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updated Fri. April 26, 2024

Negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement have been shaken by President Donald Trump's threat to pull the U.S. out of the deal. An exit by the United States after nearly 25 years of mutually beneficial engagement would be a stunning self-inflicted wound for our nation. It would kill U.S. jobs ...

Among its 300 experts are Republicans, such as Bernanke and former Rep. David Dreier (R-San Dimas), as well as Democrats, Yellen's party affiliation. Yellen, a former UC Berkeley professor, joins three other former Fed governors affiliated with Brookings: Alan Blinder, Donald Kohn and Alice Rivlin.
Twenty years ago this week, Sonny Bono went missing. He was a Palm Springs icon, born Salvatore Phillip Bono to a Sicilian peasant and a second generation Italian-American whose marriage was arranged when his mother was 14. In Washington D.C., he was the Honorable Sonny Bono, Republican ...
Sen. Rand Paul was blunt about what would have happened Wednesday morning during an attack on a congressional softball practice without the coincidental presence of Majority Whip Steve Scalise—there wouldn't have been any Capitol Police presence, meaning no security to return fire and stop the ...
... eager to cast blame may be finding it politically expedient to point to big bad pharma, according to David Dreier, a former congressional rep himself. ... It's worth noting that during his career as a congressman, Dreier received nearly $300,000 from pharmaceutical and health product companies, according ...
Former Republican Rep. David Dreier, left, and former Commerce Secretary Mickey Kantor, a Democrat, talk during the Dreier Roundtable at Claremont McKenna College. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times). Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have said they oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which ...
Ex-Congressman David Dreier Joins Board Overseeing U-T, LA Times ... David Dreier, a former Los Angeles-area congressman, was appointed to the board of directors of Tribune Publishing Co., publisher of the Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune, the company announced Wednesday.
David Dreier, the former longtime congressman from San Dimas who chaired the House Rules Committee, is among those being approached about a potential campaign, a spokesman said Monday. The spokesman, Mark Harmsen, said “a wide variety of people (are) urging him to look seriously at a ...
Redistricting has claimed another congressional incumbent in California. Veteran Congressman David Dreier has announced he won't run for re-election. The San Gabriel Valley Republican is the seventh member of California's congressional delegation to announce his retirement. Dreier will be missed by ...


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         david dreier

US representatives:
         alan grayson
         albert wynn
         alcee hastings
         anna eshoo
         anne meagher northup
         barbara lee
         barney frank
         baron hill
         bill delahunt
         bob barr
         bob ney
         brian baird
         charles rangel
         charles taylor
         chris cannon
         chris van hollen
         christopher shays
         cliff stearns
         curt weldon
         cynthia mckinney
         dana rohrabacher
         darrell issa
         david dreier
         donna edwards
         ed royce
         edward j. markey
         elijah cummins
         eliot engel
         eric cantor
         gary ackerman
         greg laughlin
         greg walden
         gwen moore
         heather wilson
         henry hyde
         howard berman
         ike skelton
         james p. mcgovern
         james p. moran jr
         jan schakowski
         jane harman
         janice schakowsky
         jay inslee
         jeb hensarling
         jim mccrery
         jim mcdermott
         jim nussle
         john boehner
         john conyers
         john hostettler
         john m. spratt jr
         john murtha
         john shadegg
         john sununu
         keith ellison
         louise m. slaughter
         lynn woolsey
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         marcy kaptur
         marty meehan
         maurice hinchey
         michael castle
         mike pence
         mike sodrel
         neil abercrombie
         new york
         nita lowey
         peter defazio
         peter hoekstra
         peter king
         rahm emanuel
         randy cunningham
         richard e. neal
         richard pombo
         rick renzi
         robert wexler
         robin hayes
         roscoe bartlett
         rose delauro
         roy blunt
         rush holt
         sam graves
         sam johnson
         scott garrett
         steny hoyer
         stephanie tubbs jones
         stephen f. lynch
         steven r. rothman
         tammy baldwin
         thelma drake
         tom feeney
         tom tancredo
         trent franks
         virginia foxx
         walter jones jr
         william delahunt
         william j. jefferson
         william lacy clay jr