updated Tue. May 7, 2024
April 19, 2018
J.K. Rowling, the non-Jewish author of the Harry Potter series, decided to weigh in on Wednesday, defining anti-Semitism for her 14.4 million Twitter followers. She posted a screen grab of a non-Jew gentile-splaining what Judaism is — “Judaism is a religion not a race” — and gently explained why this isÃâà...
Sputnik International
April 19, 2018
“When you only understand bigotry in terms of "pick a team" and get a mind- boggling response,” J.K. Rowling tweeted in response to the remark. She made good use of a GIF featuring Hugh Laurie captioned “The 'Arabs are Semitic too' hot takes have arrived #Antisemitism,” responding to a gaggle ofÃâà...
Bristol Live
April 18, 2018
St Michael's CofE Primary School in Linden Close, Winterbourne, was once home to JK Rowling, who went on to become one of the most-loved authors in the world when she created Harry Potter. The school says it has has now received an 'anonymous donation' to help children with their literary work.
April 17, 2018
J.K Rowling is, undisputedly, royalty when it comes to putting pen to paper. The creator of Harry Potter has used her way with words to create an escape for millions of fans around the world. But her ability to put the written word to good use isn't limited to paperbacks. With over 14 million followers on Twitter,Ãâà...
BBC News
April 10, 2018
A mission to take children out of poorly-run orphanages could be something from a Harry Potter plot. But that is the goal of a charity founded by JK Rowling. The charity, Lumos, works with governments in countries like Moldova and Ukraine to reform their education and child protection systems. But it is aÃâà...
The Guardian
March 28, 2018
Not to read, but because the 55-year old's conviction is a sharp reminder of the inflated prices paid for first editions of the epic children's series, especially if JK Rowling has scrawled her name in them. Even signed first editions of her adult debut, The Casual Vacancy, head towards four figures. The stolenÃâà...
March 23, 2018
Everyone's heard the old excuse about the dog eating the homework. This one's way, way better, though. SEE ALSO: 11 times J.K. Rowling tweeted awesome writing advice. It started when the official QI account shared this glorious fact about the Large Hadron Collider on Thursday: In April 2016, the LargeÃâà...
March 22, 2018
Beloved author and outspoken Twitter user J.K. Rowling found herself in the middle of a social media flare-up on Wednesday after she accidentally liked a tweet that some users called "transphobic." The tweet in question was meant to highlight the struggles women have long endured in parliament, but itsÃâà...
March 21, 2018
J.K. Rowling isn't one to steer clear of mental-health issues. She's been open with her fans about her struggles with depression, and now she's offering some guidance about her go-to self-care practice for when she's feeling down. Many of Rowling's fans grab their prized stack of Harry Potter booksÃâà...
Radio Times
March 5, 2018
Over the last few months fans have fallen in love with Strike, the BBC adaptation of JK Rowling's detective series (written under the penname Robert Galbraith) that stars Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger as a couple of private detectives dealing with unusual cases in the heart of London. However, theÃâà...
Radio Times
February 25, 2018
JK Rowling's third Cormoran Strike novel finally arrives on BBC1 – but who are the actors bringing the characters to life? Tom Burke as Strike in Strike: Career of Evil. Sunday, 4th March 2018 at 9:00 pm. Robert Galbraith's Cormoran Strike is back for the third in a series of crime-solving adventures, written by JK Rowling.
Deseret News
February 21, 2018
New York Times talks to J.K. Rowling ahead of 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' Broadway debut. By Herb Scribner @HerbScribner. Published: February 21, 2018 2:00 pm Updated: Feb. 21, 2018 2:17 p.m.Ãâà...
February 21, 2018
J.K. Rowling often goes after people on Twitter, but usually she reserves her magical takedowns for trolls or politicians. Not today, though. This morning, the subject of her wrath was something entirely different: an emoji. SEE ALSO: 11 times J.K. Rowling tweeted awesome writing advice. It started with thisÃâà...
New Statesman
February 10, 2018
But while Alice loves everything about Harry Potter (she has read each of the seven books 14 times), she does not like JK Rowling. “I strongly dislike her,” Alice (who does not wish to disclose her surname) says. “I just think she wrote many beautiful things in Harry Potter, but she doesn't live up to them inÃâà...
EW.com (blog)
December 31, 1999
To read more books news, pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly on stands Friday, or buy it here now; you can also get the Elisabeth Moss cover online or at Barnes & Noble. Don't forget to subscribe for more exclusive interviews and photos, only in EW. Tomi Adeyemi is in yet another airport,Ãâà...
December 31, 1999
The author teased fans with a Twitter post on Tuesday morning (February 27) when she alluded that she's found an ending for her private investigator protagonist Cormoran Strike. "Today, at long last, Strike thinks he knows who did it," Rowling said in the tweet. Today, at long last, Strike thinks he knowsÃâà...
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