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updated Fri. June 28, 2024

Prime minister Narendra Modi's trip to Wuhan for a summit with Chinese president Xi Jinping has been preceded by much VIP air traffic between Beijing and New Delhi. Since late last year, an assortment of ministers, mandarins, and other sundry officials have flown across the Himalayas—the site of a ...
Here's the reaction of economists to a slowdown in gross domestic product in the first quarter — the weakest spurt of U.S. growth in a year. The better-than-expected reading failed to boost stocks DJIA, -0.05% possibly as investors paid attention to rising wages. Read: First-quarter GDP grows 2.3% as ...

For instance, digitalisation – the increasing prevalence of information and communication technologies, and of the internet in work and social life – is having a rapid and profound impact on the economy. One challenge it poses for economists is that it is moving whole swaths of activity beyond what we call ...
The latest economic data released by the government on Friday show inflation pressures are rising, and will lead the Federal Reserve to hike rates four times this year, one more than the three moves targeted in March, economists said. “The inflation data are flashing amber,” and justify four moves this year, ...
JOHANNESBURG - Economists say the latest fuel price hikes were largely expected given the international increase in the price of crude oil. The petrol price is going up 49 cents a litre. The Energy Department announced earlier on Thursday afternoon that from Wednesday consumers will have to cough ...
Outside the White House, no one knows what Trump is really after. However, betting on Trump just being impulsive without any strategic aims might prove very costly in the end. Economists and newspaper columnists have preached restraint in the recent trade dispute between the United States and the rest ...

Conservative economists Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore are predicting a new mass exodus of wealth from New York and California because of the new tax law. But academics who have studied taxes and migration call the forecast "pure nonsense." In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal headlined "So ...
Nigeria living in abject energy poverty – Energy Economists. On April 24, 2018 4:38 pmIn Business, News by adekunleComments. By Michael Eboh The Nigerian Association for Energy Economics, Tuesday, stated that Nigeria, despite its abundant energy resources, can best be described as a country living in abject ...
A week earlier, one of the world's great female economists shared a prestigious award for her work. One can be forgiven for being optimistic. Last week, the economist Trudi Makhaya was appointed as President Cyril Ramaphosa's economic adviser. Nelson Mandela University confirmed Sibongile Muthwa ...
Although many agree more jobs are better than no jobs, city leaders, labor experts and economists say the numbers show a mismatch between the skills desired by employers and the skills held by those in the region looking for work. “It's a serious concern,” Austin economist Angelos Angelou said. “We are ...
Washington – America's business economists are sketching a bright picture for the coming months, with a survey finding that more of their companies foresee rising sales and expect to continue hiring and raising pay. At the same time, nearly two-thirds of respondents in the latest survey by the National ...
“We want to make sure when graduates exit the college system, the types of jobs they're trained for are the types that are in the Montana economy,” she said. “So there is a short period of unemployment. That helps with student loans. And it helps reduce what economists call labor market frictions, so getting ...
Researchers at the University of Reading analysed the tweets of the 25 most-followed economists on Twitter – a list led by Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz and Erik Brynjolfsson – and compared them with the accounts of the 25 most-followed scientists, including Neil deGrasse Tyson, Brian Cox and Richard ...
Beijing. CHINA'S leaders are signalling concern that growth in the world's second-largest economy could slow due to trade and financial risks - and that they're prepared to tweak policy to avoid a sharp deceleration, economists said. Hard work is needed to meet this year's economic targets amid an ...
The smouldering trade dispute between China and the US has exposed serious flaws in the Trump administration's economic policies, according to senior commentators surveyed by SCMP, who add that the planned fiscal measures are not only unlikely to have any material impact on US GDP growth, but ...
WASHINGTON (AP) -- America's business economists are sketching a bright picture for the coming months, with a survey finding that more of their companies foresee rising sales and expect to continue hiring and raising pay. At the same time, nearly two-thirds of respondents in the latest survey by the ...
One unintended consequence of Donald Trump's protectionist impulses is that the dry details of trade policy history are now trendy. So much so that the once obscure Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 has suddenly become a headline-grabbing topic in publications ranging from NPR to Breitbart.

