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updated Sun. June 9, 2024

Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California has seen his name resurface repeatedly in association with the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Interested in Russia Investigation? Add Russia Investigation as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Russia ...

Scott Baugh challenges Rohrabacher Assemblyman Scott Baugh, R-Huntington Beach, during an Assembly session in Sacramento, Calif. The well-known Republican has declared himself a candidate in a crowded field attempting to oust longtime GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher from his seat.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher easily stands out as one of the most pro-Russia voices in the Republican Party. During the 2016 campaign, Politico called him 'Putin's favorite congressman.' The New York Times reported that Russia viewed him as an intelligence source, even giving him a Kremlin code name.
Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher has drawn a field of 15 challengers — including eight Democrats — but most dramatic was the last-minute entry of one-time ally and former county GOP Chairman Scott Baugh. After a year of campaigning by a steadily swelling Democratic field, the filing period ...
Former Orange County GOP Chairman Scott Baugh has taken out papers to run against Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, setting up a potential clash of two long-established county Republicans and former allies. Baugh and other candidates must file paperwork by 5 p.m. Friday, March 9, ...
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) announced earlier Tuesday that he planned to hold a “town hall” on Facebook to answer questions from constituents on a video live stream. Rohrabacher didn't hold an in-person town hall last year, but did hold at least three telephone town halls in 2017. His spokesman, Ken ...
Pro-Russia GOP Congressman Features Prominently In Trump Aide's Plea Document. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher has been interviewed by congressional investigators but not yet by special counsel Robert Mueller. By Akbar Shahid Ahmed ...
(CNN) Blackwater founder Erik Prince will host a fundraiser this month for Russia-friendly Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, as Prince faces new questions over a 2017 meeting currently being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller. Prince and Rohrabacher have been friends and mutual ...
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Dana Tyrone RohrabacherPoll: Trump unpopularity dragging down two vulnerable California Republicans The Hill's 12:30 Report FBI flagged Moscow-connected Russians attending Trump inauguration: report MORE's (R-Calif.) ties to Russia have become a flashpoint as the ...


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         dana rohrabacher
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