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updated Fri. July 26, 2024

THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN: The real next war in Syria: Iran vs. Israel. Posted 5:00 a.m. Tuesday. Leave this field blank. Your e-mail address:* ... EDITOR'S NOTE: Thomas L. Friedman is a columnist for The New York Times. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and 1988 for his international reporting.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Imagine if you could gather thousands of writers in a circle to discuss one question. What would optimist Thomas L. Friedman say about intervening in Syria, for example? Would chaos theorist Santo Banerjee concur? Google now has a way to convene that kind of ...

Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times: Vladimir Putin has undertaken so many actions in recent years that contributed to the weakening of Russia's economy and human capital base that you have to wonder whether he's secretly on the CIA's payroll. Read more. Paul Krugman, New York Times: On the ...
President Trump's steadfast reluctance to say anything negative about Russia is so striking that a former director of national intelligence, James Clapper, once observed that Vladimir Putin manages Trump as if he we were a Russian intelligence “asset.” He may be. But if I were a Russian citizen, I'd be ...
Eeditor's note: Thomas L. Friedman is an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1983, 1988 and 2002 for international reporting and commentary. There is so much news these days that it's hard to distinguish one big story from another. But for me the most ...
In his book Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist's Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2016), Thomas L. Friedman explains the convergence of three tectonic forces — technology, market globalization, and climate change — that are prompting rapid transformation.

Friedman: Get me back my turkey [Opinion]. By Thomas L. Friedman. March 22, 2018 Updated: March 23, 2018 10:44am. 1. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin talk as they make their way to take. Photo: JORGE SILVA, Contributor / AFP/Getty Images. President Donald Trump and Russian ...
Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin each started by – metaphorically speaking – stealing a turkey. And when we didn't respond, they kept ratcheting up their wretched behavior to the point where Trump thinks he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and Putin thinks he ...
Many years ago, the Israeli Bedouin expert Clinton Bailey told me a story about a Bedouin chief who discovered one day that his favorite turkey had been stolen. He called his sons together and told them: “Boys, we are in great danger now. My turkey's been stolen. Find my turkey.” His boys just laughed and ...
Many years ago, the Israeli Bedouin expert Clinton Bailey told me a story about a Bedouin chief who discovered one day that his favorite turkey had been stolen. He called his sons together and told them: “Boys, we are in great danger now. My turkey's been stolen. Find my turkey.” His boys just laughed and ...
In an event organized by The New York Times and How To Academy, Mr. Harari gave his predictions to the Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman. Humans, he warned, “have created such a complicated world that we're no longer able to make sense of what is happening.” Here are highlights of the ...
One of the hardest things to accept for all of us who want Donald Trump to be a one-term president is the fact that some things are true even if Donald Trump believes them! And one of those things is that we have a real trade problem with China. Imports of Chinese goods alone equal two-thirds of the global ...
In a recent column in The New York Times, Thomas L. Friedman faulted President Trump for the following: Failure to give a national address to the nation detailing the ongoing assaults by Russians on our democracy. Failure to meet with department heads of all the security agencies to formulate a plan of ...
Thomas L. Friedman, a columnist of the first order wrote recently about the utter gutlessness of our political leaders who are more afraid of their $174,000 annual paychecks and free parking at Reagan National Airport that they just look the other way when it comes to dealing with a problem that is killing ...
Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times: It's only a matter of time before King Salman turns over the reins of power to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who's already the effective ruler. MBS is not a democrat, nor is he interested in promoting democracy. He's a modernizing autocrat. Read more.
Mr. President, in advance of the visit by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a.k.a. M.B.S., I want to share some thoughts: It's only a matter of time before King Salman turns over the reins of power to M.B.S., who's already the effective ruler. M.B.S. is not a democrat, nor is he interested in promoting ...
'Code red': The article about Donald Trump Americans can't stop reading. donald trump. Thomas L Friedman's (left) impromptu op-ed may be the most dire warning Americans have received about their government. Photo: TND. Thomas L Friedman. Share. Tweet Share Reddit Pin EmailComment.