That's the view of a small group of heterodox economists – self-described the “deficit owls” – who say that the deficit does not pose a problem, and that the proposals to rein in the deficit represent the real threat to the nation's well- being. Deficit spending, they say, has given the government extra money to ...
That's the view of a small group of heterodox economists - self-described the "deficit owls" - who say that the deficit does not pose a problem, and that the proposals to rein in the deficit represent the real threat to the nation's well- being. Deficit spending, they say, has given the government extra money to ...
The Lamppost Theory dominates economic policy-making: Politicians use economics the way a drunk uses a lamppost — for support, not for illumination. Perhaps the best illustration of the theory is the headlines these days: the starkly different economic versus political attitudes toward international trade.
OVER the past decade economists have been intensely scrutinised for their intellectual failings in the run-up to the 2007-08 financial crisis. Yet had the recession that followed been more severe—wiping a quarter off the GDP of every advanced economy, say—those countries would still have ended up four ...
WASHINGTON — President Trump's advisers insist that the economics profession is solidly behind the administration's threat to impose tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of Chinese imports. Many top economists say, no, they're not. Across the ideological spectrum, trade experts and former top ...
Economists Leo Krippner and Michelle Lewis test their macro-financial vector autoregression model against “traditional” macroeconomic models. They deal with the zero lower bound using the concept of a “shadow” rate, a hypothetical rate that would hold if a central bank could cut rates below the lower ...
WASHINGTON — Business economists say they are optimistic that tax cuts and increased government spending will accelerate economic growth over the next two years. The latest survey by the National Association for Business Economics projects that the economy will grow 2.9 percent this year.
Yes, but: Economists are ringing alarm bells that a recession may soon follow. Mark Zandi, Moody's Analytics' chief economist, told Bloomberg that 2020 is a "real inflection point." In the short-term, some economic forecasters believe the American economy will experience historically low unemployment and rising wages, ...
Business economists are confident about growth in the U.S. economy this year, according to a new survey. The National Association for Business Economics projected the economy will expand 2.9 percent in 2018, compared to a 2.5 percent projection in December. “NABE Outlook panelists are more ...
Global economists and executives from Apple Inc.'s Tim Cook to BlackRock Inc.'s Larry Fink gathered in Beijing this weekend against the backdrop of a brewing trade war, after US President Donald J. Trump slapped tariffs on Chinese goods affecting more than $50 billion worth of products. The stakes are ...
Australia's main stock index is on Monday poised to drop below 5800, its lowest point since October, amid nervousness about a potential global trade war. Mark Schiefelbein. by; John Kehoe · Timothy Moore. Australia's main stock index is on Monday poised to drop below 5800, its lowest point since ...
But it appears that a potential solution may not be too far in sight, and this one has come from the economists. Saga has been referred to as the 'thinking person's cryptocurrency.' A bold project in creating a stable coin, the cryptocurrency will work by being tied to reserves – a basket of fiat currencies – held ...
Business economists are expressing optimism that tax cuts and increased government spending will accelerate economic growth over the next two years. The latest survey by the National Association for Business Economics projects that the economy will grow 2.9 percent this year. That would be the best ...
The National Transformation Programme (NTP) is a real reflection of Malaysia's current firm economic situation, economists said. FILE PIC. By ZARINA ZAKARIAH - March 24, 2018 @ 5:03pm. KUALA LUMPUR: The National Transformation Programme (NTP) is a real reflection of Malaysia's current firm economic situation, ...
In a two-week span, U.S. President Donald Trump ordered up an array of tariffs against numerous countries, blocked Chinese takeovers of U.S. companies and sought new restrictions on future Chinese investment. Economists are warning that the world is on the verge of an all-out trade war, featuring ...
World-renowned economists and executives were in Beijing on Saturday for the annual China Development Forum. Speaking with CNBC, many of those leading voices addressed rising trade tensions between the U.S. and China, discussing the possible impacts of a trade war. "I don't think we've ...
This week Economy Hub talked to BERL chief economist Ganesh Nana about what well-being actually means to economists. Nana outlined the " four capitals" approach that will determine Treasury's approach to economic policy: financial capital, human capital, natural capital and social capital (including ...
