updated Thu. June 27, 2024
Sputnik International
March 28, 2018
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The moves by the United States and its allies to expel more than 150 Russian diplomats before thoroughly investigating the poisoning of former double spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter mark a major deterioration in relations with Moscow in the direction of open war, analysts ...
November 29, 2017
Spotted: Walter Stern, Sarah May Stern, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Israel's Intelligence and Transportation Minister Israel Katz, former Sen. Joe Lieberman, Hadassah Lieberman, Hart Hasten, Rob Saliterman, Ken Weinstein, Bill Luti, Josh Landes, Harry Zieve Cohen, Noah Pollak, Scooter Libby, ...
WMUR Manchester
November 10, 2016
Those ideas were defended by those in the room, including Luti's father, Bill Luti, who served in the Navy in World War II, and said his service changed his life. "It taught me a lot about personal responsibility," he said. "It taught me a lot about taking care of myself." The display dedicated to the military took ...
September 23, 2016
Well, Im pleased to note that there will be no Yom Kippur ashamnus this evening – the Jewish equivalent of what Hudson VP Bill Luti calls the mea maxima culpa." SPOTTED -- (better list would be who wasn't there): Walter & Betsy Stern, Henry & Nancy Kisisnger, Amb Ron & Rhoda Dermer, Amb. Dan ...
January 31, 2016
“It appears the seizure by the Iranians violates several, if two or three, well-established principles of international and maritime law,” said Bill Luti, vice president of Hudson Institute, at a symposium on January 15. “The first one being, of course, being innocent passage, where ships of all states, whether ...
January 19, 2016
Bill Luti, vice president of Hudson Institute, said on Friday, “it appears the seizure by the Iranians violates several, if two or three, well-established principles of international and maritime law. The first one being, of course, being innocent passage, where ships of all states, whether coastal or landlocked, have ...
July 19, 2015
48th Annual Bill Luti Road Race. Saturday morning runners will take off from Memorial Field for the 48th time at the Bill Luti 5 Miler.By BARB HIGGINS (Open Post) Jul 15, 2015. 20150755a66d1504373.jpg ...
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