. Saudi planes provide air cover, fire the artillery and use special forces to work with the lightly armed Yemeni government troops. This month, Saudi Arabia had to drop $2 billion in the Yemeni central bank to stave off a currency collapse. Yemen's president does not even live in Yemen; ...
SANAA: Two Yemeni government ministers announced their resignations Wednesday in a gesture of protest, claiming that Saudi Arabia has for months now prevented Yemeni President Abed Rabbou Mansour Hadi from returning home. The kingdom, which backs Hadi's internationally recognized ...
Earlier, Griffiths arrived in Amman, Jordan, and is expected to visit a number of capitals in the Gulf, including Riyadh, where he will meet with leaders of the Yemeni government and political supporters of legitimacy. He will also hold talks with the ambassadors of the countries concerned with the Yemeni ...
Refugee groups are calling on the president to take stronger action to ease the suffering of some three million people displaced by the fighting between the Yemeni government and Houthi rebels, who are backed by Iran. In addition to lunch at the White House, Prince Mohammed is expected to have dinner ...
The Yemeni government hailed the new envoy's emphasis on the three references, saying it would positively deal with his diplomatic efforts and proposals. “The Yemeni government welcomes the assumption of the role of the new envoy and reaffirms its support for his mission, as it did with his predecessor, ...

Aden, Rajab 03, 1439, March 20, 2018, SPA -- The Yemeni government welcomed the statement made by Martin Griffith in Oman who is making his debut as the new UN envoy to Yemen, citing his confirmation on the importance of working hard to facilitate a comprehensive political process based on the ...
The U.S. is providing intelligence, reconnaissance and midair fighter refueling for Saudi Arabia, which is fighting on behalf of the Yemeni government in what some say has become a proxy war against Iran, which is supporting the Houthi rebels in that nation. The U.S. military is currently investigating a ...
DUBAI: The Yemeni government has denied conducting any negotiations with the Iranian-backed Houthi in Riyadh, Saudi state-news channel reported. Yemen's government denounced what Reuters news agency published as “misleading news” on the matter. The government renewed its firm stance and ...
... the United Nations Security Council, fully understands the reasons for and supports the Saudi Arabia-led international coalition — in which the UAE is proud to be playing an important role — that is acting on UN Security Council resolutions to restore the legitimate government of Yemen and counter Iran's ...
“Such projects lie within our well thought out strategy to meet the needs of different segments of Yemeni society to assuage their suffering and help bring life back to normal following the coup perpetrated by the Houthi militias against the internationally recognised government of Yemen,” he added.
“We explained at length that it came at the request of the Yemeni government, stressing that the legitimate government must return to its place.” Qattan said that Houthi missiles targeted the Kingdom's cities and the two holy cities, and this was a red line. The Kingdom would defend its territory, even if this ...
The ministers backed measures taken by the Yemeni government aimed at ending the coup and restoring security and stability to all Yemeni governorates. The council underlined commitment to preserve Yemen's unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and reiterated rejection of any ...
Ibb: The eastern and northern fronts of Taizz city continued to experience fierce armed clashes between forces loyal to the Government of Yemen (GoY) and Ansar Allah during the reporting period. Sporadic armed clashes have been ongoing in Jabal Habashy, Sabir AlMawadim, and Al Maqbanah districts ...
The Yemeni government and central bank are unable to solve the unpaid salaries crisis of government employees amid an economic crisis that has left devastating humanitarian conditions in the war-torn country. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah. Bundles of Yemeni currency are pictured at a post office before ...
Yemeni government called on the United Nations to save the Red Sea from a possible environmental disaster caused by the oil spill off the coast in Hodeidah. This came during a statement by the Yemeni Foreign Minister Abdulmalik al-Mekhlafi, at the sidelines of the meeting of Arab foreign ministers held ...
Saif al-Haderi, president of al-Shomou Foundation, told CPJ the attackers arrived in vehicles and wore uniforms consistent with the "Security Belt" forces that operate in and around Aden, the seat of the internationally recognized Yemeni government. The forces are under the control of the Yemeni ...
In other news, Yemeni government sources reported on Friday that Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr left Riyadh for Cairo for treatment. After finishing his medical treatment, the PM will return to the temporary capital of Aden to continue the government's tasks of normalizing the situations in liberated ...