EDINBURGH — Internationally respected economists have decided to develop a cryptocurrency that gets around the high risks and volatility of Bitcoin and other tokens. Set to become available by the end of the year, Saga could easily become a hit – not only among cryptocurrency devotees but among ...
(AP) - Economists say Wyoming experienced its largest population drop since 1989 during the second half of the recent fossil fuel downturn. The Casper Star-Tribune reports that U.S. Census Bureau figures released Thursday say that by mid-2017, about 8,300 more people had moved out of Wyoming than ...
At first glance, it seems like an unlikely pairing: How could economists conceivably help decipher what caused the public health crisis in Flint, Michigan, in 2014-15? Statistical analysis, that's how. Sammy Zahran, an associate professor in Colorado State University's Department of Economics, calls it ...
In the years following the financial crisis, it became easy for Wall Street to ignore projections from the Federal Reserve. Relying on models built from data describing much less significant recessions, Fed economists consistently overestimated the speed at which the economy would recover and the pace at ...
Over a Third of Economists Push Back Timing of BOJ's Stimulus Exit: Reuters Poll. March 21 ... TOKYO (Reuters) - More than a third of economists polled by Reuters this month have pushed back their forecasts for when the Bank of Japan will exit its super-easy stimulus, pointing to concerns about the yen's ...
The announcement by Moody's Investors Service of the result of its scheduled review of SA's sovereign credit rating is the economic story of the week, and most economists are in agreement that the country will avoid a downgrade. A big factor that would have worked in SA's favour is the February budget, ...
Dozens of the world's top economists have called on the US to pull back from a trade war, warning that it will have ruinous consequences for the country and the wider world economy. President Donald Trump's aluminium and steel tariffs will hurt far more Americans than they will help, Chicago Booth ...
It was March 2007, China's legislature was wrapping up its annual session and Premier Wen Jiabao was about to speak at the closing press conference. The economy was seeing double-digit growth, a consumer class was rising and Beijing was soon hosting its first Olympics — there was every reason for ...
In a new study, economist Mickey Levy included a chart illustrating the inaccuracies of Federal Reserve economic forecasts. Levy is with Berenberg Capital Markets and a member of the Shadow Open Market Committee. The chart shows the Fed's year-ahead projections for real GDP (gray bars) and actual ...
In response to such assumptions or accusations, some of the world's leading economists are attempting to explain #WhatEconomistsReallyDo. This is an important effort. But I think this discussion is also a great opportunity for economists to reflect on their own prejudices, in particular those regarding other ...
Given economists' reputation for disagreement, it's a bit of shock to see complete unanimity in this week's IGM survey of 43 leading American economists conducted by the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business. Panel members answer a policy question roughly twice a month. The statement they ...
Dr. David Henderson, an economist and long-time professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, contends that economists played an important role. The case illustrates how academic research can shape public policy, hopefully for the better. Let's first consider the economics of a military draft. One argument ...
PRIVATE-SECTOR economists have flagged the threat of a global trade war as the biggest downside risk for Singapore's economy, even as they raised their 2018 growth forecast for the second consecutive time. In the Monetary Authority of Singapore's quarterly survey of professional forecasters, out on ...
The quip is designed to highlight an important truth: that most areas of empirical and theoretical economics are contested, to a greater or lesser extent. In most surveys you can rely on at least some conflicting opinions stemming from putting different weight on economic efficiency compared with ...
In response to such assumptions or accusations, some of the world's leading economists are attempting to explain #WhatEconomistsReallyDo. This is an important effort. But I think this discussion is also a great opportunity for economists to reflect on their own prejudices, in particular those regarding other ...
SAN FRANCISCO >> The Bay Area job market will outperform the nation during 2018, but skyrocketing housing prices might imperil the region's economy, two economists said Monday. “The Bay Area is defying gravity,” Jerry Nickelsburg, director of the UCLA Anderson Forecast, said during a conference ...


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