President Donald Trump is either totally compromised by the Russians or is a towering fool, or both, but either way he has shown himself unwilling or unable to defend America against a Russian campaign to divide and undermine our democracy. That is, either Mr. Trump's real estate empire has taken ...
Our democracy is in serious danger. President Trump is either totally compromised by the Russians or is a towering fool, or both, but either way he has shown himself unwilling or unable to defend America against a Russian campaign to divide and undermine our democracy. That is, either Trump's real ...
Two weeks ago, standing on the Syria-Israel border in the Golan Heights, I wrote a column positing that this frontier was the “second most dangerous” war zone in the world today — after the Korean Peninsula. Your honor, I'd like to revise and amend that column. Having watched the opening ceremony of ...
TEL AVIV — It is hard to spend a week in Israel and not come away feeling that Israelis have the wind at their backs. They've built an awesome high-tech industry, and everyone's kid seems to work for a start-up. Even Israeli Arabs have caught the bug — the number studying for B.A. degrees at Israeli ...
After violent protests recently exploded across Iran, President Trump vowed to differentiate himself from President Barack Obama by openly tweeting his support for the demonstrators. It had no effect, though. One reason is that Trump could never send the really killer tweets — the ones that might have gone ...
Donald Trump poses a huge dilemma for commentators: to ignore his daily outrages is to normalize his behavior, but to constantly write about them is to stop learning. Like others, I struggle to get this balance right, which is why I pause today to point out some incredible technological changes happening ...
I'm contemplating writing a book on the first year of President Trump's foreign policy, and I already know the name: “The Art of the Giveaway.” In nearly 30 years of covering United States foreign policy, I've never seen a president give up so much to so many for so little, starting with China and Israel. In both ...
Mumbai, INDIA — In a recent MSNBC interview I described President Trump as a “brain-eating disease.” I did so because his indecent behavior, and nonstop outrageous tweets and actions, force you as a commentator into a terrible choice: either ignore it all and risk normalizing Trump's excesses or write ...
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — I never thought I'd live long enough to write this sentence: The most significant reform process underway anywhere in the Middle East today is in Saudi Arabia. Yes, you read that right. Though I came here at the start of Saudi winter, I found the country going through its own Arab ...
There is a saying — “When you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there” — and it perfectly sums up the contrast between China's President Xi Jinping and President Trump. Xi has been brilliant at playing Trump, plying him with flattery and short-term trade concessions and deflecting him ...
To understand the upheaval that is taking place in Saudi Arabia today, you have to start with the most important political fact about that country: The dominant shaping political force there for the past four decades has not been Islamism, fundamentalism, liberalism, capitalism or ISISism. It has been ...
And then there was one. In March I wrote a column in the form of a memo to Secretary of Defense James Mattis, National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster, then-Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly, C.I.A. Director Mike Pompeo and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. It began: “Dear Sirs, I am writing you ...
Ever since the Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iran and Israel have been fighting each other in the shadows — through proxies, assassination squads and cybervirus attacks, but never as rival armies meeting on the field of battle. That may be about to change, and if it does, it will have vast implications ...
How Mark Zuckerberg Can Save Facebook -- and Us. EDITOR'S NOTE: Thomas L. Friedman is an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1983, 1988 and 2002 for international reporting and commentary.
There is so much news these days that it's hard to distinguish one big story from another. But for me the most consequential story of late was that a self-driving car operated by Uber — with an emergency backup driver behind the wheel — struck and tragically killed a woman on a street in Tempe, Ariz.
What a shame, because we're struggling right now to forge a healthier sexual dynamic between men and women and to stop young men from exploding violently. Read more. Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times: The decision Sunday by China's Communist Party to abolish the country's presidential term ...
On Monday, 370 of New York's most powerful men and women turned out in support of the prestigious Women's Board of the Boys' Club of New York, who hosted their annual Winter Luncheon. Co-chair Kristen Allen invited her friend Thomas L. Friedman, Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times columnist ...
One need look only at the decision Sunday by China's Communist Party to abolish the country's presidential term limit, which will enable Xi Jinping to remain in power indefinitely, to appreciate that it's springtime for strongmen — and nobody has to worry what America thinks about that. Just being ...


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