"The Yemeni government is committed to not paying any money to terrorist groups in Yemen," he added. He pointed out that the militants must abide by the international resolutions and stressed that the Houthi militias are moving children from schools to the front lines. He also called for the protection of ...
New York: The United States has threatened unilateral action against Iran after Russia vetoed a western bid for the United Nations Security Council to call out Tehran for failing to prevent its weapons from falling into the hands of Yemen's Houthi group. "If Russia is going to continue to cover for Iran then the ...
An armed personnel carrier belonging to the Yemeni government troops head to the frontlinein Hodeida. At least 100 Al Houthis were killed in fighting in Hodeida. Published: 17:38 February 20, 2018 Gulf News. Saeed Al Batati, Correspondent. SMALL; MEDIUM; LARGE. Al Mukalla: At least 100 Al Houthis have been killed ...
The Yemeni government is determined to confront the Iranian-backed Houthi militias before powerful foreign players. Human Rights Minister Mohammed Askar told Asharq Al-Awsat that the government will focus on countering the false reports, propagated by the Houthis, on the human rights conditions in ...
SANA'A - Efforts by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to calm tensions between the internationally recognised government of Yemen and the secessionist Southern Transitional Council (STC) seem to have made progress, despite both sides blaming the other for deadly clashes that broke out in ...
In its first official meeting in Aden on Wednesday since the chaotic events there, the Yemeni government made calls for a reconciliation and for ridding political tension – it also demanded launching an investigation that includes accusations of corruption made by Southern Transitional Council against the ...
Yemeni government forces retake strategic town in south-west. Forces backed by air strikes from the Saudi coalition have taken control of the town of Hays after two weeks of fierce fighting against Shia rebels. A man inspects rubble after a Saudi-led coalition airstrike in Sanaa, Yemen ( 1 A man inspects ...
Saudi Arabia and the UAE have called on Yemeni government fighters and southern secessionists to focus their efforts on fighting Houthi rebels, in an apparent attempt to end a standoff between the two sides in Aden. Emirati-backed separatists took over large parts of the southern port city earlier this week, ...
Saudi Arabia and the UAE have called on Yemeni government fighters and southern secessionists to focus their efforts on fighting Houthi rebels, in an apparent attempt to end a standoff between the two sides in Aden. Emirati-backed separatists took over large parts of the southern port city earlier this week, ...
Additionally, AQAP continues to control territory in remote areas in southern Yemen and uses these bases to launch attacks against the Yemeni government as well as plot attacks against the West. In mid-December 2017, the US killed Miqdad al Sana'ani, who was described as an “external operations ...
Saudi Arabia has affirmed its continuing support for the Yemeni government and determination to assist it to restore security and stability to the country. ... In 2016 the Yemeni government moved the central bank to its second city Aden from the capital, where the Houthis operate their own rival central bank.
Yemeni government fighters wait on the front line of the battle against Houthi rebels outside Sanaa. Yemeni forces in the east of the country seized control of coastal routes used by Al Qaeda in Hadramawt province on February 14, 2018. Glen Carey / Bloomberg. Several Yemenis accused of being ...
Nahla Arishi, a pediatrician, checks a boy infected with diphtheria at the al-Sadaqa teaching hospital in the southern port city of Aden, Yemen December 18, 2017. REUTERS/Fawaz Salman. Aden - Asharq Al-Awsat. The Yemeni government on Thursday renewed its call for the decentralization of aid by ...
“They took advantage of gas and fuel shortages in Sanaa three years to lead a coup against the legitimate government of Yemen and now they sell people gas and fuel in the black market with a mark-up price of 500 per cent,” he said on Twitter on Sunday. The Yemeni government – which is backed by an ...
A Yemeni government fighter sits with his machine gun after returning from the front line in the battle against Shiite-Houthi rebels in the mountainous region outside Sanaa, Yemen, on Jan. 31, 2018. A Yemeni government fighter sits with his machine gun after returning from the front line in the battle against ...
A Yemeni government minister has accused the United Arab Emirates of trying to fragment the country by creating regional and tribal armies in the south. Yemen's Transportation Minister Saleh al-Gabwani said the UAE-backed troops cut off his convoy on Sunday while he was en route to inaugurate a new ...


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